Konoha: Reviving the Glory of Uchiha

Chapter 85 Dragon Vein Chakra

In Uchiha Yuan's previous perception, Dragon Vein was a special chakra.

An Lushan used the power of the dragon vein to achieve a quick repair effect. Yuan Yuchiha wanted to know whether the power of the dragon vein itself could quickly repair it, or whether An Lushan used special means to achieve this effect.

This shadow clone of Uchiha Haruka took away most of his body's chakra. Uchiha Haruka's idea was that if the collection of dragon vein energy went smoothly, the shadow clone would send the chakra back to Konoha.

If it doesn't go well, then you have no choice but to give up.

As a result, the collection of dragon vein chakra was unexpectedly smooth. After An Lushan's death, these puppets lost their ability to move. Uchiha Yuan's shadow clone easily collected more than half of the dragon vein energy remaining in Loulan's puppets, and sealed it up. Scroll, and then rushed towards the territory of the Fire Kingdom.

Namikaze Minato and his team used the Flying Thunder God Technique to return to Konoha and immediately went to the Third Hokage to report the situation.

Although everyone's memories have been sealed, the dragon veins have also been sealed. There is no doubt that the matter has been solved perfectly.

After the Third Hokage learned that the matter was resolved, he nodded with satisfaction, then turned to Uchiha Yuan and the others and said: "You have worked hard this time. Go back and rest for a few days! After the Chunin Exam is over, we will arrange new arrangements for you." mission.”

"Thank you, Hokage-sama." Everyone said in unison.

After coming out of the Hokage Tower, Uchiha Yuan contacted Hinata Asana and Yamanaka Kaguya. Since returning to the village, the three of them have not seen each other yet!

Ten minutes later, Team Uchiha Toto gathered at the entrance of Ichiraku Ramen.

"Tsk tsk, Asana, why did you look like a good girl when you returned to the village?" Yamanaka Kaguya said as he looked at the well-dressed Hinata Asana.

"This is the rule of the Hyuga clan. I can't help it. Did your mission go well this time?" Hyuga Asana turned to Uchiha Haruka and asked.

"I don't know, our mission experience has been sealed, but..."

"But what?"

"It's okay, Asana, I may need your help to do some experiments later, are you free there? Can you leave from the Hyuga clan?" Uchiha Yuan asked.

"It should be possible. Now the people of the clan will no longer control me because of the face of Hokage-sama and Orochimaru-sensei."

"That's good. I'll contact you if I need your help."

Unknowingly, a week has passed, and the Chunin Examination has reached the final stage of combat.

It is worth mentioning that two days ago, when Uchiha was practicing, he used the Sharingan and triggered the backdoor he left, restoring his memory.

And just that afternoon, Uchiha Yuan's shadow clone also came back with the seal scroll.

After the shadow clone is released, the memory will return to the original body. Uchiha Yuan learned from the memory of the shadow clone that the amount of dragon vein chakra in this scroll is really quite a lot, almost two to three times that of the ordinary shadow.

Uchiha Yuan opened the seal scroll and extracted a small ball of dragon vein chakra. As observed before, the power of dragon vein did contain a special chakra.

Immediately afterwards, Uchiha went to the Forest of Death. Due to this Chunin Exam, many birds and beasts in the Forest of Death were injured.

Uchiha collected these injured birds and beasts, and then Uchiha tried to inject dragon vein chakra into a dying bird.

After Asuka absorbed the dragon vein chakra, his injuries gradually healed, but his mental state was still half-dead.

Uchiha Yuan felt a little strange. His injuries had obviously recovered, but why had his life activities not recovered?

Uchiha Yuan took out another ball of Dragon Vein Chakra from the scroll, continued to inject it into another injured animal, and then opened the Sharingan, wanting to see the flow of Dragon Vein Chakra in the animal's body.

With the help of the Sharingan, Uchiha Yuan discovered that the Dragon Vein Chakra had been circulating in the animal's body, but the animal showed no sign of regaining its life activities.

Afterwards, Uchiha Yuan called Hinata Asana, and together with Hinata Asana, they experimented with the effects of Dragon Vein Chakra on various animals. The results were the same as the previous two times.

Facts have proved that Dragon Vein Chakra does have the effect of rapid repair as Uchiha Yuan thought, but this rapid repair can only affect the body, but has no effect on the consciousness.

To put it simply, the animals were rescued, but they all entered a state of suspended animation. According to this situation, if they were replaced by humans, they would be in a vegetable state.

Uchiha Yuan was very disappointed with this result, but in this case, the rapid healing of dragon veins would be too useless.

Just when Uchiha Yuan was about to give up and throw these animals out, but when he encountered Asuka who had been infused with Dragon Vein Chakra from the beginning, Asuka's wings actually moved.

Then Asuka's eyes opened, and he looked around in confusion. He looked scared when he saw Uchiha far away, and flapped his wings to escape.

Of course, Uchiha Yuan would not let the bird fly away. He stopped the bird with a teleportation, and then asked Hinata Asana to help see if there were any strange changes in the bird's body.

Hinata Asana opened her eyes when she heard this. After she confirmed that Asuka's body had no changes compared to before, it was just that the dragon vein chakra had disappeared.

Now every part of Asuka's body has a trace of Dragon Vein Chakra. In other words, Dragon Vein Chakra has been completely absorbed by Asuka.

Uchiha Yuan asked Hinata Asana to use [Healing Technique] to revive Asuka. Asuka did not make any escape attempts this time, but shrank in fear.

"Yuan, don't you think it's strange? This bird seems a little too smart."

Uchiha Yuan was stunned when he heard this, yes!This is a bird. How can a bird have such a high IQ?

Afterwards, Uchiha Yuan conducted various tests on the flying bird. After the test, he came to the conclusion that the IQ of this bird was higher than that of ordinary large mammals.

The breed of this bird is an ordinary gray magpie, which can be seen everywhere in the previous life or in the world of Naruto.

The IQ of gray magpies is not as good as that of reptiles, let alone mammals.

A creature like the gray magpie, which only has survival instincts, cannot have such an IQ. Moreover, when Uchiha Yuan picked up the gray magpie, it did not have any chakra in its body, so it could not be a psychic beast.

In this case, the change of the gray magpie can only be due to the Dragon Vein Chakra.

Uchiha Yuanda was overjoyed and looked forward to the changes in other animals.

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