Not long after Sirius went out again, Harry's first session ended. He was discussing with Ron that Hermione lost her temper and Professor Traolini cursed Granny Neville and told Harry that he was going to finish playing with these three things. .

This made a certain godfather very nervous.

He didn't take Traolini's famously unreliable divination class in the wizarding world seriously, but he instantly thought of Andy, so he quickly warned his godson and his friends to stay away from this scourge.

Harry agreed, but he didn't take it seriously. He didn't think a student of the same level could do anything to him. Even a pure-blooded student like Slytherin wouldn't kill anyone.

On the other side of Lupine's office, Lupine currently has no effective way to effectively relieve Andy's left hand, and can only continue to use the method on the train to delay the deterioration.He told Andy that he had written to his family. According to him, the family seemed to have some experience, but Andy didn't think it was too important.

Lupine sighed, he told Andy that sometimes you can rely on some elders, but Andy did not say a word.

It wasn't until the second divination class that Justin met Andy. He came to a circular staircase classroom. In fact, it didn't look like a classroom at all, but more like a tiered teahouse with scattered items inside. There are twenty small round tables, and there are calico armchairs and bulging little futons around the tables. Fortunately, there are only two people at the table, and it is suitable for four people at the table to play mahjong.The flower window in the room is very high, with thick red curtains hanging on both sides of the window. In the open space in the middle is a huge golden street lamp-like incense burner.

What kind of aesthetics is this? Traulini’s classroom, do you think it looks good?

"I guess this lesson is about learning how to read tea leaves." Justin pointed to a large copper teapot placed on the well-arranged fireplace flame. It seemed that the water had boiled and was squeaking. , a strong and strange smell emanated from Hu's mouth.

"I said you don't need to drink this thing." Andy regretted choosing this class. If it weren't for Lavender's strong recommendation, it is estimated that neither Justin nor Draco would get involved in this class, except for himself. I wanted to see what this woman who dared to decide her own destiny with just one sentence had to say.

"It's probably necessary. It seems that Professor Traolini didn't prepare any other place to pour water - and as far as I know, you can't use transformation to transform into other things." Terry Butt pushed up his glasses and clamped them He appeared in front of the two of them.

Ah, aren't you from Yingyuan? !You should believe in science!

After everyone sat down, Traolini trembled and slipped out from behind various shelves. The pile was crowded with dirty quills, candle holders, many tattered playing cards, countless A sparkling silver crystal ball and a lot of teacups.

Professor Trelawney still wears the dragonfly glasses. There are countless beads and chains hanging on her thin and long neck. She also wears many bracelets and rings on her arms and hands - she still holds the crystal ball in her left hand.

She doesn't look like a shiny cucumber anymore, does she?Andy tried his best to convince himself that this professor was quite normal.

Justin next to him looked at his desperate roommate lying on the table and laughed out loud.

Welcome to the divination class! "Professor Trelawney sat under the censer and began to speak to everyone in a disembodied voice: "I am Professor Trelawney. You may have never seen me before.Because in my discovery, I found that the chaos and noisy campus life will make the third eye blurred. "

She looked around and found that no one was taking her seriously, so she prepared to look more serious.Her voice deepened: "Since you have taken the divination class, you already know that this is the most profound knowledge in all magic. I must say it up front. If you don't have insight, I can't do anything. After all, books As a reference, I can only teach you a little bit..."

But to be honest, Andy didn't blame the nagging professor that much. After all, the original work was quite effective to tell the truth - if the plot hadn't collapsed like this, he would have accepted it, but Sirius even went to see the gate. Come on, it makes no sense for Dumbledore and the others to hold on to the prophecy, right?

No, people still have to live in the present, and Andy began to rack his brains to think of a way to escape the fate of drinking that strange cup of tea.

"You-" Traolini glanced at the students and suddenly ran backwards as if she was frightened.

"F*ck!" Andy, who was distracted, was startled by him and shouted.Everyone's eyes were wandering between the two people. Justin felt that this time was unusual. He subconsciously straightened his body: "What's wrong, Professor?"

But Traolini didn't answer. She opened her mouth wide and her wide eyes filled the entire lens of her glasses.She pointed her finger in Andy's direction and murmured: " are that child!"

"Ah, yes, that's right, it's the extremely bad part you predicted." Andy was very calm.

"No, I mean, I mean!" Traolini's voice began to be sharp again: "You are! You are - a child whose wand was broken before he was born!" The crystal ball in her left hand hit the ground. , and suddenly covered his mouth as hard as he regained consciousness.

But it was too late, Andy was stunned in his seat for a moment.

What?I should have had a wand!

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