Chapter 1249 Just smile

"Tie Ning, Brother Ning! Brother Ning!!"

Bai Xinghan shouted in his ear, and the ground was covered with scattered healing pills, "Hang on, hold on while you're on horseback!!"

Tiening's eyes were bloodshot, and he seemed to have lost his memory. He couldn't remember who Bai Xinghan was, couldn't remember everything, and couldn't even remember why he was so seriously injured.

He seemed to have become a fool, mechanically taking healing pills one after another, but Tiening's Taoist foundation had been lost, and these healing pills were like jelly beans, having no effect on him...

"Tiening, Tiening." Bai Xinghan kept murmuring. The warm jade elixirs in his palms were stained with blood. He smiled palely, "Brother Ning, Lili Mountain, let's make an agreement." We want to go back to your hometown together... It was agreed."

Tiening's eyes were empty, but a warm smile gradually appeared at the corner of his mouth: "There are golden birds there. When they fly over, the sky...the sky is filled with gold. It is a wonder of the vast wilderness."

"Yes, Brother Ning, hold on, don't sleep, don't sleep!"

Bai Xinghan roared, and suddenly poured spiritual power into Tie Ning's body, "Let's go back together, back to Lili Mountain!"

He and Yaden were busy helping Tie Ning breathe out his last breath, but Tie Ning's eyelids kept closing slightly. He was so tired and in pain. He just knew that it would be better if he slept.


Qian Wuhen walked through this messy land like a zombie. He walked towards them with difficulty and expressionless, and inadvertently glanced into the distance.

These Lichen Immortal Temple monks were sent to capture the Canggu Saints...the latter had completely fallen into madness over the years, either self-destructing themselves in the Immortal City, or rushing into various major sects.

They seem to have known their fate over the years, paving the way for the true immortal world to enter the battlefield outside the territory, and their fate is like the evil spirits outside the territory!

Today, thousands of remnants of the Canggu Saint Clan fled into the Mengmu Sea Area, intending to destroy the Immortal Palaces of all parties. Later, the Immortal Palaces of each party learned of this and sent monks from the Immortal Palaces to encircle and exterminate the remnants.

But they... seemed to be the bait to annihilate the remnants of the Cang Ancient Saint Clan, at least in the eyes of Qian Wuhen and the others.

Nanyu Continent sent a Yuan-Destroying Dharma Ship to bombard the island indiscriminately!

Those Canggu saints survived the hard resistance due to their innate physical strength and were being captured into the Dharma ship. However, it was the human monks whose innate physical bodies were not strong and could not withstand such an indiscriminate bombardment!

They are not geniuses with limited lifespan. They have been polishing their bodies since the Qi refining period, and they can only turn into smoke and dust in the Yuan-destroying magic ship...

But the newly appointed Master of the Lichen Hall in the Mahayana period has ignored it and has not come yet, because the speed of the Venerable's arrival cannot be slower than them!

Qian Wuhen blinked his eyes dully. He didn't understand, he didn't understand at all, why the remnants of the Canggu Saint Clan were so crazy and why these colleagues were so cruel.

His status is too low and too low to see through the game behind the big shots, let alone the structure of the three thousand world hegemons...

Qian Wuhen sneered inexplicably. He only saw that the enemy was not destroyed, but his own people were suppressed and destroyed by his own people. It was absurd, how absurd!

"Isn't this the Immortal Palace of the Great World..." He paused slowly with his feet in a pool of blood, and turned to the distant sky and asked dully, "Aren't we the Immortal Palace that maintains the order of the Immortal Dao and protects billions of living beings? ?”

"Why do you want to kill your own people?"



A terrifying ripple of spiritual energy suddenly roared in mid-air, and Qian Wuhen's veins popped out. His expressionless expression was suddenly filled with a surge of rage, and the majestic spiritual pressure was moving towards the distant sky with pressure. !

At this time, cold lights from the distance suddenly shot toward Qian Wuhen.

An alien Hedao True Lord looked down at the devastated land and saw Qian Wuhen and the Immortal Palace clothes he was wearing. He said coldly: "How can I arrest the remnants of the Canggu Saint Clan? Do I still have to explain to you, a little patrolling servant?" !”

There was a white-faced man hanging next to him, looking at the vision with great interest: "Without spiritual roots, and unable to explore the realm, take him out of the Immortal Palace in the Sea and bring him into my cave."

The man obviously had a strong interest in Qian Wuhen's immortal way. As for what the latter said, he turned a deaf ear. He didn't need to listen to the ants' voices. The only thing to blame was that these human monks were too weak.

Hearing this, the alien Hedao True Monarch's indifferent expression instantly became respectful, and he lowered his eyebrows and responded: "Yes."

The man smiled faintly and said lightly: "As for tonight's matter, just treat it as if these Immortal Temple monks died in the line of duty. I won't treat them badly, haha."

"Understood, my lord." The alien Hedao True Monarch spoke meticulously, as if I was a good old dog.

Suppressing the human cultivators of the three thousand worlds is also the meaning mentioned above. A few will die here and a few will die there. The total number of the three thousand worlds is probably huge.

How many people can the Borderless Human Race save? As the saying goes, the King of Hell is easy to meet, but the kid is difficult to deal with. Those big shots from the Human Race don't have the energy to take care of them.

First, let the leaders of the major Immortal Palaces of the human race retreat with good words, and then attack the human race of the Immortal Palace step by step, and finally start to suppress the entire human race of the Three Thousand Great Worlds.

For ordinary immortal cultivators, the Immortal Palace is the authority of all races and the authority of the sky. If you, the human race, are convicted, you are guilty, but you cannot enter the Xingshu, and you cannot sit on the space ship, so it is limited to a corner.

In this way, the human race is being eroded step by step, adding insult to injury, leaving the human race no longer able to fight, and it is also causing the human race in the three thousand worlds and the boundless human race to become alienated and vicious.


Tie Ning struggled to stand up, blood flowing down his feet, and a small pool of blood formed after a while. He walked towards Qian Wuhen step by step from the firelight in all directions.

His eyes revealed nervousness, restlessness, confusion, and pain, as if he had foreseen his own death.

Tie Ning was staggered by the corpse on the ground and was thrown towards the ground with a bang. Qian Wuhen caught him firmly with a 'bang' sound, and his whole body was almost weak.

His thick blood fell quietly on Qian Wuhen's back, and he stiffly said: "...Brother, brother."

"Brother Ning." Qian Wuhen said in a deep voice, hugging him tightly, but his hands could not help but tremble, "I am here, I am listening."

"Storage ring... help... help me find a storage ring and bring it to my grandpa, grandpa." Tie Ning drooped his eyelids and said feebly, "Tell me that I am in the Immortal Palace, and the Immortal Palace is very good."

His pupils were filled with firelight, but the color was not one ten thousandth as bright as his blood-red eyes.

"Hey..." Qian Wuhen smiled dullly and nodded gently, "Hey... okay."

"...Thank you." Tie Ning's voice sounded like a mosquito, his blurry eyes still looking in a certain direction, but there was no breath anymore.

His spirit disappeared silently between heaven and earth, drifting in the direction of the golden mountain.

Qian Wuhen's angry mood just now completely disappeared at this moment, and the corners of his mouth twitched a little. His father once taught him to smile when he was sad.

...Just smile.

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