woc?It turned out to be me?Andy panicked for a moment and wanted to leave the ballroom quickly, but was surrounded by a group of wizards.

"Hello, I'm Avery." A man stepped forward and held Andy's hand. "Andy Lawrence, it's such an honor. I know your Potions teacher very well, and we are here together. We were close friends when we were in Letling."

Andy doesn't believe it. Snape, the high-end bad-faced king, has friends?If Snape could admit it, he would kill Voldemort alone!

"Welcome back, sir, welcome back." A pair of brothers and sisters came out from behind him and greeted him excitedly: "We are Amycus Carlo and Alecto Carlo. If necessary, we Ready to help you any time!”

Andy was so frightened that he didn't know what to say. These were the notorious Carlo siblings!He found that the bustling crowd was looking at him, Lucius and Narcissa cast encouraging glances, and Draco looked a little jealous.

Stop, stop, stop!I haven't planned to join the gang yet, so don't add fuel to the flames!And Draco, why are you so jealous? This is not a good job!

Before Andy could react, he himself had already shaken hands with the dark wizards.

"I'm Nott, Mr. Lawrence. I can't believe it. I finally meet you. My son Theodore is a classmate of yours."

"What an honor, Mr. Lawrence, what an honor."

"I've heard of your name for a long time!"

"I'm so happy, Mr. Lawrence. I can't explain how I feel. I come from the Flint family. You should know that my son Marcus Flint is from Slytherin House."

"Of course I do. Excellent seeker, Quidditch captain of Slytherin House." Andy greeted nervously.How could you not know?

It was really shameful to knock Senior Wood off his broom with one stick last semester.

"Thank you, that's really flattering!" Old Flint's voice was a bit exaggerated, which attracted a burst of ridicule from the Carlo brothers and sisters.

The crowd got closer and closer, and Andy racked his brains to think of how to break through and escape.

"Wizards...witches...my loyal servants...hehehe, don't let your enthusiasm frighten us Mr. Lawrence..." for a while Thinking of the voice angrily, Andy couldn't find the source of the voice, but hearing the tone of his voice that sounded like a venomous tongue, it meant that Voldemort hadn't run away.

The dark wizards fell silent instantly, and Andy was dumbfounded. He complained in his heart: Is this old man old-hearted?Last time you were dealt with like this by Nick Flamel and you personally took action. Aren't you afraid that the Death Eaters would rebel against you and make themselves king after seeing your desperate attitude?However, he found that the Death Eaters had a strange loyalty to Voldemort. Even if his master was so weak, he didn't have the urge to break up. This brainwashing, tsk tsk tsk...

"Mr. Andy Lawrence...we meet again. Today I will hold a banquet at Malfoy Manor and formally invite you to join us..."

"Uh..." Andy was speechless for a moment and didn't know how to reply. This was the Hongmen Banquet. If he refused, he would definitely be eaten alive by the Death Eaters present. It was not that he didn't understand that people who were not from my race would have different hearts.

"Mr. Lawrence, there is no need to be so nervous. It is a supreme honor to be appreciated by the master." A man wearing a hooded wizard robe came out.

"Very well... Rabastan, very well, Mr. Lawrence, join us,

"Please forgive my presumptuous master." A familiar voice came from the door.

The savior is here!The savior is here!Professor Snape!Please accept my love!

(Do you want to be embarrassed? - The author scolded me again)

"Severus..." Voldemort's voice sounded clearly unhappy.

"Forgive me, my Lord, for questioning Andy Lawrence's qualifications to join the Death Eaters. This is his first year's report card."

Andy:? ? ? ! ! !

Two e's and four a's were clearly written on the parchment, and the only o was herbology - a class taught by their dean himself.

Seeing this poor report card, all the wizards present were stunned, and Draco almost laughed out loud.

"As his Potions Master, I find it extremely disgraceful that his abilities are even below the average first year level, that he is under-talented, trouble-making, and overly curious. Am I right? Mr. Lawrence. "

"Yes..." Andy walked down the slope. He was already dead anyway, so he could use it to escape.

Could it be my fault?Can you blame me? !Can you tell me which of these subjects, apart from History of Magic and Herbalism, does not require a wand? !

"Besides, you look as cowardly as a mouse." Snape glanced at Andy and then continued to hit him.

Voldemort pondered for a while, and he also doubted Andy's ability.

"Forgive me for interrupting, Master. After all, according to my speculation, the reason why Mr. Lawrence has not performed to his true level is most likely because the education at Hogwarts is not suitable for him."

"Karkaroff." Snape's tone became colder.

"Snape, do you have any objections to the master's decision?" Karkaroff smiled and showed his yellow teeth again: "In my opinion, Mr. Lawrence has a very high talent, but he has not been guided correctly. Malfoy Sir has invited me to tutor him in Charms and Defense Against the Dark Arts——"

Hearing "Defense Against the Dark Arts", everyone present burst into laughter.

"I am confident that I can raise his grades to straight O's, or even to the newt level - of course, if Snape tries his best to cooperate with me."

God, Karkaroff is the strongest tutor!No one in the postgraduate entrance examination class would dare to brag like this!

"Fantasy." Snape only uttered four words.

"I am willing to swear an oath in front of the master." Karkaroff vowed to fight to the death with Snape: "As long as Mr. Lawrence is willing to come for tutoring every holiday, or rather - transfer to Durmstrang?"

"Oh, you think you can protect him? How many Ministry of Magic and Aurors are watching him in the whole of Europe?" Snape sneered: "He stays in Hogwarts, the most dangerous place and the safest - while Dumbledore wasn't suspicious."

"As far as I know, Dumbledore doesn't trust him very much." Alecto Carrow interjected with a sarcastic face: "Is it possible that Snape has other ideas?"

"Perhaps he has joined the Order of the Phoenix." Lestrange was already hostile: "Who knows where this Potions Professor is from now."

"Ha, after 16 years of being an undercover agent, was he an undercover agent or a defector? Today he stopped the Dark Lord's plan like this... Who knows?" A lady dressed in luxurious clothes said leisurely. doubt.

"Snape...tell me your choice..." Voldemort's tone showed his dissatisfaction with Snape

No, why are you targeting him? !

"I do. Please allow me to call you master!" Andy adjusted his mood and continued: "Thank you for your appreciation of me, and thank you Mr. Karkaroff for defending me. I am willing."

He took a deep breath, and then said in a pleading tone: "But I beg you to give me more time to grow up. I don't want to hold you back. I beg Mr. Karkaroff to guide me. After passing OHL in fifth grade, Officially branded with that glorious mark, under Dumbledore's eyes, I am afraid that I am not strong enough and will be exposed and delay your plan, and - even more so because my admired senior, Mr. Regulus Black, is also in the fifth year. I own it, please grant my request."

As long as I don't have the Dark Mark, you can't falsely accuse me of being a Death Eater!Give him a stick at first. Five years later, he will fight for the Goblet of Fire and destroy it!

Then, I'm sorry, Regulus-senpai, I have to use you when it's time to use you!

"Very well...Lawrence...very good, just like Regulus, loyal and young...I say yes."

Snape looked at Andy in surprise. In his black eyes, the familiar face turned pale with nervousness. He opened his mouth, wanted to say something, and then swallowed it.

"Alright... wizards." Voldemort's voice sounded again: "To celebrate Mr. Lawrence becoming one of us... the feast begins!"

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