The last month between Harry and the Dursleys was not pleasant, but Andy went crazy at Hogwarts. Dumbledore personally acted as a security guard and Andy was able to study safely at Hogwarts, which made Lawrence almost call the police. The husband and Mrs. Lawrence, who was worried that her son would be too worried to eat, stopped criticizing Hagrid.

At the same time, Dumbledore explained to Andy's brother and sister the reason why he could not transfer to another school during a home visit. This disappointed his sister Wendy, but his brother Philip could not see any dissatisfaction. Andy wrote a letter and promised to send them some strange things. candies and snacks, which made my sister happier.

As soon as Andy arrived at Hogwarts, he felt the enthusiasm of the wizards.Hagrid knew that he was wrong and wanted to build a good relationship, so he often brought Andy into contact with some "cute little guys" that he considered to be "cute little guys". Over time, the two of them got to know each other, and he discovered that Andy was also an animal lover.

Hagrid's big dog Mao Mao could always lick Andy's head, which made Hagrid laugh. The two of them raised a bunch of snails together. Andy also rode to Buckbeak in advance, and even Hagrid secretly Taking him to see Agorak, the Acromantula promised not to eat Andy for Hagrid's sake.

Other professors are always very friendly. Professor Flitwick is unexpectedly a good player on musical instruments. Andy's piano level has skyrocketed. Professor Sprout takes Andy to plant flowers and plants, mainly based on her inspiration from Hufflepuff. The delicacies made with unique recipes are addictive; even McGonagall, the busy vice-principal, always brings some chocolate frogs to Andy when she returns to school from Hogsmeade.

Andy felt that this was most likely the result of Dumbledore's care, and even felt that the old man really liked him.

The only flaw is that Professor Snape, the black-faced bat, always forces himself to teach Andy Potions class because he is preparing for homework, and Andy always quarrels with him.

"Why do you have to get close to the medicinal materials and the crucible to smell the smell? If the smell is poisonous, won't you be poisoned?" Andy always prevented Snape from getting close to the crucible: "And don't you think the yellow color on his face is due to being smoked?"

"Mr. Potter, I'm glad you can think of your humble Potions teacher. Why don't you use your rusty brain to think about how to identify the quality of potions and the quality of potions without smelling them." Snape frowned. He raised his eyebrows and said, "In case you look bad and drink the potion, you have to report to Madam Pomfrey's."

Do you understand chemical standardized operations?

Days like this lasted until September 10st.Ten minutes before the train pulled into the Hogwarts platform, Andy rushed into the platform on Hagrid's flying motorcycle, without Dumbledore's knowledge.

Hagrid jumped down and urged Andy to ride back to the hut quickly. The snails hadn't been fed yet!

"Hurry up Andy! After feeding the snails, go to the auditorium quickly. You're going to miss the Sorting House!"

"I know! It's all the snail's fault! I can't even ride in the boat!"

"Don't blame those little guys. Besides, how many times have you ridden..." Before Hagrid could finish his words, Andy went back on his motorcycle in a hurry.

When Harry and his party crowded in front of the door, Andy walked in slowly. He saw Harry at a glance, after all, everyone was sighing around him.

"Whose toad is this?" Andy held a golden-backed toad in his hand.

"Leifu!" A little fat man rushed over and took the toad. "Thank you."

"Andy!" Harry also rushed over and stuffed Andy into his arms, making him feel the suffocating brotherly love: "This is my brother Andy! The Ron I told you. "

"So the famous savior also has a red-haired brother?" The little boy with oily blond hair said disdainfully: "Looks like the Weasley next to you. Malfoy, Draco Malfoy."

Ron was about to refute when he was interrupted by Andy: "Yes, you guessed it right, I am Andy Weasley, hello!

Ron: ? ? ?

Brother La stretched out his hand to Harry: "You will soon discover that some wizard families are superior to others, and no one wants to associate with anyone who is not good or bad."

"I think I can judge for myself, thank you." Harry refused to shake hands, Draco retracted his hand, sneered and turned away.

"Hey! When did I get a brother?" Ron came over and the three of them put their arms around each other.

"He is my brother Ron, Andy Porter."

"Well, I was playing Malfoy for fun. My name is Andy Lawrence now, after my adoptive father's surname."

"Cool, you have two families!"

"How can Hogwarts sort us into exactly which house?" Harry asked Ron.

"Should you have to pass some kind of test? George and Fred said you might have to fight a troll."

Harry took a breath when he heard this, and Andy was speechless. Isn't this just bullshit?

But Harry didn't think it was a joke, a test, fighting a troll?His greatest magical achievement so far is to imprison his fat cousin in the reptile hall.The students around them were too nervous to speak. Only Hermione kept reciting the spells she had read, and Andy looked at them with a smile and gloated.

"What to do Andy? How are we going to beat the troll? I can't do a single spell."

Okay, brother, you are still nervous now. The first thing you did when you went to school was to face the troll, and you also acted like a hero to save the beauty, and successfully formed the Iron Triangle.

"Come on, come on, let me tell you." Andy hugged the shoulders of the two of them: "Whenever you encounter difficulties, shout Dumbledore's Flying Curse. Of course, you can use Grindelwald's Flying Curse, which is more reliable."

Looking at the two inexplicable faces, Andy was extremely proud.

"Come on, they're ready over there. Now line up and follow me." Professor McGonagall came back with a serious look on her face. "Mr. Lawrence, please line up separately from Mr. Potter and Mr. Weasley. There is no need for you three to stick together in front of the door frame."

Andy stuck out his tongue, and the three people pushed and stood up.They walked out of the room, passed through the magnificent foyer, and came to a huge door. After passing through this door, it was another journey of life.

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