Pirate: I'm in the Navy from nine to five

Chapter 596 Is this the ability of a tailed beast?


The sound of thunder rolled, resounding through the nine heavens and clouds.

Everyone's nerve strings were instantly tensed to the extreme.

In the face of this terrifying blow, they had already ignored it too much, and were frantically running away with their lives.

However, in the process of fleeing, they still couldn't hold back the urgency in their hearts, and turned their heads to look at the battlefield.

Wait for them to see the situation on the battlefield clearly again.

The sight they saw left them stunned.


The tailed beast jade whizzing towards it was instantly pierced through.

At the same time as the violent explosion rolled back like a hurricane.

As fast as thunder, the thunder dragon Fang Tianji, which was hard to reach, tore through the explosion and burst out.

The two who turned into tailed beasts rushed straight away from the wooden figures.

Looking at the Tailed Beast Jade, which is regarded as the strongest killer, at this moment, it is pierced by a face-to-face like paper paste.

The only thing the two Yumu men could do was growl hysterically.

"No, no, I have no chance of losing, I am the one who has mastered the perfect tailed beast!"


The terrifying impact was like a Category [-] hurricane sweeping everything within a radius of [-] meters.

The thunder that soared into the sky exploded, even piercing directly through the clouds above the Nine Heavens.

The people who were trying to escape were affected one after another.

Already formed a conditioned reflex action.

The moment he saw the collision of the attack and the attack, he didn't care too much, and quickly flipped his hands, making a series of seals.

With the fastest speed, display all means of defense.

When they came back to their senses, everything in front of them was already overwhelmed by the dazzling thunder.

The terrifying impact had already hit me head-on like an overwhelming mountain.

In the end, they just saw the many defensive measures set up by everyone, and at this moment, they collapsed like paper.

Everyone in it seems to be a small boat that will be destroyed at any time in the raging waves.

The only thing he can do is to try his best to stay awake, and to be thrown out along the storm.

At the same time, several miles away from the battlefield.

Hundreds of figures quickly shuttled through the forest.

The people who take the lead are obviously Yamato's Mutun avatar and Tsunade who is the Fifth Hokage.

Followed closely, except for the high-level consultants who turned to bed Koharu and Mito Menyan.

The rest are elite ninjas from Konoha Ninja Village.

Among them were Hokage's direct Anbu subordinates, and the root elite who had recovered a life from Luo Yu's hands not long ago.

It can be said that if this kind of lineup is placed outside Konoha Renin Village and falls into the eyes of other Shinobi villages, I am afraid that Konoha Renin Village will definitely doubt whether Konoha Renin Village wants to unilaterally provoke trouble.

"Yamato, how long until we arrive?"

Tsunade couldn't help asking.

A moment ago, they heard a strong explosion and felt a violent vibration from the ground.

It's a pity that it was too far away from the battlefield, so I didn't see what happened.

However, this also means that the battle has already begun.

In the face of the power of the tailed beast, Tsunade has indeed never really confronted it head-on.

But it doesn't mean she doesn't understand.

Right now, Luo Yu is alone against the two Yumu men, this perfect Renzhu Riki.

Tsunade still couldn't let go of his heart.

At least, she knew clearly that Danzo, who was following closely, changed his gloomy face just now, and returned to his usual smirk.

It is enough to show that his thoughts at this moment may never be superficial.

Once Luo Yu really had a problem, it might happen that something unexpected would happen.

At that time, what choice the people here will have is probably still unknown.

It is for this reason that Tsunade's first priority is to prevent this battle as much as possible and kill the matter in its infancy.

Danzo on the side had already caught the change in Tsunade's expression, the old face like withered bark, and the smile that bloomed became more and more intense. At the same time, the crutch in his hand was also secretly clenched, and the sound transmission said.

"Take the root, Feng, let them be ready at all times, as soon as we have a chance, we will take action immediately!"

Younu Qugen and Shanzhongfeng, their expressions changed slightly, and they opened their mouths hesitantly.

However, when it comes to the mouth, it is still impossible to say half of it.

The only thing to do right now is to figure out the situation as soon as possible.

It's just that these thoughts just flashed through my mind, but an exclamation suddenly sounded.

"Everyone, be careful and defend quickly!"

Yamato's Mutun avatar changed his face drastically, and suddenly stopped walking and roared anxiously.

Everyone's expressions were also shocked.

In their eyes, there are hundreds of elites from Konoha Ninja Village gathered here, and the Fifth Hokage leads the team personally.

If they really encounter a tailed beast, they are also confident to fight against it one or two.

However, now Yamato is asking them to be careful on defense, is this a joke?

However, just as these thoughts flashed by, Tsunade in front of him also changed his face drastically, and shouted anxiously.



Tsunade punched the ground with a backhand.

A large piece of thick rock formation flew up, blocking it at the same time.

Everyone finally understood why Yamato and Tsunade, as the Fifth Hokage's Tsunade, would give such an order.

At the very least, the suffocating and terrifying impact has been rolled back like a hurricane.

That burst of thunder light even took away all the range of sight.

In an instant, everyone present could only rush to defend against this terrifying attack.

It's a pity that at this moment, any defensive method seems to be a little pale.

The terrifying torrent of air instantly submerged and overturned everyone.

Flying sand and gravel splashed all over the sky, and countless trees were rolled up by the middle.

The fierce thunder that burst out one after another will wreak havoc in all directions.

I don't know how long it has passed, and everyone doesn't know how far they have been overturned.

After they had gained a firm foothold again, they hurriedly opened their eyes to look around, regardless of the fact that the yellow sand was still flying around.

When he saw everything in front of him clearly, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he felt like he was about to split open.

The surrounding forests were directly razed to the ground.

A gigantic ravine that seemed to be cut open by the force of an invisible big knife was a thousand meters away from them, running through the north and south of the world, and went straight to the top of the rocky mountain ten thousand meters away.

The rocky mountain with a height of tens of meters seemed to be wiped off the map by an invisible hand, leaving only a shocking deep pit.

The scorched black rocks around seemed to be telling that the blow just now was not simple.

Faced with such an astonishing scene, everyone who had just stood firm stood still in place with a stiff expression.

On the pale cheeks, there is even a feeling of survival after disaster.

They knew clearly that if it wasn't for Dahe to stop them in time.

Once they break into the path of the attack and passing by, then what awaits them is probably a dead end!

Such a terrifying blow, a large-scale explosion impact, and abruptly razed a rocky mountain to the ground.

Is this the ability of the tailed beast?

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