Boom boom boom!

Fiery pillars of molten lava burst out of the ground one after another.

The reversing high-temperature heat wave caused the surrounding temperature to soar several minutes in an instant.

The people watching all around couldn't hold back any longer, they just retreated again and again.

However, seeing the figure strolling in the courtyard amidst the blasting lava and flames, everyone was shocked and broke into a cold sweat.

I was really worried that Luo Yu would accidentally be hit by a pillar of molten lava and instantly turn into coke.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and a figure walked out of hundreds of pillars of fire unscathed.

This kind of means like a prophet, if it is not considered the knowledge-colored domineering in the two-color domineering.

What is that?

"He really awakened his domineering aura after watching it once?" Zefa was shocked.

"Karp, you shouldn't have concealed the information when filling in the information, would you?"

The people around are no exception.

If anyone still has doubts, they can actually take a trip like Luo Yu.

Is it really a lot of accumulation?

Or did Luo Yu hide something from the very beginning?

"Zefa, you bastard, you really like being coy like an old man in the Warring States Period. If this kid has learned to be domineering, I will already blow it up. Do you still need to apply for nominations for you?" Karp replied. God, said angrily.

However, as soon as he uttered the words, he was kicked away by Zhan Guo.

Faced with Luo Yu's sudden awakening of domineering aura, and even the attitude of strolling in the courtyard under the attack of Akainu, even the Sengoku was full of shock.

If Karp is right, that's a stroke of genius!

"Little ghost, I don't care if you really read it once and learned it, or if you just hide your clumsiness, you have already mastered it, but just relying on your knowledge and arrogance is not the capital of your madness. Today I will see how far you can go."

"Go ahead and let me test your confidence!"

Akainu's face was extremely gloomy, and the lava accumulated in his body exploded.

The whole person is like a rocket, carrying a tense posture and heading towards Luo Yu through the air.

The short distance of tens of meters, under the sudden burst of Akainu, quickly shortened the distance.

The violent scene made everyone's expressions change suddenly.

By the time they regained their senses, they had already seen the red dog smashing down with a fist wrapped in molten lava.

"These words seem familiar?" Garp was stunned for a moment and said, "Isn't this what Zefa said yesterday?"

"Garp, you bastard, don't hurry up and save people with me at this juncture. That brat has indeed mastered the six-style esoteric art and the domineering power of knowledge, but compared with the fruit ability of Akainu, it is not hard to beat at all." The capital!" Zhan Guo roared and rushed out first.

It is rare for the Navy Headquarters to encounter such an outstanding seedling.

Regardless of whether Luo Yu can become an admiral smoothly afterwards, as the marshal of the Warring States Period, he absolutely does not want to see Luo Yu being chilled.

"Warring States, don't go yet, I'm afraid we underestimated that brat again!" Zefa shouted suddenly.

Just as Zhan Guo rushed four or five meters, his pace stopped suddenly.

Looking at the figure who seemed to be stunned under the attack.

At this moment, it suddenly moved.

With a big step, the moment he stepped down, a huge force was released.

The thick ground of the arena shattered and burst open.

The pupils of those marines who witnessed Zefa being blown away yesterday suddenly shrank to the extreme.

Someone even exclaimed uncontrollably.

"He, he wouldn't plan to collide with the lava with his bare hands, right? General Sakaski is a natural devil fruit capable user. Under elementalization, he might not even be able to touch the corner of his clothes."

"Little ghost, it seems that you are still too young, but I am a natural devil fruit ability!" Akaken snorted coldly, and the molten liquid flowing on his body was about to restrain himself.

For the arrogance of the newcomer, Akainu is indeed a little unhappy.

However, he knew very well that not only Zefa and Garp, but even Sengoku and others had high hopes for Luo Yu.

He can teach a lesson, but he must not harm his life.

However, as soon as this idea sprouted in his mind, a loud shout came suddenly.

"Sakaski, be careful!"

Akainu's expression froze, and the movements of his hands also appeared a little stagnant.

Why didn't you tell that brat to be careful, but let him?

He is a natural devil fruit ability user!


The sound of the air vibrating suddenly came out.

An inexplicable and dangerous smell swept his whole body.

Seeing Luo Yu who was close at hand and showing a strange gesture, Akainu's pupils suddenly shrank.

Those streaks were as black as ink, like electric arcs flowing in Luo Yu's hands, which shocked Akainu.

Not only did he learn color domineering just now, but also double color domineering!

Looking at Luo Yu's arms wrapped around her, the jet-black armed color is domineering!

Also elemental fart!

"Flowing Water Shattering Rock Fist!"


Luo Yu stepped down with both feet, and punched out his fists like cannonballs.

Under the domineering blessing of the armed color, the so-called molten paste became a little pale and weak.

Fist shadows poured all over the sky, submerging Akainu in an instant.

Every time a punch falls, it is like a god beating a drum, and the sound of collision resounds through the nine heavens and clouds.

Under this kind of attack, Akainu retreated step by step, step by step.

"The whole body is armed and domineering!"

Akainu roared.

After dozens of steps, he barely stopped his pace.

It's just that the domineering arrogance of the armed color has just spread on his body.

Akainu saw that Luo Yu's arm had bulged like a rock, and it had doubled in size.

At the same time, there are circles of domineering electric arcs on the arm, circulating like a tornado.

"This is the armed color release, this brat has already mastered high-level domineering!" Zhan Guo's pupils contracted and he roared anxiously.

"Sakaski dodge quickly, don't take this move in a hurry!"


Red Dog froze for a moment.

At this moment, he was caught off guard and wanted to hide for a while!

It's just that one step is wrong.

Facing the unexpected Luo Yu.

Akainu obviously has nowhere to hide.

"Flowing Cherry Blowing Rock Fist!"


Luo Yu strode down again, and at the moment of the last punch, he used the six-style profound art to display his domineering energy for the first time.

Everything became a matter of course, and finally reached the level of high-level armed dominance in the eyes of others.


The low-pitched explosion sounded like a giant cannon exploding.

With Akainu as the center of gravity, the ground of the arena with a radius of [-] meters collapsed and collapsed, and violent bombardment waves swept the audience like a hurricane.

The impact of Liuying crazily accumulated on Luo Yu's right arm rushed out like a volcanic eruption.

The ground along the way was instantly torn into a huge gully.

Displaying the domineering Akainu armed with the whole body, the whole person flew out like a cannonball.

Is this saying the same thing and getting a harder beating?

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