"Aqi! Aqi! I brought a good friend back~." Your voice drew Qili Hatake out of the dining room.

"Hatake-sama?!" Senju Minghua was very surprised to see Hatake Qili and subconsciously bowed.

"Is this the Mingka of the Oriko family? He's grown a lot taller." Qili Hatake touched Senju Mingka's hair.

"Yes...yes, Lord Hatake." Facing the idol of his mother, Senju Oriko, Senju Mingka was a little nervous.

"Sister! You're back!" Xiaodou Dingzhujian happily grabbed your clothes. You took off the black iron hammers on your arms and placed them on the wooden floor outside the living room.

"This is Mooka, my sister's new best friend~. This is Hashirama, my eldest brother, isn't he cute?" You put Mooka next to Hashirama who was trying to move the Black Iron Hammer.

"Hello... I am Senju Momo."

"Hello! I am Senju Hashirama!"

"And, and...this is my second younger brother Tobirama." You walked through the living room like the wind, and lifted out Tobirama who was nibbling on the crib in the corner of the dining room.

"So...so cute." Taohua touched Tobirama's soft and tender cheeks.

"Wow... wow..." I don't know if Tobirama felt uncomfortable because you pinched him and lifted him up, or because Tobirama was angry that you interrupted him from eating. Tobirama struggled and cried while waving his hands and feet.

"Tobirama!!" Hashirama took Tobirama from your hand very skillfully, hugged Tobirama in a very standard arm hugging posture, and gently rocked him to coax him. You touched your nose nonchalantly, looking at Tobirama who slowly calmed down but turned the back of his head towards you.

"Sorry~, sorry~, Tobirama~." You clasped your hands together, "My sister is anxious to introduce you to my new friends, please forgive me."

"Tobirama is still young and can't understand what you are saying." Hatake Qiuri stroked your weed-like hair.

"But I want to apologize to Tobirama~ Tobirama will feel it if I apologize seriously." You said with a chuckle.

"Come in and eat." Hatake Qili stopped dwelling on this issue and instead invited Senju Minghua and Senju Mooka to the dining room.

"I'll start pulling!" Looking at a large table of dishes, Qianju Minghua clasped his hands together.

"Wait a minute!" You held your own chopsticks in your left hand, and copied Hashirama's chopsticks with your right hand. After a while, your hands danced on the table, and a cute three-dimensional bunny appeared on Moohua's bowl. , on Minghua's bowl, an abstract man made of bones appeared. At first glance, it looked a bit like the little wooden man given to you by Thousand Hands Knot. On Hashirama's bowl were sunflowers made of alternate tofu and rabbit meat, and on Hatake Qiuri's bowl were budding radish flowers and several butterflies made of rabbit meat.

"Okay!" You looked at your work. You nodded with satisfaction in the eyes of Mooka and Hashirama's stars.

'What? ! So fast! I can’t see how it’s put together at all, so why do I only have bones? ! Qianju Minghua's eyes almost blurred when he found a provocative little bone man on his bowl. He poked it with his chopsticks curiously, and the little man trembled and dropped two bones. It was there all of a sudden. He went down and turned into a posture of kneeling with his hands on the ground and repenting.

Senju Mooka clipped off the rabbit's ears and discovered that you had made a skeleton out of radish inside, and the hair outside was made of shredded rabbit meat.

"Sister, I want one too." Hashirama used chopsticks to place an ugly pattern on your bowl. Hatake Qiuri touched it with a smile, and straightened Hashirama's silky hair with chopsticks. The image on your bowl turned into a flat, naive puppy.

"Thanks~, Hashirama." You took a big gulp and swallowed Xiugou's head and a large piece of mushroom rice underneath it.

Qili Hatake gave Senju Minghua a few pieces of meat and asked him to see how quickly the dishes were being placed on the table. Qianju Minghua quickly stopped trying to move the penitent villain back to the standing villain. The little bone man suddenly collapsed in his bowl and turned into a rotten man, but Minghua couldn't care less about it.

Senju Minghua tried to pick up vegetables from various plates for Momo, but you always snatched them away and added them to Senju Momo's bowl. "Taohua, oooh~" You kept stuffing food in your mouth, and tried to use strange sounds instead of words to tell Taohua that this dish is delicious and that dish is good too.

"Swallow your food before you speak." Hatake Qili knocked on your head.

‘This guy is definitely going against me on purpose! ’ Qianju Minghua, who was robbed of food by you again, had blue veins on his forehead. (No, Ayan just picks up the dishes too quickly. When Qianju Minghua stretched out his chopsticks to aim at the target, Ayan had already picked up all the dishes.)

"Brother Minghua, try this." Hashirama spotted the moment when you moved the chopsticks to another plate, and he took the opportunity to give Minghua a chopstick of food. (Hashirama has already developed a pattern when eating with Ayan. When picking vegetables from the plate that Ayan has just finished, he can still get them even if he moves a little slower.)

Senju Mingka was a little embarrassed to be taken care of by Hashirama who was younger than him.

"I'll have another bowl!!" You held up the big bowl with not a grain of rice left, and ran to the kitchen, only to find that there was no mushroom rice. You rubbed your head, probably because Hatake Qili didn't know you. I will bring two friends back today and cook as usual. You rinsed the bowls and chopsticks with water and put them on the table, then washed a large bag of apples, piled them on a wooden tray and carried them to the dining room.

