After listening to Gu Yi's explanation, Song Yihan nodded thoughtfully.

Then, something suddenly occurred to him, and Song Yihan asked again.

"Master, what is unlimited magic?"

Song Yihan had heard Atlantis talk about magic at the junior, middle and advanced levels.

But unlimited magic really touched his blind spot of knowledge.

"Infinite magic can also be called self-created magic."

Gu Yi looked at Song Yihan and answered with a smile.

"Okay, then this is still too far away from me."

Through various incidents, Song Yihan had guessed that he was very talented.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to become the disciple of the Supreme Mage Ancient One now.

However, no matter how talented you are, creating your own magic is still far away.

At this time, Song Yihan didn't know that he had already created a magic spell of his own.

Listening to Song Yihan's words, Gu Yi didn't say much.

I just sighed in my heart, feeling that Song Yihan was a real genius.

Creating your own magic is the dream of many mages, but Song Yihan has already realized it.

"Getting back to the topic, to what extent did you realize the power of space yesterday?"

Don't think too much about this kind of thing. The more you think about it, the more your heart will fluctuate.

So, Gu Yi quickly changed the topic.

It's just that it's better that Ancient One didn't change the topic here.

As soon as the topic changed here, Song Yihan's face immediately became sad.

"Are you specific? It seems that I only understood the beginning. Once the beginning was over, I immediately got stuck."

"If you get stuck in one place, you won't be able to realize it later. It's like a bottleneck."

Listening to Song Yihan's answer, Gu Yi was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't help but laugh.

"Take your time, don't rush, there is no actual combat today, I will take you to a different place."

"It happens to be quiet there. Maybe you can get some ideas there."

With that said, Gu Yi led Song Yihan and started walking.

After Song Yihan came to the academy, he basically stayed in the same few places.

And they are all in the eastern half of the college, or the northern half.

This was his first time heading towards the western half of the academy.

But what surprised Song Yihan was...

The Ancient One didn't take it somewhere in the western half of the academy.

In the end, Gu Yi took Song Yihan directly out of the academy.

Then we arrived at the westernmost edge of the Pandora Peninsula.

Looking at the sea, Song Yihan's mood was very subtle.

It felt like, suddenly, my whole body was empty.

Then, Gu Yi waved his hand.

Some seawater flew out and flew in front of the two of them.

The sea water slowly separated and turned into little water droplets.

The water droplets separate again and become extremely fine points.

Gu Yi didn't know what he read again.

Some special substances came out of her body.

After that, those tiny dots separated from the sea water.

It just turned into a gust of wind.

Yes, just a gust of wind.

But it is not the kind of wind that only exists in one thought.

Gu Yi sent this wind to Song Yihan.

After that, this wind seemed to be fixed around Song Yihan.

He would only blow here and there by Song Yihan's side.

Feeling the wind, Song Yihan felt that his thoughts and emotions had become much more emotional.

"This is the awakening magic, often used in Kama Taj."

"It's not a powerful magic, and the impact it can have is limited."

"But it can help you a little after all..."

"And this environment, I just checked your body."

"It's so dull to find your magic and thoughts."

"So, come here today. This place can refresh your mind."

After Gu Yi finished speaking, he motioned to Song Yihan to sit directly on the ground.

Song Yihan sighed in his heart, the Supreme Mage is the Supreme Mage.

There is a real skill in teaching, and letting others gain insights is not just a matter of throwing hands away.

Then, he sat down slowly according to Gu Yi's request.

After sitting down, Gu Yi didn't speak anymore, and Song Yihan didn't take the initiative either.

But his eyes couldn't help but close.

Seeing this, Gu Yi smiled slightly.

After that, he didn’t stop.

Quietly, he left the beach.

Song Yihan was left alone to meditate here.

Gu Yi thought about going to the training ground to have a look. After returning, she only paid attention to Song Yihan.

The other apprentices, to a certain extent, were really ignored by her too much.


A light wind blows across the Pandora Peninsula.

At this time, Mo Du was standing upright in the training ground.

Recently, serving Thor has been quite tiring for Modo.

If possible, he really didn't want to worry about Thor.

But unfortunately, this was a task sent by the Supreme Mage, and he had to accept it.

Alas, the Supreme Mage is really becoming more and more biased. It was obviously Song who caused the trouble, but he was asked to wipe his ass.

No matter how talented you are, no matter how smart you are, you can't bully others like this. If you are a genius, you really don't have to worry about anything.

"It seems, it seems, probably, it really doesn't matter." He sighed, Mo Duxin was extremely tired.

The only thing he can be thankful for now is that after taking care of him for the past two days, Sol's injury has improved a lot.

This allowed him to finally have some time of his own.

You can take a rest, have fun, and take time to come to the training ground to take a look.

On the training ground, Casillas is leading his apprentices.

Seeing Mo Du coming over, he quickly stepped forward and saluted: "Elder brother!"

Mordo nodded, put his hands behind his back, and stood next to Casillas very dignifiedly: "How are you doing recently?"

Casillas thought for a moment and then said: "It's just average. Some of them are even worse. It's very troublesome to teach them."

Mo Du smiled, glanced at the apprentices who were training at the training ground, and said, "There are good ones, and naturally there are bad ones. It can't be that all the colleges are composed of Song Yihan or Nan Xue, right?"

Needless to say, Song Yihan is a monster, a guy who is completely inhuman...

As for the two sisters, Nan and Xue, they are also two relatively good students that Mo Du has recently observed.

It can be said that if it were not for Song Yihan, these two people would definitely be the absolute protagonists of this issue.

He has good talent and works hard to improve. He would have been a good prospect in any previous period.

Casillas took a deep breath, shook his head and said with emotion: "That's what I say, but the problem is that the other people are a little too bad. In the past, there were two or three geniuses in each issue. It’s bad, the rest are mediocre, I think this time, there are only two or three geniuses, two or three mediocre, and the rest are just bad.”

As he said this, I don't know what he thought of, but Casillas suddenly started talking like this again.

"In today's world, I guess all the good young people have gone to believe in Dormammu, right?"

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