In Avengers Tower, everyone who temporarily suppressed their conflicts began to deal with Ultron's matter, collecting intelligence and narrowing the scope.

Dr. Zhao hurried back to Seoul, as if she didn't want to stay here anymore, and she seemed to have forgotten something.

As a colonel in the military, Rhodes also left here to inform the authorities, although it was of no use.

Everyone else had something to do, and Ed couldn't get involved, so he silently walked to the window alone.

Before he could think for long, the captain walked up to Ed with a tablet in hand.

"Are you okay? Ed." The captain didn't get down to business right away.

Ed turned his head and was silent for a moment. "I'm sorry, Captain."

"Daddy is doing it for me."

The captain patted him on the shoulder, "You are just a trigger at best."

"do not mind."

Ed nodded, "Captain, is there any news?"

The captain handed over the tablet in his hand, and Ed took it.

In a dark basement, the tragic scene of Stekel's death appeared in front of him. The walls were engraved with the words "Peace" in large blood-red letters.

Ed frowned "Ultron did it?"


"Stekel has something that Ultron doesn't want us to find out."

The captain took back the tablet, operated it a few times, and handed it back to Ed.

"and this."

This time, the information of two people appeared on the tablet, his brother Pietro Maximov.

and sister Wanda Maximoff.

"The superpower created by Stekel." Ed thought about it.

The captain nodded, "Yes, the two brothers and sisters have also joined Ultron's team."

"Brother is very fast. I learned it in Sokovia."

"Sister, she can... control people."

Ed understood, "So my mission is her."


"We are not afraid of any challenges from the outside, but we cannot cope with crises from within."

"Ed, your mission is very important." The captain said solemnly

"I will be prepared." Ed replied seriously

"Okay, let's go and gather everyone."

After a while, the sun rose, coating the city with a light golden color.

In the data room, because Ultron took away all the electronic data, everyone could only read the paper data here.

Everyone lined up, and Ed stood at the front and waved his wand.

Suddenly, the information in the box floated in the air one by one, slowly passing in front of several people.

Everyone was a little dazed for a moment, Natasha squinted her eyes and said, "Stekel has many 'friends'."

Banner searched equally carefully "Yeah, these 'friends' of his look scary."

While the two were talking, Tony's eyes flashed and he reached out to grab a piece of information.

"I know this guy."

The information showed a man with a full neck tattoo, a big beard, a slovenly complexion, a gray face and a fierce gaze.

"He had been doing business along the coast of Africa."

"Black market arms dealer."

The captain immediately looked at Tony with a very dissatisfied look, obviously he thought there was a deal between the two.

Tony quickly explained, "Please, it's inevitable that people in the same industry will interact with each other."

"And I never sold him anything."

Only then did the captain look away.

Tony continued "He said he found something that would change the world."

"Gossip all day long."

At this time Thor pointed to a brand on the man's neck and asked, "This is a brand, not a tattoo."

On the other side, Banner simultaneously searched for this brand, "Well, this is an indigenous African language."

"It means thief, which is very insulting."

Tony had some ideas "Where's the Aboriginal language?"

Banner glanced at the computer and read out "Wack, Wakkan..."


You looked at the captain with a confused look on your face, and he had the same expression.

"Captain, if Ultron gets anything from him..."

The captain looked surprised, "Didn't your father take them all?"

Banner looked confused and said, "Wait a minute, I don't understand."

"Take something."

Tony paused and looked at Captain's Stars and Stripes shield on the ground. "The hardest metal in the world."


A dock somewhere on the coast of Africa.

A ship ran aground here. The lights on the ship were dim, figures were moving around, and the environment was humid.

But the captain's cabin has a different look, with bright light and open space.

Tony and the others saw in the information that the arms dealer was here. He looked angry and ended the conversation by saying that he wanted to send a missile.

Then he changed his tone to a gentler tone and dialed another number.

"Hello, Minister, I..."

Before he could finish his words, the lights on the entire ship flickered a few times, then entered darkness, and the phone in his hand was cut off.

The arms dealer didn't panic at all. He walked slowly to the table, reached out and picked up the pistol on the table, and looked around cautiously.

But he didn't see a tall steel figure floating there quietly behind him.

Bang——, the arms dealer was thrown to the ground, surrounded by glass fragments.

He struggled to stand up and turned around to find two glowing eyes staring straight at her.

Ultron lowered its steel body and said unceremoniously, "Let's do a business."

A few minutes later, the arms dealer reluctantly took Ultron to a cabin with the words "Toxic Waste" on it.

He ordered his men, and after a while of operations, the vibranium in the cabin slowly rose.

The arms dealer stepped forward and took a tube and handed it to Ultron. He touched his neck with a ruthless look in his eyes, "This thing is worth a lot of money."

"Worth billions."

"Hmm~" Ultron has no concept of money. Taking away the money in the bank is as easy as eating and drinking water for this mechanical life.

"Now you can tell people you're a billionaire."

"I've transferred the money to your...fake account."

Didi didi——, the arms dealer took out the cash register on his body.

The dozen or so numbers above kept beating, and the arms dealer raised his head in disbelief.

Ultron shook his head nonchalantly, "But I know that we must make our friends and enemies rich together."

"In this way, you will know whether you are an enemy or a friend."

Listening to these familiar words, the arms dealer blurted out "Stark."

"You are his subordinate."

"What!?" Ultron's voice was filled with anger.

It grabbed the arms dealer's hand and twisted it hard.

"Ugh!" the arms dealer cried out in pain.

Just as his men were about to draw their guns, the robot next to Ultron blasted him away with a palm cannon, leaving him dead or alive.

Ultron said fiercely, "You think I'm his puppet!"

"Leave it to his mercy!"

"Look at me again!"

"Do I look like Iron Man?!"

"Who the hell is Stark!!"

At the end, Ultron was so angry that he cut off the arms dealer's arm with a knife, and then kicked him in the face.

Gululu——, the arms dealer rolled down the stairs.

Ultron apologized and said, "Oh, I'm sorry, I'll be fine in a minute."

Then Ultron said angrily, "Don't compare me to Stark!"

"He is a stubborn person!"

Switch freely between the two states, revealing the essence of madness.

When——, the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.

"Well, it really hurts my heart when you say that about dad."

Avengers, arrived.

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