Harry Potter: Man at Hogwarts but no wand

Chapter 124 Everyone's Choice

"But, isn't he using it anymore -" Rosmerta asked in a low voice.

"It's worse than this, my dear..." Fudge lowered his voice and continued in a deep voice: "Under the instructions of the Dark Lord, he killed 78 marrow wizards in Austria, but the pain is that there is no evidence. .”

"That's not his fault!" Hagrid finally couldn't help shouting, and lowered his voice under McGonagall's eyes: "That mysterious man controlled him." The half-giant was surprised why Dumbledore didn't say anything, but He didn't dare to ask this question.

"But he killed someone, didn't he?" Fudge looked at the rude giant with contempt: "Maybe he was still a good boy when he was speaking for Sirius Black. Who knows, then he took over the hero's property. , I don’t know what he said about that portrait.”

"We are talking about Peter Pettigrew, Cornelius." Dumbledore said, obviously he didn't want to mention that name again.

"Oh, yes, dear." Fudge said to Rosmerta: "It's possible that this Death Eater has escaped near Hogwarts. After all, he wants to attack Harry. Maybe, that child is his. Internal response.”

"He is now the student minister of our school, don't mention it again." Professor McGonagall also refused to talk about this issue: "It's just pity Black, he has been in prison for 11 years."

"None of us could see Pettigrew's true face. There was a traitor at that time. Sirius and Lupine were suspicious of each other, but no one doubted Peter because he was relatively the weakest. I trust Sirius, but who knows, James And Sirius believed Peter and replaced him as the Secret Keeper." Dumbledore touched his beard, and the silver chain shone brightly.

"Sibyl also asked him to read his memory." Professor McGonagall said angrily: "She thought that in order to better protect her friends, she personally tutored him in divination and let him know the prophecy in detail. But as a result, He hurt everyone."

"He did seem to be thinking about James and Lily that night. I'm very pleased, and he did... almost hurt Sybil." Harry and the others heard Dumbledore sigh for the first time.

"I would say they are the same kind of people, that's why he wants to keep him!" Fudge puffed his beard and stared, slamming the table with excitement.

"Mr. Minister!" McGonagall stopped him again, and Fudge glared at her: "Fortunately, Harry is fine, and Sirius is also alive."

"Sirius is a hero and James' best brother." Hagrid said: "Before Pettigrew killed many people, I must have been the last person to see him! I was the one who took Hagrid from James and Lily's home. He was rescued by Lee! And his parents were dead. Dumbledore and I couldn't find Andy... At this time, Sirius Black appeared, riding on the flying motorcycle he usually rode. I told him that he He was pale and shaking, can you imagine how sad he was?"

Hagrid became excited: "He asked me to give Harry to him. He said he was his godfather and he would take care of him. But Dumbledore told me, so I said no to Black. Dumbledore said Harry should To his aunt and uncle. Blake objected, but eventually he gave in and asked me to take Harry there on his motorcycle. Then he asked me where Andy was?"

Hagrid blew his nose: "I didn't dare to say anything. You know why. Then he frantically searched for Andy in the ruins. His hands were all torn. He told me to leave quickly and don't let the mysterious man kill me." When his men caught up with him, he said he must find the child with the same name as him."

"The Ministry of Magic knows that he refused to let go of the child until he was arrested." Fudge fell silent after saying this.

Harry shook his godfather's hand and Sirius patted Harry on the back and whispered to Harry that he was okay.

"I tell you, if I catch Pettigrew before Blackpeter does, I won't need a wand - I'll snap - snap his limbs off one by one," Hagrid growled.

"Keep your voice down, Hagrid." Professor McGonagall said, "That was the dark wizard who killed 12 people. I really regret that I wronged him. I wanted to stop him when Dumbledore invited him."

"Minerva, this is not your fault." Dumbledore stared at the hypocritical minister who had been praising the hero for a long time and then agreed to the school board's dismissal of Sirius with his see-through blue eyes: "Fortunately, he is still in Hogg Watts.”

Fudge didn't bother him at all.

Ms. Rosmerta sighed: "I hope the prisoner can be caught as soon as possible?"

"We hope so too." Fudge pretended to sigh deeply.

Finally Harry and the others heard the sound of cups being placed on the table, the door to the Three Broomsticks opened again, and the teachers and ministers left.

"Sirius, are you okay?" Harry asked him with concern. He seemed to be in a complicated state. It was so embarrassing to be praised for a long time and then revealed.

"No, of course it's good." He breathed out and regained his composure: "Let's go, little wizards! Let's go shopping on the street!"

"Are you so angry with Andy because you care too much about him?" Ron said suddenly, and Harry immediately called his name in dissatisfaction.

"No, Ron, I hate his betrayal."

Hermione wanted to speak, but Sirius shook his head: "Good girl, I know what you want to say. Lupine also has parents, but he did not bow to Voldemort. Everyone has light and darkness in their hearts. What really matters is No matter how we choose, there will be gains and losses in our choices.”

"But... if one day." Harry also said something.

"I hope we won't be soft on each other. In the face of big issues, there are some things that cannot be taken into consideration." Harry looked at Sirius. He had never seen his godfather so serious and heavy. He could only nod and promised that his godfather would never Doing something that would bring shame to his father.

Another Wales.

What?Professor Lupine is back at school?

Why don't you go back?

Ah, he wants to teach but you don’t want to?Ah, don't you be embarrassed? Hehehehe, don't do anything! Hey, Justin has also returned to France...

I?I don’t want to go back either, then Godfather Harry will have to find me 800 million times a day.

Hey, he's not my father. He wants to send me to Azkaban. I admit that I'm petty and not so black and white, but I don't have any bad intentions... I'm talking now It’s so inconvenient, I haven’t learned Occlumency yet!

If we really face each other, what should I do? Fake a fight, fake a match, or pretend that I can’t fight and run away, right? I know that they are just and deadly, hey, I’ll go ahead, I shouldn’t say this.

Why don't you two face each other when the time comes? It would be more reasonable, eh eh eh eh!Stop hitting Professor Snape, Grandpa Lupine, help me!

PS: Thank you everyone for your rewards. The gifts have exceeded a thousand. In order to give back to the fans who support the author, we will continue to add more tomorrow!

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