You open the scroll of "Basics of Ninjutsu - Seals". This is a vertical scroll with the words "Zi Chou Yin Mao, Chen Si Wu Wei, Shen You Xu Hai," 12 earthly branch gestures and "Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon" on the top. There are 12 zodiac signs such as "snake, horse, sheep, monkey, chicken, dog, and pig", as well as the nine-character mantra gesture of "all those who are facing the battle are arrayed in front", and then the quasi-shaped gestures such as love, square, triangle, etc., and finally various handle twists. Twist gesture. You memorize them all at a glance. The scroll is less than a third open.

Next, useful information began to appear on the scrolls. First, there is a text (Sanskrit) that you don’t know much about, and then there is the translation of ‘What is Seal? The seal is the talisman of the body, the energy that moves the body, the ability to stimulate the body, transcends the ordinary world, controls wonderful realms, and has the power to control people and nature. ’ You frowned slightly. You knew all these words, but when they were put together, you didn’t know what to say.

You then open the scroll down and see the explanation of the current language habits.

What is a seal?

The seal is to set a symbol for the body, which is used to mobilize the energy in the body, that is, spiritual energy and physical energy, and combine the two into chakra to stimulate people's life potential. Chakra can make a person's body stronger and allow him to better control his body. Chakra can stimulate various functions of the human body, make people healthier, and can also help people get rid of injuries and illnesses. Techniques that apply chakra to the body to kill enemies are called taijutsu, and techniques that apply chakra to the human body to heal are called medical ninjutsu.

The seals transform chakra into and mobilize various natural elements, such as water, earth, wind, fire, thunder, etc., allowing people to control the power of nature and possess powers beyond ordinary people. Jutsu that uses chakra to control natural elements is called ninjutsu.

The seal can use chakra to connect a person's will with others, and can change and control other people's senses, behavior and thoughts. Jutsu that uses chakra to change and control others is called genjutsu.

The scroll continues to open, and you skip all the Sanskrit and ancient sayings (Why seal? There is no other, it is efficient. What is the seal? The sealer teaches it personally and can know it by feeling).

Why seal?

The purpose of sealing is to refine chakra more quickly and efficiently. Different techniques have different energy types and energy scales, and the required combination ratios of mental energy and physical energy are also different. The activation of Ninjutsu requires a very short period of time to quickly complete the refining, mixing, property transformation and form output of spiritual energy and physical energy within the body. The practitioner can make his body develop a habit by forming seals, turning the ninjutsu into an established procedure. One or several steps correspond to one seal, making the activation of the technique safer, more efficient and faster.

How to form a seal?

People's own bodies will tell them how to form the seals. Mobilize the chakra in your body, try different gestures and postures, and choose the one that feels most comfortable or most efficient for your body. Note: Danger may occur during the sealing process, please complete it under the supervision of elders. Everyone's physical condition is different, and the conditions of the seals are also different. After selecting a gesture or posture, you need to practice it repeatedly until the body forms a conditioned reflex, and then you can try to stimulate the ninjutsu. For the same ninjutsu, a person who is determined or skilled in using it can use fewer seals and consume less chakra than others, and achieve a more destructive effect. Also: People of the same ethnic group have similar physical conditions. The closer the relationship is, the more similar the chakra and seal formation methods are. It is best for children to complete the seal formation training under the leadership of their immediate family members.

At the back of the scroll, there are portraits of human bodies with chakra flowing during various seals of the Senju clan. You quickly read them and remembered them in your mind.

Narrator: The kind of portrait that would be detrimental to Senju if spread out. Ah Yan has a very good mind, but she can remember it with just one glance if she wants to remember it. If she doesn't want to remember it, it's useless if you keep wandering around in front of her eyes.

You rerolled the scroll and handed it to Senju Knot who was sitting on the table at the back of the teaching room.

‘Do you remember it so quickly? ’ Qianju Knot suspects that you didn’t look carefully at all.

And you, dragging two black iron hammers behind you, have already called your friends to go to the practice ground to practice the seals. You didn't take it seriously that the scroll required practicing with the company of elders.

‘Sure enough…’ Qianju Knot quickly followed you.

You form seals in sequence in the order on the scroll and feel the chakra flowing in your body.

Ziyin → Yang attribute chakra.

You feel a stream of heat flowing through your body. You feel your body's temperature obviously rising, and your stomach is growling. You're a little hungry. (Next to you: Ayan’s body metabolism has accelerated.)

Yin Seal → Water attribute chakra.

A large amount of cold water falls from above your head, turning you into a drowned rat, but your body temperature drops and you feel very comfortable.

Maoyin → Thunder attribute chakra.

There was a crackling sound between your hands, and your hair stood on end, but you didn't feel any discomfort in your body.

