Harry Potter: Man at Hogwarts but no wand

Chapter 114 The Butcher of Salzburg

Early the next morning Andy was urged to go to Lupin's office.

Thank you. The first class is Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration class. I'm afraid I will have to retake it if I miss class again this semester.Under the "friendly persuasion" of Hufflepuff roommate Justin and Hufflepuff supernumerary roommate Draco, Andy "willingly" went out to the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor's office.

He walked slowly in the corridor, and as he walked to the door, he gradually heard the voices of Lupin and Sirius, as well as Dumbledore. It seemed that the anti-eavesdropping magic hadn't been cast yet?

ah?It's not easy for me to have a biological uncle who loves me... but don't say bad things about me in front of him!

Andy squinted his eyes and quietly put his ear to the door:

"All the Ministry of Magic in Europe are investigating! Don't you believe it..." Look, Sirius Black failed to control his emotions again.

"Okay Sirius, there is no evidence right now. I think you need to be mentally stable and stable."

"People are panicking... The British Ministry of Magic ordered the Austrian Ministry of Magic (the British Ministry of Magic heads all the magic ministries in Europe - HP Wiki) to block the news..." Dumbledore's voice was low , I can’t seem to hear clearly through the door.

"But Professor, this may be the Imperius Curse, and-" Lupine seemed to be explaining it to someone.

"I heard about... what happened... He seems to be in a bad mental state. Your guess is not unreasonable..." The old man spoke not quite loudly. Well, why are you so quiet now: "But if we find the evidence, he will have no choice but to enter the Oro interrogation room. Maybe..."

What could it be?Andy thought he was out of breath when he spoke, and the two people in the room were also staring at Dumbledore's mouth.

"Maybe... curtains." The former headmaster seemed disgusted with saying the word.

"No, this can't happen." Lu Ping said firmly.

"Seventy-eight Muggle-born wizards! Do you believe it, Remus? They call him the Butcher of Salzburg? How many wizards are there in the whole of Austria! You can't deny that he killed you, right? Who knows what he might be doing ?”

"What could he do? He's just sick and under the influence, I think you're really crazy Sirius."

What is this all about?Austria?Grindelwald escaped from prison?Oops - return the curtain?Not to mention 78, he had killed 780 of them, and they weren’t just locked up in Nurmengarde?Andy laughed a little, and if he came out to make some noise, he would be locked up somewhere else again.

Hey, let's go to the bathroom first and let them make noise anyway.

Andy turned and walked away. He did not hear the subsequent conversation.

"I went crazy Remus. When I heard the news, you know what? I was afraid that he would go to Privet Drive! I stayed there for 54 days! And I had to listen to the Muggle family (actually Aunt Maggie , the one who was called a ball) is insulting James and Lily, how I want to rush in and make these shameless bastards shut their mouths forever!"

"Don't blame Sirius, he was really too scared. In order to prevent the Death Eaters from finding out, he transformed into an Animagus and guarded him." Dumbledore wanted to continue, but Sirius stopped him.

"You turned into a dog for Harry and stayed there, but what about Andy? Sirius, listen to what you have to say. Your godson is locked up in the damn Malfoy Manor and relies on potions to survive every day! Countless misfortunes Can you imagine how the Forgiveness Curse and Oblivion tormented him? Draco, a pure-blood young master, knew that he secretly told me the matter last night. How about you? You expected him to die! If I were you, he would If you can stand in the auditorium and laugh at me loudly, I will wake up laughing in my dreams."

"I don't expect him to die Remus." Sirius softened his tone: "The first thing I did after escaping from Azkaban was to stop him from colluding with the Death Eaters again, but what about him? Now that he has killed someone, are these wizards and his family innocent? Don't let him face trial and put this unstable factor in Hogwarts? What if he does something to Harry again? "You have to do it for Harry think about it! "

"Shut up! Sirius!" Lupine, who was usually gentle and gentle, also became angry, but he lowered his voice: "He is under control! Don't forget that Harry is just like him, and he may also be under mysterious control in the future. Man controls—isn’t he your godson?”

"Goodbye Remus, I don't have such a son. Harry didn't kill anyone!"

"This is absolutely not what he wanted to do."

"Oh, even if this is the case, how can you ensure that he is no longer under control? Look at his hands! How many Unforgivable Curses must have been cast!"

"Sirius, I will teach him Occlumency myself!" Lupine blocked his friend's mouth.


"I'll teach him," Dumbledore said without emotion.

"Thank you, Professor." Lupine thanked him quickly, but Sirius hoped that Dumbledore would also teach Harry.

"No need to thank me, Remus, I know you are kind. I am here for the safety of Hogwarts and hope to find the truth as soon as possible to prevent the Ministry of Magic from censoring the students of Hogwarts - as for Harry, it is still It’s not the right time.”

After Dumbledore said that, he opened the door and went out to prepare the lesson plan for Potions class.

Andy was panting and climbing up at this time. It was really hard to go to the toilet in Hogwarts, and he had to climb up and down: "Ah, good morning, Professor Dumbledore!"

"Good morning, Lawrence, come to my new office on Friday and I will teach you Occlumency." Dumbledore looked at the frivolous boy and suddenly felt a little pitiful: "You should eat more in the morning, Lawrence."

Andy waved his hand. Before he could catch his breath, Dumbledore nodded and left.

Occlumency?It's baffling. Isn't this what Harry should learn?Did I open a branch line?He knocked on the door with doubts, and after Lupine's kind "Come in," Andy pushed the door open.He saw that Lupine was still as calm as before, but Sirius was obviously a little dissatisfied.

"Are you full? I have some snacks here, maybe you kids like them." He dodged the desk that was blocking his desk, and there was a small pile of colorfully packaged snacks piled on it.

It doesn't look cheap. Sirius' eyes seemed to be blaming Lupine. You can't even afford decent clothes yourself. Why are you buying this for him?

Lupine stared back at him as if you shouldn't have done something yourself.

"Of course I want to eat!" After Andy looked at the strange two people, he went to Lupin's desk without hesitation to pick something to eat.But his left hand was too shaky and he couldn't open the package.

"It's your own fault." Sirius turned and walked away.

This is crazy!Andy was speechless.

"Ignore him, it's my fault. I should tear it open for you first." Lu Ping opened the package and handed it to him, and touched his disheveled head.

This touch was fatal, and Andy almost burst into tears.

What a waste, Andy scolded himself harshly.

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