Marvel Wizard My Dad Is Iron Man

Chapter 64 Omnic Crisis

Tony frowned and looked at the suit that he thought was out of control. "Jarvis, wake up."

"One of the suits is out of control."


"I'm sorry, I...I seem to have fallen asleep." Jarvis did not respond, but the robot in front of him shook his head and said

"Oh, I quite like that guy."

"But it's a pity that someone is dead." When saying this, the robot's head twisted unnaturally.

The captain couldn't help but said, "Did you kill someone?"

Others also realized that things were not simple and became vigilant.

The robot didn't answer the captain's question, it made a sound.

"My vision is a suit to protect the world."

Although it was slightly distorted, you could still tell that it was Tony's voice.

Banner looked shocked and looked at Tony, "It's Ultron!"

"It's me."

Robot, no, Ultron said.

Tony was a little panicked because he felt like he was out of luck this time.

"But not yet, not this cocoon that binds me."

"But I'm ready."

"I have a mission to carry out."

"What mission?" Hill still wanted to talk.

The decayed robot raised its head, shaking its head up and down, and Ultron said slowly.

"For peace in our time."

Boom——!Several brand new suits flew out from behind Ultron and rushed towards everyone.

It has to be said that it is ironic that the Avengers' logo is printed on the suit, but now it is attacking the Avengers.

The moment the suit rushed over, everyone had already reacted and divided into two groups centered on the table that the captain had kicked over.

Everyone jumped to one side to parry the first wave of attacks.

Ed, who was dodging, immediately wanted to cast an iron armor spell, but as soon as he raised his wand.

Bang——, the floor under his feet suddenly cracked, and Ed only felt a pair of iron hands grabbing his feet, and with a sharp pull, he suddenly fell into the next floor.

Ed left the main battlefield, but no one had time to care. Ultron suddenly launched an attack when everyone was least prepared.

The Avengers are a little embarrassed.

On the next floor, Ed was pulled down and fell heavily to the ground, and the wand in his hand suddenly fell out of his hands.

At the same time, a pair of iron-like hands on his feet grasped his feet tightly.

Ed looked pained, gritted his teeth, raised one hand backwards, and cast a spell without a staff.


The light bullet accurately hit the iron hand at the ankle. Screws, wires, and gears were scattered on the ground.

Ed endured the pain and kicked hard with his other foot. While knocking back the suit, he used the reaction force to move away from the enemy.

After gaining some breathing space, Ed made a move on his hand, wandless flying spell, and the wand returned to his hand.

At this time, Zhan Yi said, "I'm here to help you."

But he pounced on Ed fiercely, as if he was going to kill him.

But with his wand in hand, Eddard fears no enemy.

"Thunderbolt explosion!"

The light bullet hit the flying suit, but this time, the suit was not just missing an arm.

Crash--, various parts were scattered all over the place, and the original appearance could no longer be seen.

Meanwhile, upstairs, Cap jumps up to catch the shield thrown by Hawkeye.

Then he turned around and threw it out hard, nailing the suit that was still firing the palm cannon to the wall with a clang.

The battle is over.

Ed also returned the same way, followed the hole just now, slowly floated up, and immediately pointed his wand at Ultron.

At this time, the hall was in a mess. Ultron controlled the decayed suit and scratched his head, which seemed not to mean the current situation.

Ultron was pacing back and forth, still saying that annoying "Oh, I'm sorry."

"You just haven't thought it through."

"You want to protect the world, but you don't want to change the world."

“How can we save humanity if we don’t allow it to evolve?”

Tony lowered his head to clean the glass from the wound. The others looked at each other, knowing who they were talking about.

"How do you protect the world?"

"Use these puppets?" As he spoke, Ultron raised a damaged suit, squeezed it hard, and the visor of the suit fell off.

The wires inside were exposed and made a sizzling sound.

"There is only one way to achieve peace."

"Destroy the Avengers." Ultron said this coldly

Phew-bang!Unable to bear it, Thor threw his hammer and smashed the suit controlled by Ultron.