Next to you: When Ah Yan was using space thunder to make a moving scroll in Hatake Qili, he tried to touch it with his hands. As a result, he was half-dead from the electric shock. He suffered from numbness, pain and burning sensation. He lay in bed for a week. But the thunder attribute chakra refined by Ayan himself will not have a negative effect on Ayan's body.

Siyin → Earth attribute chakra.

The ground your feet touched suddenly sank, and you fell. Relying on your strong sense of balance, like a cat falling from a tall building, you landed safely at the bottom of the pit, with your feet touching the ground. The black iron hammer that was originally behind you made a shallow pit on the left and right sides of you.

But Qianju Minghua beside you doesn't have such a good sense of balance. He falls to the bottom of the pit like a salted fish. Taohua, on the other hand, was lifted up by her shirt by the thousand-hand knot, and did not fall down with you.

Thousand-Hand Knot stamped his feet, and the land at the bottom of the irregular pit you created, which was about three meters in diameter and about two meters deep, rose up and returned to the same state as before, with no traces visible at all. Senju Minghua learned the lesson, and he pulled Senju Momo to stay away from you.

Unprinted, printing → space attribute chakra.

Your belt disappeared when you tied it. You have a magical feeling, as if an ant that could only move on a flat surface has become a queen, has grown wings, and can fly up, down, left, right, and back. You feel the belt moving in a dimension invisible to the eye but perceptible to the mind.

But instead of forming the seals in the remaining order, you formed the remaining seals happily, and the belt was pulled back from that dimension and hit Senju Minghua in the face with a slap. 'Why am I always the one who's hurt? ! ’

Bianjun: Ayan's perception suddenly changed from the x (horizontal) axis and y (vertical) axis to the x (horizontal) axis, y (vertical) axis, and z (vertical) axis.

"You guys definitely did this on purpose!" Qianju Minghua grabbed the belt from his face, and a wide red mark on his face made people laugh.

"Sorry, sorry." You walked over with your pants in one hand and took the belt, put it on your waist again, then scratched your head and said with a smile, "Fortunately it wasn't the Black Iron Hammer that flew away, ha~ha~! "(Otherwise Senju Minghua will become a big-faced person.)

"Eh~!" Qianju Minghua looked at your action of fastening the belt, and his face turned red. "Asshole...bastard, what are you doing!! Are you a girl?!"

‘What does a belt have to do with girls? ’ You scratched your head and didn’t understand why Senju Minghua was angry, so you simply ignored him and continued to form seals.

Qianju Minghua was even more angry, but the cute Taohua persuaded Minghua with a few words like "Brother, don't be angry."

Seal → Thunder attribute chakra.

Your hair stood up again, but there was no sound. You felt that the electric current was like a beam, shooting into the surrounding space, especially the one under your feet attracted the most electric current. You seem to feel that unintuitive dimensional world again. (Ayan's Maoyin is probably alternating current, and Shenyin's is direct current. Ayan's unprinted perception is the coordinates (xa, ya, za) of a certain point (a) with Ayan as the origin, while Shenyin's perception is An irregular sphere with Ayan as the center. Weiyin can perceive very far away, while Shenyin can only perceive the space around him. The conductivity of land is better than that of air, and the perceived radius of a circle is larger than the perceived radius of air, so it is Irregular sphere.)

Xuyin, Qianyin → illusion.

When you form the Xu Seal, your spiritual energy becomes very active. When forming the front seal, the spiritual energy spreads out and automatically looks for other people's spiritual energy, sneaking in quietly.

You have felt a little hot since you extracted the chakra, and your spiritual energy quietly brought your feeling to others. Minghua and Taohua both started to feel a little hot, but the Thousand-Armed Knot calmly brought your feeling to others. The spiritual energy was driven out of the body and was not affected by it.

Tiger Seal → Chakra extraction speed is accelerated.

When you perform the tiger seal, the spiritual energy rotates more smoothly, attracting more physical energy, and the speed of mixing into chakra is also accelerated. But you feel very irritated and only knotted it for a moment and then loosened it.

You won't feel anything about the other seals.

After you practiced the hand seal for a while, it was already noon and the people at the training ground were almost gone. You rubbed your growling stomach and muttered 'lunch, lunch' as ​​you pulled Minghua and Taohua towards home.

Halfway through, you felt that Taohua's calves were moving too slowly, so you simply lifted her up and let her sit astride your shoulders. Taohua hugged your head nervously. Minghua was a little shy because you held his hand, but when he saw you lifting Taohua up, he couldn't help but gasp.

"Let me carry Taohua!!" Qianju Minghua's voice changed a bit. He wanted to take away your hand and help Taohua, but for you, Minghua had no strength to fight.

"Speed ​​up!" You held Minghua with your left hand and held Taohua's back on your shoulder with your right hand. As you started running, you heard the sound of the black iron hammer hitting the ground again and again behind you in the wind. , and Minghua's inflected voice 'Wait a minute...'.

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