Harry Potter: Man at Hogwarts but no wand

Chapter 68 Why did you come out?

Andy, who was far away in France, did not return directly to Hogwarts. He returned to 12 Grimmauld Place - no one would have thought he was there.

Kreacher was extremely happy to see his master back and was busy waiting on Andy. However, Walburga in the portrait could see that the child was lost and insisted that Andy confess - she had been the head of the Black family. , there is no danger that she has not seen before!

Andy poured out a lot of bitter words, and Mrs. Black finally understood. There were three obstacles: Dumbledore thought about the broken prophecy every day, Voldemort was eager to launch a large-scale Death Eater activity immediately, and Nico Le Mei didn't know what she was thinking. Why don't these old men retire at such an old age?

Then Andy heard the unprecedented giant telegram. He felt that if he lived to the 21st century in the future, he would never have to worry about playing CSGO European server.

Just as Andy was trying to persuade Walburga in reverse, the door was shaking violently, accompanied by waves of curses: "Damn it! This damn door is broken, open it! Open it!"

Andy motioned for Klee to open the door, and his fingers gathered a red magic light.Kreacher's fingers gradually lit up, and he persuaded: "Sir, no matter who you are, you are not allowed to defile the house of the noble Black family! Please leave!"

"Damn Kreacher, open the door for me you filthy thing!" The voice was so violent that Andy sounded familiar.

"Kreacher doesn't know you! Please leave!" Pull him down, Kreacher is here to avenge himself.

Andy nodded, and Kreacher opened the door. A dirty and skinny man fell to the floor, and his feet were pinched hard when the door closed.

"Kreacher obeyed Master Potter's orders, but Master Potter didn't cherish himself and insisted on standing on the same floor with the criminal. Kreacher felt sorry for him, oh God, what did Mrs. Black think of me? Kreacher didn't take care of me. Potter…”

"Damn Kreacher! If you say another word, you'll tear your own mouth apart." Sirius Black stared at Kreacher angrily.

Kreacher was very indifferent: "Kreacher only listens to Master Potter now,"

"Potter? Hahaha, you damn liar, how dare you pretend to be Potter?! Who are you?! Why are you at my house?" The man's eyes covered with dirt were close to crazy.

"Stop farting, this is my home now!" Andy immediately refused. Did he recognize the godfather Sirius?He frowned: "You came out at the wrong time now. Why is the Ministry of Magic so organized? No one can notice it. Kreacher wrote a letter to the Ministry of Magic and asked them to come and arrest you!"

"How dare you?!" Sirius shouted angrily.

"%^[email protected]$^%^%#!, Andy! Tell this lunatic to get out! %...%...¥" Mrs. Black seemed not to recognize her son, or... .on purpose?

"Andy?" The man on the ground frowned and muttered, as if he was surprised, but then overwhelming anger swept through his body. He rushed towards Andy as if he wanted to eat him alive, but Kreacher cast a curse on him. on the ground.

Sirius can't get up, but he's never idle. Andy is convinced. Can you always get up?Don't lie down and blackmail people!

"Uh...ma'am, this is Sirius Black..." Andy finally pointed out the fact.

"Sirius Black! Get out of my house, you traitor!"

"Andrew Sirius Potter! You bastard!"

Well, they are really a mother and a son. Andy was speechless: "Quick, quick, tie him up, don't let Kreacher make trouble here. In a moment, all the dementors from Azkaban will surround this place." , If it doesn’t work, there’s no need for the Ministry of Magic to arrest him, we’ll send him back later, and we can get a medal or something.”

Sirius's body was actually very weak, but his aura was majestic. He was still cursing when Kreacher tied him into a rice dumpling, and of course Wolgarb was scolding him.

Until Andy said bluntly: "Stop howling, you don't even have a wand to use me, your mother, and your enemy 1234 like this and that. Now you can't even use a melee mage." No way - your physical strength may not be as good as mine. Who got you out?"

Andy was speechless. The Weasley family hadn't gone on a trip yet. Why did he run away?You have to send him back. I don’t know how to put an end to this messed up world line.

Just as Sirius was about to speak, Andy waved his hand: "Forget it, I don't care why you came out. I have to send you back. Centaur language is very accurate, so there won't be any trouble."

Sirius sneered: "The centaur's prophecy... Hahahaha, Andy, have you never thought that that Sirius is you?" There has never been such a serious expression on his face: " You were born in the early morning of July 1981, 7, the moment Sirius first ascended into the sky, so your middle name is the same as mine, and I naturally became your godfather - which is why Voldemort gave up on Ron Barton, the reason for coming to your house.”

He laughed, and then yelled at Andy with all the strength of his chest: "I originally persuaded James not to have your child, even for Lily's health! But they strongly opposed it and regarded you as Treasure, ridiculous! It's a pity that I went to look for you in the ruins - until that snot-nosed guy told me that you joined the Death Eaters! I'm going to kill you, a bastard who considers thieves as his father!"

Okay, is this coming for me?Professor Snape is very quick to talk, isn't he?Andy's attention was focused on strange things again, but again, bad things happened one after another, and now it wouldn't be surprising to say that he blew up Hogwarts.

Do you blame me for everything?really interesting.

"Isn't this just a bunch of old men who are superstitious and make wild guesses about this prophecy? In the end, everyone is unhappy... Do you think I am happy to be the son of the Potter family? Don't rush me now. There are a lot of people staring at me, my dear godfather, Peter Pettigrew is still playing happily in Ron's arms, look, there are a lot of enemies, they will attack your godson first."

"Damn it." Sirius gritted his teeth: "Get out of my house!"

"Shut up, you bastard! Andy Potter is now the heir to the Black family!" Walburga couldn't help it anymore and cursed at his son.

Andy was afraid that the mother and son would continue to cause trouble and attract the Dementors, so he asked Creech to lock him up and remove all magic supplies in his house, so Sirius was locked up in the cellar. .

Andy asked Kreacher to report the situation to him through Greg every day - he had to go back immediately and ask Snape what he wanted to do by inviting this ancestor out.

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