You placed the apple mountain firmly on the wooden floor next to you, and everyone was still eating slowly. You eat one apple every five times, without spitting out the core or handle. The apple mountain becomes smaller visibly to the naked eye. You touch your belly and wonder why you are not full today? But you didn't feel hungry either, so you didn't take it too seriously.

Suddenly you smelled a sudden stench in the air. You got up and went to the northwest corner of the dining room next to Tobirama, who was lying in the crib, crying. You picked up Tobirama and went to Hatake Qili's bedroom. You pulled out a dry diaper that had no smell at all. You went to the bathroom next to the bedroom and skillfully washed Tobirama's bottom and put it on.

Narrator: There are diapers in Ayan's world. Ayan and Hashirama used diapers when they were babies. However, Tobirama's skin is very tender and she cries a lot when wearing it. She also gets rashes easily, so she can only use disposable diapers.

You put the changed diapers under the faucet to wash them, but you heard a squeaking sound even though you didn't use much force, and the diapers split into two halves. You had no choice but to throw them away, wash your hands, and carry Tobirama back to the dining room. (Ayan herself didn’t realize that her appetite had increased and her strength had increased after having chakra, but her control had weakened.)

By this time, Senju Mooka and Senju Mingka were full, and each held a cat-like apple peeled by Hatake Qi and was happily chewing on it. Hashirama was still working hard at cooking, but Hatake Qiuri knocked him on the head and told him to chew slowly.

"Hashirama, come with me to school this afternoon," you sat down cross-legged, putting Tobirama between your legs. Tobirama was very resistant and used his two small hands with eight fleshy sockets to push away your hand that was reaching for his fleshy cheeks.

"No, sister, I want to see Tobirama." Although Senju Hashirama was very moved, he still refused when he saw Tobirama trying hard to wave his arms.

"Tobirama can come too." You moved your hands up and down, gently touching Tobirama's little face and belly, making Tobirama dance around to stop you. Of course he couldn't stop you at all, so he was so angry that he kicked your thigh hard.

"No, Tobirama is too small. It's easy to get sick if you go to crowded places." Qili Hatake touched Hashirama's silky mushroom head, "Hashirama can go if he wants to. Mom won't draw space scrolls in the afternoon, so you can go by yourself Look, Tobirama, you and your sister go play." Although Senju Tobirama's physical fitness is better than that of ordinary children, there is still a gap compared with you and Hashirama. You two have never been sick since you were born. Hata Mu Qili took care of Tobirama as he took care of the two of you, but Tobirama ended up with a cold, fever and diarrhea~. Therefore, Qi Li is stricter with Tobirama and less restrictive with you and Hashirama.

"Thank you for the hospitality!"

You held Momoka in your left hand and Hashirama in your right hand. You were happily describing clan studies to Hashirama, and you arrived at the school before you knew it. Qianju Minghua is holding Momohua's other hand on the left side of Senju Momohua.

The scroll and wooden figure you took out in the morning are still on the original table. You picked up the attackers and defenders and came to the training ground with Hashirama and the others. You input chakra into the wooden man, and the wooden man emits a puff of smoke and turns into a wooden man the same height as you. The wooden man's face is very similar to yours. The hands, feet, arms and legs, and each joint of the human body are replaced by very delicate structures. They can rotate 360 ​​degrees and appear to be more flexible than humans.

"It's amazing!" Senju Hashirama's eyes are bright, and he is circling around the wooden man. The wooden man ignores him and rushes towards you. It makes a fist and hits you on the head. You want to test its power and... Instead of hiding, he caught its fist with his hand. You took a few steps back to release your strength, probably knowing that the wooden man's strength was about the same as yours.

The wooden man rushes towards you again without stopping. You concentrate on fighting with it, but if the wooden man hits you, you will feel pain. If you hit the wooden man, the wooden man will just pause and then continue to attack you.

‘Are you going to break it? No, there is no point in breaking it. ’ You realize that this wood attacker is training you to avoid it, not letting you fight it. You adjusted your body movements to focus on defense, which is relatively new to you because you focus on offense when hunting.

‘It’s impossible for human legs to be bent at this angle! ! ’ You dodge left and right, but because of the peculiar structure of the wooden man, you are always hit by it from unexpected angles. You realized that you couldn't dodge all the attacks just by dodging, so you waved your hands and feet, missing the fists and feet that attacked you. (Narrator: Uchiha can bend at this angle. Thumbs up. jpg)

You and Mu Renman ran around in the training ground, causing many young Senjus to jump. The place was filled with voices such as "Get away!", "What are you doing?!", "Ah, it hurts". Finally, the wooden man's chakra was exhausted, and with a bang, there was a burst of familiar smoke, and he turned back into a small wooden man and fell to the ground. You carelessly pulled out the kunai from your arm that was accidentally shot. The shurikens and kunai that were originally inserted into the wooden figure also broke away because the wooden figure became smaller and scattered on the ground.

"What are you doing?!" All the little Thousand Hands either have red fist marks on their faces or wooden man's footprints on their bodies, and they all yell at you like sharks.

"Oh~! Sorry!" You apologized very insincerely, with your right little finger still pressing your nostrils. Your face, which was obviously expressionless, actually gave off a bit of mockery, as if you were saying, 'Weak chickens can do this. Interfering with your training'.

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