Harry Potter: Man at Hogwarts but no wand

Chapter 86 Choice and the Future

Andy walked very fast, and Justin danced next to him: "Are you crazy? Where can you go after you drop out of school? At least wait until you graduate before you go against Dumbledore?"

Andy stopped and looked at him strangely: "Isn't this the time for you to die heroically and scare me to death? I would like to persuade you to drop out of school together. Let's go to Eton College and become an engineer and architect." Let them digest it within the magic world."

If you beat him to death, you will beat him to death. Anyway, the original plot did not reach the Muggle world. Otherwise, he would have to go to China from the UK. International students are not only safe but also have low grades and good treatment. How many teachers can Voldemort have?He can't even form a group!And if you take questions written in the [-]s, you should be able to do well in the test. Maybe you can join a junior class or something.

So the name of the book was: "Harry Potter: Dropping out of Hogwarts to take the college entrance examination". From then on, Andy took root in China and devoted himself to research, building a bright future of socialism with Chinese characteristics as an international friend of communism... ..

Okay, now this book is a cool article about urban rebirth!

"Mr. Lawrence, it seems that Draco has eaten you to death..." Lucius's silky voice interrupted Andy's intracranial self-excitement: "So much so that people inside and outside the school are talking about you." He looked at the red-haired boy playfully: "Draco will be very disappointed if you drop out."

"Hey, that person will also be disappointed, right? Justin, you go back first." Andy immediately kicked his roommate away. He couldn't let him know this dangerous information.Justin saw his roommate's persistence

"Sorry to wait, Mr. Finch-Fletchley, but it looks like you're on our side."

"Ah, it should be said that he is on my side..." Andy couldn't laugh or cry: "The main reason is that his old man doesn't accept Justin, and his parents are not wizards."

"But he won't refuse the master alchemist's apprentice, right..." Lucius held the snake's head on his cane and rubbed his thumb on the emerald green snake's eyes.

"I think it's better not to get involved with him. I understand your anxiety, but he still has a Muggle family. I mean, why don't you find other things to help you - think about how to help him regain his physical body, such as This." He took out a glass tube from his telescopic bag and filled it halfway with silver-white liquid: "This is unicorn blood without a curse."

What Andy said surprised Mr. Malfoy: "No curse?"

"That's right, something that can bring the dead back to life. For Draco's sake, I won't cheat you." Andy handed it out.

"Thank you." Lucius took it: "But you have to handle these relationships well." He glanced at Justin sideways: "I guarantee that he will not know that you have such a little companion."

"Thank you!" Andy said, and Lucius kicked Dobby hard: "Go away, you are eating everything inside and outside!"

Andy hadn't eaten enough when he was sneaked over by Sprout, so he planned to fill his stomach before dropping out of school. The two came to the cafeteria, but Justin looked worried along the way.

Sure enough, Dumbledore was already sitting in the middle of the teacher's chair at the front of the auditorium. The four tables below were occupied by Gryffindors, Ravenclaws who were short of one person, and Hufflepuffs and Slytherins who were crowded together—— There is also a little blue mixed in the middle.

The two squeezed in and were immediately warmly welcomed.

The teachers' bench was also full: Dumbledore looked a little unhappy, Professor McGonagall frowned, and Sirius stared angrily at the two people at the door.

Professor Sprout looked helpless, Snape looked like you were all seriously ill, and the other professors were watching the fun with great interest - especially Professor Waverly, who was communicating with the thick My eyes are brighter than usual under the lenses.

"Please be quiet -" Professor McGonagall knocked on the glass: "Now, Principal Dumbledore is invited to speak.

Everyone fell silent, and Dumbledore stood up: "I think everyone here is relieved after this series of turmoil. Hogwarts thanks you for being with us. Your companions are here in Hogwarts." Dara grass will return to us when it matures, but in order to entertain everyone, I decided to give everyone a short vacation of a week."

The students cheered and clapped enthusiastically. Dumbledore raised his hand and pressed down to silence everyone: "Due to the brave performance of Harry, Ron and Justin in this danger, every student 50 points for each person!”

The Gryffindor table was boiling again, but the three messy tables next to it didn't feel like much. Especially Hufflepuff was a bit complaining. 50 points was enough to deduct it, but it wasn't enough to deduct Andy for three days.

"It's okay! It's okay! Don't panic, everyone!" Andy sat up straight with fried sausage stuffed in his mouth: "I'm dropping out of school this afternoon! No more points will be deducted!"

"He's talking nonsense." A tall boy next to him smiled and pressed his head on the table: "Everyone, keep eating!"

"Ah, let me go! Who are you?" Andy was struggling under this strong arm, and the two college students headed by Justin and Malfoy watched all this with joy.

"Cedric, don't follow their nonsense!" Professor Sprout knocked on the goblet in front of her. She felt that her college was developing in a strange direction.

"Are you sure you want to drop out of school?" Dumbledore asked suddenly, and the noisy auditorium gradually became quiet.

"Andy, don't." Andy saw Hagrid's mouth, and he was waving his hands desperately towards him. Filch was also looking at him worriedly, and Snape was questioning him with his black eyes: "Ah, yes, I feel that this school is not big and safe."

"Hogwarts is the safest place in the world!" Sirius stood up.

"Are you talking about safety, the first-year dark wizard, the second-year basilisk, or the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor who is not a normal person? What kind of good person can stand such ups and downs of campus life? The British school violence pales in comparison! Andy clapped his hands: "What I said is right - then senior, you can raise your hands."

"But we have a chief wizard as headmaster." Professor McGonagall interrupted.

"Ah, Professor McGonagall, I still respect you very much." Andy was still grabbing Cedric's hand: "The chief wizard and principal asked the students to die and then gave each of them 50 points? That's outrageous!"

"You!" Sirius was about to rush down and beat him. No one else dared to speak. Only Snape looked like he was thinking.After the auditorium was silent for a long time, a voice suddenly rang out. Andy's head was pressed, and he could only see that it was a Gryffindor girl with blond curly hair.

"I think he is right, principal." The girl was a little excited, holding the spoon tightly, her voice trembling: "Although I am also very superstitious and thought he was a dark wizard at first, but I think He’s right – schools should protect students, not push them into danger!”

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