Two huge doors opened, and the line of freshmen quickly grew from a single file to a thick one.They squeezed through the four long tables and walked to the teacher's seat in front.

It was the first time for Andy to see the scene that he had seen in the movie countless times in such a real way.The high dome was obscured by the vast night sky, and the tip could not be seen. The moon was bright and the stars were sparse. The clouds overlapped and merged with the sky outside the school.

Under the sky, thousands of candles illuminated the hall with splendor. The little wizards looked around curiously, except for Hermione and Harry who were thinking about it.

When the team reached the teacher's seat, Principal Dumbledore stood up and began to announce the adventure locations that the new students must go to: the Forbidden Forest and the right corridor on the third floor.

Okay principal, thank you principal, we will rush there as soon as possible.

After Professor McGonagall explained how to sort the houses, the new student's attention was attracted by an old wizard's hat placed on a high stool. It twisted around on the chair, its dirty folds folded into a face. , seemed to be singing a strange song. In the noisy environment, Andy only heard one sentence: It can eat itself.

The first one to step up was Hannah Abbott, who had been sorted into Hufflepuff.

Then there's Terry Boot of Ravenclaw.

After several people, it took the hat about 3 minutes to sort Hermione into Gryffindor.

"Andy, who is that? Why is he always staring at me? And my scar hurts a little." Harry pointed to Snape who was staring into his eyes.

"It's okay, I'm here to help you and make sure he doesn't look at you." Andy looked directly at Snape, and sure enough, Snape immediately turned his face away with an unhappy expression.

"Thank you brother!"

The person who was sorted later was the upright Ron Weasley.

Then there was Neville Longbottom. He almost tripped over the steps and was so panicked that he was sorted into Gryffindor.

After reading the names one by one, Andy suddenly felt a pain in his left hand, and then he found that his savior brother was holding his hand nervously. "You know Andy, I don't want to go into Slytherin, they say almost all dark wizards come from there."

"Don't be biased. Otherwise, you can try talking to the Sorting Hat. It should respect your opinion."

"Harry Potter!" Professor McGonagall read his name, and Harry sat on the chair tremblingly. Andy could still see him muttering: "No Slytherin, no Slytherin..." ...." Dumbledore, who was sitting at the teacher's desk, was no longer calm and couldn't help but straighten his upper body.


The auditorium immediately erupted in cheers, and Dumbledore couldn't help but applaud. The Gryffindor table kept cheering: "We have Potter! We have Harry Potter!" "

"Andy Lawrence."

Andy sat on the chair, put the dirty hat on his head, the hat twisted on his head, and said roughly: "Another one, oh, it looks like..."

"Wait a minute, I want to go to Gryffindor. My savior is there, and I have to go and help him."

"You are very courageous, but you are more suitable for Slytherin, where you will achieve great achievements and it will help you achieve an extraordinary life."

"Okay, Slytherin is great too!"

"Yes... you are very suitable there." Andy seemed to hear the hat and smiled evilly: "But they unanimously decided to sort you into... Hufflepuff!"

The Hufflepuff table burst into applause, and Dumbledore on the podium also showed an imperceptible smile.

Andy was stunned for a moment, then slowly climbed off the stool, placed the Sorting Hat on the stool, and conducted an "interrogation" in public: "So, what do you mean when you say they decided that I want to go to Hufflepuff?"

"Hey hey hey..." The Sorting Hat didn't want to answer.

"I want to go to Gryffindor. You said I'm suitable for Slytherin. But in the end, I was sorted into Hufflepuff. What was your basis for the sorting?"

The Sorting Hat continued to pretend to be an ordinary hat, and the entire auditorium was silent. It was obvious that the professors had not thought of this.

"I'm going to show you why I think I can go to Gryffindor!"

The Sorting Hat saw Andy's evil smile and quickly defended: "You...I am based on tradition..."

"Clear water!" Andy snapped his fingers, and a stream of water spurted out from his fingertips, drenching the Sorting Hat. Andy could even hear him calling for help: "Oh...! Help. .....Life! Don't wash...!"

"Look, I said he has talent!" Hagrid shouted happily, banging the table with excitement. Snape struck him with a glare, and he calmed down in embarrassment.Principal Dumbledore watched all this with interest.

"Mr. Lawrence!" Professor McGonagall was furious: "Hufflepuff will deduct 5 points for your excessive behavior! You will be detained in school for labor! Under the supervision of the administrator, Mr. Filch!"

Andy put his hands in his pockets, walked down the steps proudly, followed Filch, and missed the dinner perfectly. Listening to Dumbledore's "The feast begins", Andy suddenly felt a little regretful.

Filch next to him grinned: "Well done, boy. I've long wanted to wash away that nonsense!"

It seems that Filch is still very upset about not joining the Sorting House.Andy raised his eyebrows, squatted down, picked up Mrs. Norris, scratched its chin, and the cat rolled comfortably in Andy's arms.

Andy was glad that he still had Professor Sprout's snacks in his pocket, otherwise he would have been hungry tonight.Thanks to Hufflepuff, Hufflepuff is good, Hufflepuff is wonderful!

After the labor was over, the hall was dark and empty, and the house elf's kitchen was nowhere to be found, so he had no choice but to go back to his dormitory.

After stuffing himself with snacks, working all night, and complaining to Filch about not having a wand and being tricked by the Sorting Hat, Andy was too tired and fell asleep after washing up.

What he didn't know was that his brother Harry stayed up all night because he was afraid that this was a sweet dream.

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