Pirate: I'm in the Navy from nine to five

Chapter 12 Will This Devil Fruit Deduct Salary?


A huge shock wave swept across the entire square like a hurricane passing through.

One-third of the huge headquarters building collapsed at this moment.

It's just that at this moment, everyone has no time to think.

Hastily looked in the direction of the red dog flying upside down.

The huge Liuying impact, with Wanjun's posture, finally slammed into a warship that was moored at the estuary and was about to be repaired.

Accompanied by deafening explosions.

The tens of meters long warship obviously couldn't withstand the blow, and it shattered like glass.

Debris splashed all over the sky, and endless sea water poured down like a torrential rain.

The huge waves that were raised hit the coast again.

Many naval soldiers who were staying at the port to join in the fun were instantly stunned.

It flew!

As the admiral of the navy, he is known as the strongest Akainu Sakaski.

In one encounter, he was directly blasted away.

Is this their blindness?

Otherwise, who would believe that this kind of thing would happen to General Sakaski?

"Ahem, I'm sorry, I can't hold back all of a sudden, this damage should not be counted on my head, my meager salary is not enough to deduct."

Luo Yu coughed helplessly, dispelling the domineering lingering around her body.

This time, with the help of the low-level insight talisman, he took the armed domineering from the entry level straight to the high-level armed domineering, reaching the level of Liuying, which was far beyond Luo Yu's expectations.

However, all of this is due to the practice of the Six Forms of the Navy and the mutual blessing of Liushuiyanshattering Fist, which makes the armed domineering become a matter of course.

The power of the punch just now exploded far beyond Luo Yu's estimation.

However, looking at the collapsed building of the headquarters, Luo Yu was a little worried. Before he became a general, he would not be able to afford that salary.

All the absent-minded people woke up with a start, and their cheek muscles twitched uncontrollably.

No matter what time, I still think about salary.

It seems that the rumor that Luo Yu is covered in copper stink is true!

"Little devil, you are courting death!"


Fiery lava shot straight up from the broken hull at the estuary.

Like a volcanic eruption, the entire sea boiled up.

Akainu, who stepped on the broken hull, slowly walked out of the ruins, his face extremely gloomy.

There was still a faint trace of blood on the corner of his mouth.

In a moment of carelessness just now, he was punched in the front.

Akainu obviously couldn't completely ignore the attack.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, such a big mistake occurred, and he couldn't hold back his face.

"That's enough of the red dog. You set the rules. You just saw that Luo Yu has mastered the two-color arrogance. He has passed your assessment. There is no need to continue fighting."

"What's more, you have violated the rules you made just now. If you continue to fight, it will only cause greater damage to the Navy Headquarters. As a general, you should understand it very well!"

Zefa took the lead in blocking the center of the square and said in a deep voice.

Garp and Sengoku who were standing on the side also walked out slowly.

Looking at the collapsed outer wall of the headquarters, if this unnecessary fighting continues, it will be a waste of money.

For a moment, everyone's eyes fell on Akainu. They really wanted to continue to see the two old and new generals fight.

However, it is equally important to understand what the bigger picture is.

Akaken's face was gloomy, and the lava on his body gradually calmed down, so that the high temperature shrouded in the square finally faded, and he said: "Little ghost, the rules are set by me, whether you are really hiding your clumsiness or not, this fight It was you who won, Mr. Zefa and Admiral of the Warring States Period, I have no objection to nominating you as the fourth general of the navy."

"However, I still want to tell you that this sea is very vast, and there are countless strong people."

"You have only mastered two-color arrogance, but on top of that, there is a third type that only one in a million tyrants possesses, which is known as the overlord-color arrogance."

"If you want me to be completely convinced, you can even awaken this one-in-a-million Overlord Color. Only in this way can you have enough qualifications to secure this position."

The deep voice was still mixed with indifference.

In the face of Luo Yu's astonishing talent, no matter whether he has just learned two-color domineering, or he is hiding his clumsiness on purpose.

None of this matters anymore.

Seeing Akainu withdrawing, Zefa breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Sakaski, don't embarrass Luo Yu, domineering domineering is extremely rare in the sea, and only a few people are lucky enough to awaken it. "

"Luo Yu, who can master the six-style secrets of the navy, and the blessing of two-color domineering, has also raised the armed color domineering to the level of high-level Liuying, which has surpassed many people."

"The most important thing is that he is only in his early twenties and is still very young. There are still many opportunities to become stronger."

"Zefa is right." Zhan Guo also nodded and said in agreement: "You only need to polish your own strength now, and your achievements in the future will definitely not be lower than me and Karp."

"Of course, if you want, I can apply for you to the world government for rare devil fruits to enhance your strength."

Devil Fruit?

The scene suddenly exploded.

There are very few people who can make Sengoku, who is the marshal, apply for a devil fruit to the world government in person.

The most important thing is that Luo Yu's pure physical skills combined with high-level arrogance just now directly blasted Akainu into the air.

If he is like the current three generals and can get the blessing of the rare devil fruit, his strength will probably skyrocket!

Zefa opened his mouth, but the words on the edge of his mouth finally stopped.

What he has always pursued is to hone physical skills to the extreme.

For the yellow monkey and the red dog, the idea of ​​giving up physical skills and favoring the development of devil fruit abilities has always been opposed.

With the appearance of Luo Yu, his comprehension of physical skills has reached the level of profound meaning at a young age.

The belief that Zefa insisted on has gained enough support.

This will prompt Zefa to nominate Luo Yu for the position of admiral regardless of everything.

However, in the face of Sengoku's proposal, Zefa really didn't want to see Luo Yu go back to the old path of Chiken and Huangyuan.

However, Zefa finally chose to respect Luo Yu's right to choose.

For a moment, facing such an easy-to-get sweet pastry, everyone was eager to know Luo Yu's choice.

Rao is the red dog is no exception.

However, just as the urgency was revealed, an unexpected voice fell in their ears.

"Marshal of the Warring States Period, will wages be deducted for this devil fruit?"

The small voice seemed to be infused with magic sound at this moment, echoing in the square for a long time without being able to dissipate.

Seeing Luo Yu with a serious face, everyone's cheek muscles twitched again.

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