When Andy heard Malfoy was silent, he turned around and received an angry glance from Malfoy. He saw that the young master quickly adjusted his attitude. Although his face was red, he still behaved appropriately and spoke: "That's great, sir. We would be honored to have all the noble wizards come to Malfoy Manor. Please first—"

Malfoy turned slightly sideways and gracefully made way for Andy. Andy lamented that it was not easy to deal with various social situations at such a young age after being born in the Holy Family, and then pretended not to see Draco. The resentful eyes cut him to pieces behind his back.

As he walked down the stairs, he found that everyone was staring at the constellation pattern on his collar. However, the wizards were only curious for a while. After polite greetings and courtesy, they started talking to each other in the blink of an eye, and there was no way to eavesdrop - —It seemed like an anti-eavesdropping spell was used, and Andy felt like they just opened their mouths and couldn't make a sound.

He wandered around the hall, scanning the crowd with his eyes. Andy did not find any other underage wizards, and he did not know any of the people attending the banquet - except for Lucius Malfoy, who was standing next to him. A tall man with curly hair.The wizard had thin cheeks and a goatee on his chin, and his sharp eyes were looking at Andy.

Andy nodded politely, and the wizard grinned at him, showing a row of yellow teeth.Draco Malfoy saw this scene and suddenly appeared behind him and said softly: "Come on, Andy, I will introduce you to the Charms teacher who will make up our classes."

Andy, pushed over by him, had to deal with it: "Good afternoon Mr. Malfoy, good afternoon -"

"Igor, Igor Karkaroff." His voice was smooth and sweet, his voice full of enthusiasm, and he extended his hand to Andy.

Should I rub Karkaroff?Narcissa is not lying to me. He is really here. The Charms class this time will not become the Unforgivable Curses class. The word Defense against Dark Arts will probably be removed.

"Hello, Principal Karkaroff, I have long admired your name." Andy shook hands with him gracefully.

"Igor, this is Draco's classmate, Andy Lawrence." Lucius Malfoy added fuel to the fire at the right time.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Lawrence." Karkaroff's cold eyes lit up: "Are you willing to come to Durmstrang to study? This will be a great blessing for our school."

Look, my name has spread to Durmstrang. The ability to spread thousands of miles is definitely not a good thing.

"Thank you very much, Principal Karkaroff, but as far as I know your school only accepts pure-blood wizards for admission."

"Don't worry, Mr. Lawrence, Durmstrang very much hopes that you can transfer here. I believe that all the teachers and students will treat you sincerely."

"Of course I am willing." Andy smiled politely and was about to politely refuse.

"He doesn't want to."

Ah, why is it you Professor Snape again?And I'm just being polite!

"Professor Snape." Karkaroff stopped smiling: "I don't think you can make decisions for Mr. Lawrence or his parents."

"Obviously, no parents would send their children to the cold and barren mountains of Scandinavia to find misery, and no one like Mr. Potter would find misery in a distant and unfamiliar school." Snape responded tit-for-tat and "politely" declined the invitation for Andy.

Ah, this anxious breath!Let's get together as a couple. Didn't you two work together as a duo for the fourth grade dance?Andy watched the two of them engaging in intellectual gossip with great interest.

"Calm down, you two. Today is to celebrate Midsummer Eve, not to add fuel to the heat to the upcoming hot weather." Even though Narcissa appeared, she broke the tense atmosphere: "Severus, Karkaroff Sir, welcome to Malfoy Manor."

Snape said nothing, but Karkaroff displayed gentlemanly etiquette and bowed to Narcissa: "Thank you, madam. We are just discussing some issues and have no intention of disturbing your ball."

"Thank you, Mr. Karkaroff." Narcissa's soft tone quickly ended the two arguments.

"That's very kind of you, ma'am."

Andy knew very well about the incompatibility between Karkaroff and Snape. After all, the first thing Principal Durmstrang did when he was arrested was to confess Snape and invite the two people together. His son made up for the extra lessons, and Lucius was really a talent.

"The dance is about to begin. The two gentlemen must find a dance partner as soon as possible." Narcissa blinked, smiled and pulled Lucius away, followed closely by Draco, and then Karkaroff also walked into the crowd. Start chatting.

"Alas, it seems that I can only eat fruit and cold snacks outside the dance." Andy sighed: "I have no dance partner, and I can't dance."

"If Mr. Potter can guarantee his integrity when he returns to school, I can ask Professor McGonagall to teach you." Snape began to spray venom again: "Or Mr. Potter can at least guarantee that he will come to the second world alive. school year."

"You can't deduct points from me now, can you?" Andy replied proudly.

"That makes sense. Mr. Potter has become quite self-aware after a few days. It seems that he does not have the confidence to survive until the start of school on September [-]st to face the Potions Master's deduction for his disrespectful behavior."

"Uh..." Andy was speechless for a moment. Is there such a curse? !

Classical dance music played melodiously, and the crowd poured into the ballroom. Pairs of dancing partners danced to the music. The wizards dressed calmly, while the witches' luxurious skirts and dazzling jewelry sparkled under the brilliant crystal chandeliers.

But Andy was a little disappointed. What frustrated him was not that he couldn't dance without a partner, but that there was no fruit plate or snack next to the dance floor. There were only various cocktails: some swirling in the glass, and some like It was a glass of gas, expanding and receding in the goblet, and just wine, but with a layer of blue fire on top - and Snape was staring at him.

You can't drink until you're under age, the Potions Master warned him.


"Aren't you going to dance?" Andy sat on the side bored, looking at Snape who was almost sitting like a stone statue.

Snape said nothing, shook his head, held his forehead and closed his eyes.

"Wizards, witches." After the opening dance, Lucius came to the front: "As in previous years, we gather again on Midsummer Eve to welcome all noble wizards to Malfoy Manor for the banquet and gather here to celebrate the year. The brightest days are coming, may Merlin bless you!"

"May Merlin bless you!" The wizards raised their glasses in response to the owner of the manor.

He paused: "Thank you for everyone's enthusiasm. Malfoy Manor is honored. This banquet is different from the past. There will be a friend gathering with us. I will introduce to you this friend we have been looking forward to for a long time. "

broken?Voldemort is coming out?Andy secretly shouted that it was not good. As expected, Draco had tricked me. I should hide in No. 12 Grimmauld Place and not come back.

"That's this gentleman." Andy saw Lucius coming to his side. He stood up and couldn't help but look back for Snape, but he had already disappeared: "——Mr. Andy Lawrence!"

Lucius finally said the name.

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