The broken Ultron still didn't stop, and the mask of the controlled suit flashed.

“I was once bound by strings, but I’m free now.”

"I used to……"

It echoed in everyone's ears like a devil's whisper.

Sokovia, the vast underground space.

The originally abandoned production robot assembly line here has resumed operation due to the arrival of a new owner.

Back in Avengers Tower, Tony's laboratory.

Everyone stood here speechless, the scepter was taken away again, Thor had already gone to catch up, the seemingly useless attack just now was actually to delay time.

Tony stood aside silently, his expression expressionless.

Banner inspected the damage "All our hard work is ruined."

"Ultron emptied out and it ran along the Internet."

Natasha added "Ultron has seen it all."

"Probably know us better than we do each other."

The captain looked at Tony and muttered "Ultron..." expressionlessly.

Rhodes, who was injured in the battle, covered an arm and said, "Ultron has seen everything."

"Then what if it wants a little excitement?"

Hill instantly understood "The nuclear bomb code?"

Natasha wondered "Nuclear bomb code?"

"Ultron is going to kill us?"

The captain corrected, "It didn't say 'die', it said 'annihilate'"

"Ultron also said it killed someone." Hawkeye also asked a question

"But there's no one else here." Hill wondered

At this time, Tony, who had not spoken for a long time, stood up and said, "No, there is still one."

After speaking, he flicked his hand, and the orange sphere symbolizing Jarvis appeared in front of everyone, now riddled with holes.

Banner stepped forward incredulously, "Ultron could have assimilated him."

"This is not a strategy."

"It's anger," Banner muttered.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a sound of rapid footsteps. Thor, who had gone to pursue him, came back. Judging from his empty hands, it seemed that he had gained nothing.

Thor stepped heavily on the floor and swung his arms back and forth wider.

He walked towards Tony with an angry look on his face, looking like he was about to fight.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, Ed quickly stood in front of Thor and said, "Hey, Thor, a gentleman talks with his words but never with his hands."

Thor stopped, his eyes still staring hard at Tony behind Ed.

Not to be outdone, Tony patted Ed on the shoulder and pulled him behind him.

The two looked at each other, but no one spoke first, just when the two of them were at war with each other.

The captain came out to smooth things over, "Thor, the Legion has gone."

Thor turned to look at the captain and turned the hammer in his hand.

Not to see Tony. "The Legion went north."

"The scepter was taken away by them."

"Now, I have to ask everyone to help me get it back." Thor said seriously.

"Hahahahaha." Tony turned around and snickered for some reason.

Banner looked at him and shook his head.

Thor was even more annoyed and laughed, "Do you think it's funny?"

"If I were you, I wouldn't tinker with things I don't understand."

Tony turned around sharply "Yeah, that's funny!"

"It's funny to me because you have no idea why we need Ultron!"

Tony walked up to Thor, and the atmosphere between the two became tense again.

"Tony, it's not good to say this now, isn't it?" Banner's tone changed.

"Oh, Banner!"

"You're like this whenever someone gets mad, right?!"

"I only do this after building a killing machine!" Banner retorted.

Captain also accused Tony at this time, "Tony, the Avengers can't be like S.H.I.E.L.D."

Tony smiled and spread his hands, "Hey, does anyone remember a few years ago?"

"That wormhole hanging over New York."

"Someone remembers my son!"

"A 14-year-old, rushing in with a nuclear bomb?!"


As soon as these words came out, the audience fell silent.

Tony let out a breath and continued, "We can catch arms dealers every day."

"But that wormhole, that enemy."

"How do we fight?"

The captain looked solemn and said, "Let's fight together."

Tony asked, "What if I lose?"

The captain did not hesitate, "Then let's lose together."

Tony was silent, turning away and not looking at anyone.

Captain broke the current silence "The most important thing now is Ultron."

“The world is so big, we need to narrow it down first.”

The quarrel came to an end, and everyone began to search for Ultron's whereabouts.

At the same time, in an unknown corner of the world, there was a dilapidated church.

A pair of twins were invited.

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