But what Uchiha never expected was that this gray magpie was the first and last animal to change.

The animals at the back showed no signs of "resurrection", and naturally could not become stronger.

And this gray magpie, after absorbing the chakra of the dragon vein, was able to refine the chakra by itself, and its size gradually became larger.

Only three days have passed since it was rescued. The gray magpie has grown from the size of a palm to the size of a crow.

Moreover, the changes in the gray magpie are not only in terms of body shape. The shape of its claws and beak has changed, and it looks more aggressive. The feathers on its body have begun to fall off, and the feathers that have grown back are silver-grey.

The root cause of Gray Magpie's transformation is Dragon Vein Chakra. A few days ago, Gray Magpie discovered that Uchiha Yuan injected Dragon Vein Chakra into dying animals, and has been pestering Uchiha Yuan to ask for Dragon Vein Chakra.

Uchiha Yuan was a little reluctant to give up at first, but Hinata Asana suggested that he could try giving Gray Magpie more chakra and maybe there would be other changes.

So Uchiha Yuan no longer hesitated and gave all the remaining dragon vein chakra in the scroll to Gray Magpie.

After the gray magpie obtained more Dragon Vein Chakra, its size became much larger again, with a wingspan of almost one meter. Now the gray magpie has changed a lot, and anyone who sees it will regard it as a small eagle.

"Yuan, this bird is quite intelligent. It also has chakra. It seems that it will grow in size. I think it can be used as a flying psychic beast. Do you want to try to sign a communication with it?" Spiritual contract?" Hyuga Asana suggested.

"Sign a psychic contract with it?"

"Well, I remember Orochimaru-sensei said that flying psychic beasts are still rare in the ninja world."

"But I don't have the scroll of the contract with the psychic beast either!"

"There are spare scrolls over there in Ryuji Cave. Just borrow them and use them." After saying this, Hinata Asana channeled a gray snake through the seals with her hands. After communicating with it for a while, the snake spit out a brand new one from its mouth. reel.

"Thank you, Xiao Hui, I will bring you something delicious next time we meet."

The gray snake spit out the message and then disappeared in a puff of smoke.

"Done, the next step is to get some blood from this little guy." After saying that, Hinata Asana held down the gray magpie, then scratched its wings with a kunai, and dropped a drop of its blood on the psychic scroll.

The gray magpie's blood slowly merged with the scroll, and after the gray magpie's blood was completely integrated into the scroll, Hinata Asana said: "Far, this scroll is the psychic contract scroll backed up by Ryuji Cave, and it has not been used yet.

Just now, Gray Magpie has left his own blood on this scroll. Next, you only need to leave your blood and name on the psychic scroll, and you can use psychic techniques to summon it. "After saying that, Hinata Asana handed the psychic scroll to Uchiha Yuan.

Uchiha Yuan took the scroll and left his blood and name on it.

Then the gray magpie was deliberately released and allowed to fly far away.

After confirming that the gray magpie flew away, Uchiha Yuan formed seals with his hands and used psychic techniques to summon the gray magpie.

The experiment was successful, and the gray magpie flew out of a cloud of white smoke.

"Sure enough, this little guy has the potential to become a psychic beast. Congratulations, you have your own flying psychic beast." Hyuga Asana said with a smile.

"Asana, won't you sign a contract with it?" Yuan Uchiha asked.

He remembered that in the original book, after Sasuke signed with Ryuji Cave, he also signed with the Eagle of the Eagle Team. Hinata Asana should also be able to sign with Gray Magpie.

"I don't need it. The psychic beasts in Longdi Cave are enough for me to use at this stage. If I need them later, I'll come back to you."

Uchiha Yuan nodded when he heard this and didn't ask any more questions.

In the next few days, Uchiha Yuan and Hinata Asana began to teach Gray Magpie how to use chakra.

A qualified psychic beast must be able to use chakra to attack.

During the training process, Hinata Asana named the gray magpie Lightning for convenience.

Lightning's wisdom has grown rapidly, and is now equivalent to that of a 10-year-old child.

Therefore, Lightning's learning of Chakra is relatively smooth.

After Lightning learned to use chakra, an attack method that only belonged to lightning was awakened, just like the venom of ten thousand snakes and the acid of slugs.

Lightning's talent is wind. After learning to use chakra, he can send out wind blades just by waving his wings.

The power of the wind blade was not strong at first, and was similar to the C-level wind release ninjutsu released by ordinary genin.

Later, as he became familiar with this talent, Lightning was able to release more than a dozen wind blades in a row.

The wind blade was so powerful that it left white marks on a large rock.

Coupled with the fact that lightning can fly, it should be stronger than the average genin now.

Of course, the existence of lightning is not for fighting. Most of the flying psychic beasts are to assist their masters in fighting.

"By the way, Yuan, have you tested the chakra properties of Lightning?" Hyuga Asana asked.

"No, isn't its chakra attribute just wind?"

"Wind Blade should be a talent skill of Lightning, just like the snakes in Longdi Cave use venom. Its chakra attribute is not necessarily wind, or it may not only be wind."

Uchiha Yuan nodded, took out a piece of chakra test paper, and let Lightning inject chakra into the chakra test paper. The chakra test paper was first wrinkled and then cut in half.

"Wind and thunder? It really suits the attributes of birds." Hyuga Asana said after seeing the attributes of the gray magpie.

Uchiha Yuanya nodded: "Indeed, the wind and thunder attributes are indeed suitable for birds. The effects of wind escape and thunder escape are much stronger when released in the air than on the ground.

Moreover, Thunder Escape can also stimulate cells and increase movement speed. For birds, the increase in flight speed is also very important. Maybe it can be done in the future..."

"Far, Asana, you are here! Hurry! Hokage-sama is looking for us!" Kaguya Yamanaka, who arrived in a hurry, interrupted the conversation between the two.

Uchiha Yuan and Hyuga Asana glanced at each other, and the two realized that there should be a new mission.

Counting that they had stayed for 20 days before and after returning to the village this time, it was time to set off.

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