"Sanctimonia Vincet Semper" means "pure and eternal victory".This Latin phrase has been printed on the Malfoy family crest for more than ten centuries.

Like the ancestors of many noble British families, the wizard Armand Malfoy came to England with the Normandy invasion force led by King William the Conqueror.Magical historians speculate that because of his many ulterior magical services to King William I, he was given a large tract of land that had been taken from local landowners by the invaders.According to the policy of William the Conqueror, this meant that he also held a title.

Descendants of the Malfoy family lived in Wiltshire for the next 1000 years, and many of the qualities of the cunning ancestor Armand's character were passed down in the family to this day.

In fact, the surname Malfoy has a slightly derogatory connotation. This seems to be a heritage and a stereotype of the Malfoy family. The Malfoy family has always been known as a group of cunning people who never forget to pursue power and power. wealth.Even though they have always been supporters of pure blood and believe that wizard blood is nobler than Muggles, they do not resist using the resources at hand to plunder or obtain investment from Muggles to obtain huge wealth.

Secondly, the Malfoys have always adhered to the principle of protecting themselves wisely.As the saying goes, you'll never find any trace of the Malfoy family at a crime scene, but the wand may have their fingerprints all over it.Being independent and wealthy means that they do not need to work to maintain their lives. Most of them would rather be the supporting force behind positions of power, letting others suffer and bear the possible consequences of failure.

Until now.Until such a scheming family came to a turning point, and that was Draco.

Just as the rebellious Sirius was an exception to the Black family, an heir who risked everything for his friends appeared in the family that was almost a family motto.

Lucius, who had been thinking for a long time, finally prepared to answer his son's question the day after Draco returned home.

"Father." Draco stood opposite Lucius. The close relationship between families made him develop a love of oversharing - he relied on and trusted his father.

Lucius looked at his only son, but the vision of Andy Lawrence who was almost strangled by Nagini that day flashed before his eyes. "Think of Draco", the hoarse whisper like a poisonous snake still surrounded him. In his ear: "Draco, sit down, I want to talk to you."

"Yes, father?" Draco sat down on another chair near the fireplace. Lucius tapped the leg of the chair with his cane, and the two Scottish deer dogs at his feet left in response.The seven-candle candlestick reflected the manor scenery on the wall, and Draco looked forward to a positive answer from his father to his request.

"The board of directors will suppress this matter." Lucius said calmly, as if he was telling him that he could take him to his favorite restaurant next week.

"Thank you, Dad." Draco was also very natural, thinking that things should be like this: "Justin recently sent me a new alchemy manuscript. I have to hurry up and learn it. Andy, oh, yes, do you want to What are you talking to me about?”

"That's his problem, Draco." Lucius: "Andy Lawrence, or his influence on you, Draco."


"When did you care so much about your friends? You came to beg me for a friend."

"Friends?" Malfoy was stunned for a moment and smiled: "Father, Malfoy doesn't need friends."

"Oh? Really?" Lucius turned the snake head in his hand casually: "I have never seen you care so much about Goyle and Crabbe."

"After all, they are not of such high value. What they can do is just act as thugs and show off." Draco leaned back in his chair: "But Lawrence is different."

Lucius tilted his head, motioning for him to continue.

"He is very valuable, isn't he? Father, he is responsible for the relationship between Nicolas Flamel and the French Ministry of Magic, isn't he?"


"He is still the last line of defense in language. As long as we have a good relationship with him, the mysterious man will trust us, right?"

"That makes sense, Draco. What if he is no longer loyal? What would you do if you were friends with him?"

"I will be the first to stand against him, just like any Malfoy before." Draco replied firmly: "And spurn his betrayal and deception of his companions."

"Very well, very well Draco." Lucius stood up, tapping the end of his cane on the floor. He walked leisurely behind his son, and pressed the snake's head on Draco's shoulder. superior.

"Thank you father."

"You said it very well." Lucius lowered his head: "You almost deceived me, son. Can you explain that Boggart to me? It surprised me very much."

Draco straightened up nervously and asked cautiously, "Boggart?"

"Yes, that Boggart, what did he become?" Lucius said softly: "Do you think you can hide it from me?"

Draco's face turned pale: "Father, father..."

"You lied to me, Draco." The cane hit the ground hard, and the platinum boy trembled. Lucius's light gray eyes narrowed: "You are a Malfoy, you can't be an idiot who is addicted to emotions. ."

Lucius walked around his son: "Tell me, are you Malfoy? Are you Malfoy?" Lucius knew that Narcissa was too naive to protect her son. He could be arrogant, proud or even evil-minded. , he wished that his son was cunning and cunning, but - he couldn't be stupid!

"I am Malfoy, father! But I am also Draco!"

"Why lie."

"Why can't Malfoy have friends! I do care about him!"

"Very good, very good." Lucius applauded: "This is the first lesson I formally teach you. You can never say something you don't believe in front of someone whose strength is far different from yours. On this point, your friend Not very smart."

Draco stared at his father for a long time, as if seeing this side of him for the first time.

For a long time, Peter Pettigrew limped down the stairs, his arm missing his right hand still tightly bandaged: "Mr. Malfoy, the distinguished master wants to see you."

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