Harry Potter: Man at Hogwarts but no wand

Chapter 87 A Bad Banquet with a Lot of Information

"Thank you, Miss Brown, please sit down." Dumbledore's tone was not affected by the students' questions at all: "If you drop out of school, what do you want to do? Go back to a Muggle school? Or go to Beauxbatons?"

Lavender sat down, lowering her head and not daring to speak. Several unfriendly glances from the Lion Court were thrown at her. She held the spoon tightly in her hand, as if she had not yet recovered from her nervousness.

"I'm going to Durmstrang." Andy spread his hands.

"How dare you!" Sirius rushed down from the teacher's desk and walked towards Andy aggressively.Several Slytherin and Hufflepuff students stood up and stopped him with smiles.

"He was joking, Professor Sirius."

"Yes, Professor Sirius, don't worry."

"Don't be rude to students, Professor Sirius."

When Sirius Black heard this, he became even more angry: "Call me Professor Black!"

"Have you made enough trouble! Mr. Lawrence, if you really don't want to study at Hogwarts, you can better not make trouble in the auditorium. You can discuss it privately. I believe Professor Dumbledore will agree to your withdrawal." Professor McGonagall glared. Her eyes were rounded, and the peak of the wizard's hat dangled with her.

"Minerva, thank you. Unfortunately, Lawrence, life at Hogwarts has not satisfied you. Maybe you have other ideas, but as the principal, I still hope to retain you." Dumbledore said kindly : "Hogwarts respects your choice and the choices of the students here."

"I understand." Andy nodded.

"You understand, Hogwarts is the most liberal and the most focused on student growth." Sirius crossed his arms and looked at him with his mouth lowered.

"Ah? Really? I thought he meant he wanted to come and go. Anyway, there are students every year, and you are the only one missing." Andy came again, and Justin confused him hard. The students also began to discuss. Hagrid tried his best to explain to the professors. Dumbledore was speechless. Andy secretly saw the corners of Snape's mouth moving unnaturally.

"Then I can't accept this kind of school. I want to transfer to Beauxbatons." A Hufflepuff student stood up.

"Then I'll go to Durmstrang too. My father has long been hesitant about sending me to Hogwarts!" Malfoy also started shouting: "The students in that school will suffer in whatever school the saint is in. Everyone knows that these times are all aimed at him! Harry Potter, get out of Hogwarts!"

"Get out!" a student shouted next.

"Get out of Hogwarts!" someone else screamed.

"He should be fired!"

"I just said, we can't let him harm others! We can't let him drop out of school because of us!"

"Get out! Get out!" More and more people were shouting, and the whole auditorium became noisy. The professors were also at a loss. Professor McGonagall's "quietness" no longer worked.

Oh, you are awesome, Malfoy, you have risen to the top all of a sudden!Hey, that's great. My brother has blocked the shot. This is a shift in the blame!

"Malfoy, Lawrence! You two little bastards!" Sirius grabbed Andy's collar, and Justin instantly shouted: "The professor is hitting someone! Help! The professor is hitting a student!"

Well, this was a big deal. The students rushed forward. Dumbledore probably regretted having this banquet. Harry was also panicked for a moment. He didn't want to go back to the Dursleys' stairs, Privet Drive. If No. 4's family knew that he had been expelled, they would ridicule and abuse him. His dream had just begun and could not end at this moment.

"You guys fart! Harry Potter is the savior! He defeated You-Know-Who!" Just when Harry was at a loss, Ron stood on the table and shouted: "You can't believe that Lawrence -"

"Shut up, Ron!" "You swore to mother!" Gemini pulled his brother down.

"But he attacked Harry!" Ron was unwilling to do so and climbed onto the table.

"That's what Malfoy said!" Hermione stared at him. She stood up and shouted: "Harry Potter defeated You-Know-Who! We have to support him!"

"Yes! Support Potter!"

"Support Potter! Potter stays!"

"But we also need safety!" Gryffindor also began to have differences.

"That's right! Why should we suffer!" Lavender Brown spoke up again.

"Are you fools?! We will all suffer if the mysterious man is not defeated!" Hermione then shouted: "Everyone, be quiet! Listen to the professor's arrangements, aren't you afraid of deducting points?"

"Don't be afraid, I will always be at the bottom anyway!" This must be a Hufflepuff.

Andy didn't even understand what the hell these brats were yelling at each other, fighting and fighting, but if you can, don't do it!He punched Sirius in the face with one punch. Sirius wanted to beat up this filial son, but he was held back by a bunch of students and couldn't reach out.

"Sirius!" Harry saw his godfather being beaten and rushed forward to help.

"Your opponent is me!" Malfoy threw Harry to the ground with a flying jump. Andy was surprised that he had never beaten him before. He went home and practiced this, and then Goyle and Crabbe's casserole punches Just say hello to his face, which really hit Harry three times in one day.

"Stop, Malfoy!" Ron went up and pulled out his wand: "Collapse!" The red light was so powerful that all kinds of magic lights flashed everywhere in the auditorium, and the professors hurriedly went down to start a fight. , but the situation was too big to control - Hagrid didn't go down because he was afraid of stepping on others, and Professor Flitwick, Hagrid was afraid of students stepping on him.And Sirius was already pinned to the ground, which was outrageous, and he almost broke his wand.

"Quiet!" A loud female voice echoed through the auditorium.

"Ah, stop arguing, stop arguing, listen to Professor Sprout! Hey, you, you, you, stop fighting! Quickly pull away the Lion Court that is having internal strife, hurry up, beat it to death." Andy waved and everyone gradually became quiet.

"Sit down!" Andy moved to the bench honestly.

"Have a meal!"

Andy immediately stuffed a whole sausage into his mouth.

Everyone followed Andy's example and returned to their seats. Professor Sprout experienced the joy of being a principal for the first time.She immediately turned her gaze to Snape's face and stared at him with a frown.

After a long time, Snape stood up: "Leave this matter to me, I can convince him." He came to the long table like the wind under his feet. The students gave way one after another, and Snape waved his big hand and grabbed Andy Hongmao left, leaving only Andy's wailing sound like a slaughtering pig.

Then Dumbledore announced that because the Ministry of Magic wanted to capture Peter Pettigrew, dementors from Azkaban would be stationed in Hogwarts. Until Pettigrew was captured, dementors would be stationed at various entrances to the school. Although The Ministry of Magic assures that their appearance will not interfere with students' normal study and life, but Dementors are ferocious creatures, but don't let them find a reason to harm you - they will not distinguish between those they want to hunt and those who stand in their way. people.

"But we can always find happiness, even in the darkest times, as long as we light up our hearts." He said this.

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