Pirate: I'm in the Navy from nine to five

Chapter 597 Have you ever thought about being a tailed beast?

The aftermath of the terrifying shock circulated between heaven and earth.

The dust all over the sky still gives people a feeling like covering the sky.

Looking at the rocky mountain that was razed to the ground in an instant, everyone's minds seemed to be tightly grasped by an invisible big hand, which made people feel inexplicably suffocated.

Such a terrifying blow, if it really hit them directly.

How far the final result will evolve, I am afraid no one can imagine.

If so, this is the strength of the Tailed Beast.

At this moment, they finally understood where the vows made by Koharu and Mitomon Yan came from.

For a while, the huge forest fell into a short silence, and they all subconsciously looked at the leader Tsunade, and everyone couldn't speak.

On the side of Danzo, there was a glimmer of joy in his cloudy old eyes, and the resentment that was stuffed in his chest was finally spit out at this moment.

It was a great joy for Danzo to see that arrogant man deflated.

However, this gleam of joy was soon suppressed by Danzo, and he snorted coldly.

"Hmph, it's really the same as what I guessed, arrogance and ignorance need to pay a price."

"The power of the tailed beast is beyond the comprehension of ignorance!"

"Now this result not only lost his life, but even the face of our Konoha Ninja Village was completely lost by him."

"It's okay if such a solitary and arbitrary guy dies. If he lives and stays in our Konoha Ninja Village, I'm afraid it's still unknown how things will evolve!"

"Once something major happens and cannot be handled properly, I am afraid it will really endanger the interests of our Konoha Ninja Village. A little carelessness will set off a war between the two countries, and it is more likely to cause the fourth Ninja World War. "

Having said that, Danzo glanced at Tsunade and said.

"Could it be that no one sees such a big hidden danger?"

"For us Konoha Ninja Village, we still need to understand what is the real priority!"

Everyone's expression changed suddenly.

As long as you are not a fool, anyone can hear that there is something in Danzo's words.

Obviously, he was going for Tsunade who is the Fifth Hokage.

After all, during this period of time, Tsunade's maintenance of Luo Yu was obvious to all.

He didn't hesitate to tear his face with Danzo, and fought directly.

In the case of hitting a wall one after another, Danzo certainly will not give up this opportunity to bite.

"Danzo, shut up! No matter what happens to Luo Yu, today, as the Fifth Hokage, I must protect him, otherwise the Renzhuriki of Yunyin Village will come to the door, and our Konoha Ninja Village will not only be unable to stop, but also Even people can’t be saved, it’s a real shame and shame to spread the word!”

Tsunade's face darkened, and he shouted angrily.

"Danzo, I'm warning you now, don't do anything out of line in a while, otherwise I will let you understand why I can be the Fifth Hokage instead of you!"

"You!" Danzo's expression turned extremely ugly.

The position of Hokage has always been an insurmountable hurdle in his heart.

Being pierced in public is simply exposing scars, piercing my heart!

However, as an old fox, Danzo's change of expression was quickly suppressed. After putting away his resentment and anger, he said in a cold voice: "Hehe, the Fifth Hokage is really majestic. I hope you can inherit the first and second generations. It's been so tough."

"However, Fifth Hokage, don't worry, I will never do anything that endangers the interests of Konoha Ninja Village, but I also do not allow others to endanger Konoha Ninja Village."

"So, please don't worry, Hokage-sama."

"It's just that I still want to remind you, instead of talking nonsense here, Hokage-sama should hurry over and see if the brat is still alive, otherwise it will be useless to say anything!"

Tsunade's face darkened slightly, and he looked at the rocky mountain that was considered flat in front of him, and snorted coldly.

"Everyone seals off the entire battlefield for me, and locks down all suspicious people. Before the whole thing is handled properly, no one can be allowed to leave half a step."

"If you have no comments, set off immediately!"


Dozens of people responded instantly, and quickly dispersed according to the battle plan.

As Anbu directly under Hokage, they have already formulated emergency plans for various situations.

The moment Tsunade made the request, they already knew what to do.

Seeing everyone leave, Tsunade looked back at the root members who were still staying in place.

When Danzo saw this, he was indeed a little unwilling, but he clearly understood that this is not the time to argue with Tsunade.

The most important thing is to confirm the situation of the falling feathers first.

With this in mind, Danzo immediately winked at the root members.

After receiving the signal, the members of the root team set off quickly.

After witnessing this scene, Tsunade didn't stay any longer, and quickly rushed to the battlefield.

Seeing this, Yamato on the side opened his mouth hesitantly, but in the end he swallowed the words that came to his mouth abruptly, and followed quickly with his head muffled.

For a while, they stayed in the field. In addition to Danzo and Yamanakakaze and Yuyue Tousgen next to him, there were also Konoha's high-ranking Konoha Koharu and Mitomon Yan.

As the so-called high-level officials of Konoha Ninja Village, they have always been behind the scenes, manipulating various major events and policy directions of Konoha Ninja Village.

Danzo is able to control Anbugen, who is beyond Konoha Ninja Village, under Hokage. If he is the only one, there is of course no way to do it.

Being able to kill again and again, except for the third Hokage who opened his eyes and closed his eyes.

The biggest reason is that there are two people behind the bed, Xiaochun and Mitomen Yan.

Right now, the three of them stayed here in unison, obviously in order to reach a consensus again.

"Danzo, you don't intend to do something to that kid again, right? Tsunade's attitude was very serious just now. If you really dare to do something, she might really tear your face apart!"

Turning to bed, Xiaochun said in a deep voice.

Mitomonyan on the side also looked at Danzo silently.

Feeling the eyes of these two old guys, Danzo showed a playful smile and said: "Hehe Xiaoharu, of course I know that Tsunade is serious, but I am also serious. The stronger the brat is, the stronger he is for us Konoha Ren The greater the threat to the village."

"So, for the sake of the stability of our Konoha Ninja Village, some variables should not be left behind."

"Wait a while, I hope you can help me stop Tsunade."

"As for that brat, there is a forbidden technique of root extraction, just touch it a little, and he will definitely die!"

"Take the root, am I right!"

Danzo looked at Younv Qugen beside him, showing a soft smile.

At this moment, he felt that he was infinitely close to success.

"Duan... Master Danzang, have you ever thought that the one who was blown away was a tailed beast?"

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