Harry Potter: Man at Hogwarts but no wand

Chapter 69 "Brave" Lockhart

Lockhart froze under Professor McGonagall's question. Everyone present was staring at him, and the Lockharts on the wall began to retreat one after another. One of them didn't even have time to take off his hair curlers.

At this moment, the door of the office was opened again, "Wouldn't this be great? The person who can solve the fundamental problem has been found, and that's this person. Lockhart, since you know the entrance to the basilisk and the secret room, then you The time to show off your glory has finally arrived." Snape walked in: "I heard from the students that you are here, but I didn't expect to meet a warrior."

The idiot king's face turned pale.

"Yes, Professor Lockhart." Hermione looked at him hopefully: "After Andy left last time, didn't you say you knew exactly where the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets was?"

"I—this, this, I—" Lohart stammered.

"Yes, Professor, you said that you have been suppressing this basilisk so that it cannot rush into the corridor and kill people!" Harry also spoke: "I should go to you to deal with it as soon as I hear that sound."

"D-did I say that? I don't remember..."

"I also remember what you said, Professor." Ron continued to add fuel to the fire: "You said that because the students live in the castle, we have to ensure our normal class life at school, so it is a pity that we don't have the opportunity to compete with it head-on! "

Except for Dumbledore and the crying Filch, the professors all began to look at him with questions and boredom - everyone saw through this lying braggart.

"Then, Gilderoy, we'll let you handle it. Tonight is a perfect opportunity for you to show off your skills. We promise not to let anyone hinder you. You can deal with that monster alone. Just go ahead and do it. !" Professor McGonagall could not tolerate such shameless people, so she angrily said these words one by one.

Lockhart couldn't get off the stage for a moment. His desperate eyes swept between his colleagues. They all had serious faces, and no one came out to help him.His lips trembled when he panicked, and the high-spiritedness that usually showed off his long list of names disappeared instantly. The mouth that "won the most charming smile in "Wizard Weekly" five times" also shrunk, looking thin and haggard. He is completely different from the handsome and unrestrained person he was in class.

Really self-inflicted!

"I...I really never...they were lying." Lockhart had an idea and in desperation passed the responsibility to the three young wizards. He shook his hair and started to show off again: "I believe you envy me. Fame, but you're wrong about the little wizard, for real"

Hermione was in disbelief when she saw the other side of her idol: "No, Professor Dumbledore, we didn't lie! You liar!" With tears in her eyes, she looked at Lockhart's proud face as he bit back, and she defended eagerly.

"bloodyhell! You bastard!" Ron's temper suddenly rose: "You fart! You -"

"Hey, Ron." Harry stopped Ron's immediate telegram: "Professor Dumbledore, you have to believe us, we have no reason to frame Professor Lockhart."

"Gilderoy, are you capable of dealing with this basilisk?" Dumbledore asked calmly.

Lockhart saw the blue eyes behind the semicircular lenses looking directly at him, and he stuttered again: "Well - well," he said, "I - I need to do well - be prepared."

"So be it, Argus, Mrs. Norris will recover by the time Professor Sprout's mandrakes mature."

"But where's Andy? Where did he take him?" Filch was still looking at Harry fiercely.

"Mr. Lawrence?" Professor McGonagall was very surprised. Does the gatekeeper have a good relationship with Andy?She defended Harry: "I think this has nothing to do with Mr. Potter. We are also looking for him. I will tell you as soon as there is news."

"Thank you, Professor McGonagall." Filch left sadly, not forgetting to glare at Potter again before going out.

The professors drove the three young wizards back to the dormitory. Until they went to bed, Ron kept scolding the idiot king Lockhart and the damn madman Filch. Harry had to calm him down before going to bed - he had to hurry up. Rest, otherwise it will delay Quidditch training, and Wood will have to use his head as a bludger to hit him with a stick.

Lockhart was not having a good time tonight. He wanted to run away, but Dumbledore spoke, and Filch dutifully guarded the door, preventing any "suspicious persons" from entering or leaving.He could only walk gingerly on the corridor, and would run to the office in fright at the slightest sound. The clatter of leather shoes could be heard throughout the second floor.He ran back and forth on the second floor for a long time when he suddenly heard a scream of crying.

Lockhart raised his wand and moved cautiously towards the sound of crying step by step. After half a century, he came to a bathroom that was in disrepair.He was very surprised. He had never noticed such a place when he was at school. Maybe there was something inside that made the little wizards reluctant to come in.

"Is there anyone there?" Lockhart looked around and walked in, his heart beating with fright: "Who is there?"

A sharp cry came from the toilet cubicle.

Lockhart momentarily thought that a female student was being bullied and hid alone to cry, so he started to show off his charm again: "Oh, poor lady, who are you and why are you crying alone here."

He walked to the partition door and knocked gently - a pale face suddenly stood in front of him through the door panel: "I am Moaning Myrtle!"

Lockhart yelled, and was so frightened by the attack that he took several steps back, rolled and crawled far away, and sat down in the water. "

When Myrtle saw his reaction, she immediately rushed towards him crying and shouting: "I knew who would care about ugliness! Poor! Miserable Moaning Myrtle!"

When he saw that the ghost was really difficult to deal with, he was afraid that he would get into trouble, so he ran away quickly, while Myrtle, who was offended, chased him crazily and cried - until Lockhart hid in his office, Jin Niang returned to the toilet unwillingly and angrily spilled water everywhere.

Lockhart had become famous at Hogwarts early the next morning - caretaker Filch said their great Defense Against the Dark Arts professor was being chased through the corridors by Moaning Myrtle.

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