Marvel Wizard My Dad Is Iron Man

Chapter 28 Nuclear Bomb Crisis

There were howls all around, and the Chitauri were angry and frightened, so they didn't dare to attack.

The heroes formed a circle and looked around cautiously.

Loki from high in the sky saw this scene and said expressionlessly

"Send them all out."

Within the portal, two giant beasts roared towards them, followed by a large number of Chitauri soldiers.

It looks like a big fly carrying a small fly.

The heroes naturally saw this scene, and the captain walked to the front.

"Everyone, listen to me."

"Barton, go to the roof."

"Observe the battlefield and report the enemy's situation."

"Stark, don't let these monsters get away three blocks."

Barton tilted his head and said, "Take me for a ride."

Tony gladly accepted "Okay."

Tony took Barton soaring into the sky, and the captain continued, "Thor, you have to block the portal with lightning."

Thor nodded, waved the hammer in his hand, and flew away.

Then the captain looked at Natasha, "You and me, we will contain the troops on the ground."

"Smash it hard!" The captain looked at Hulk and said harshly.

Hulk showed a cheeky smile, jumped hard, and jumped towards the Chitauri soldiers on the tall building.

Finally, the captain looked at Ed, with an expectant expression on his face.

The captain smiled and said, "Ed, you are flying in the air, ready to support at any time."

This meant letting him express himself freely, but Ed didn't know this, so he said excitedly

"Yes, Captain, I promise to complete the mission!"

Phew——!Ed turned into a golden eagle and rushed towards the sky.

As soon as Edd took to the sky, a group of Chitauri soldiers targeted him.

Whoosh--, the blue laser flew past him, with the Chitauri soldiers chasing after him.

Ed saw the tall buildings ahead and had an idea in his mind.

He flapped his wings violently, increasing his speed to the highest level, and the Chitauri soldiers behind him saw Ed speeding up.

Thinking that he was going to run away, he chased after Ed even more, howling and screaming.

Ed saw the tall buildings getting closer and closer. Not only did he not slow down, but he flapped his wings harder.

At this moment, the tall building was getting closer and closer, and just when it was about to hit him, Ed suddenly tightened his wings and moved upward with all his strength.

Ed's whole sculpture almost flew upwards against the glass of the tall building, and he could even feel the burning sensation of his abdomen rubbing against the glass.

Ed followed the tall building straight into the sky, but the Chitauri soldiers who were following Ed and accelerating at full speed were not so lucky.

They crashed into tall buildings one after another, triggering a series of explosions, and few Chitauri soldiers had good piloting skills.

He was also hit by his own people behind him, and boom——, an explosion sounded behind Ed.

Next, Ed used the same method to kill several groups of Chitauri soldiers.

While the Avengers were fighting fiercely, Dr. Selvig, who was knocked unconscious by the Cosmic Cube, woke up slowly.

As a blessing in disguise, Dr. Selvig was freed from Loki's control thanks to the influence of the Cosmic Cube.

He struggled to stand up, shook his head, and remembered what he had done.

He looked at the crumbling city in front of him and murmured, "What have I done?"

On the other side, Ed was followed by several more Chitauri soldiers, but this time Ed was not so relaxed.

It took him a lot of effort to get rid of these soldiers, but the efficiency was much worse than before.

As time goes by, the shortcomings of the Avengers gradually become apparent.

As long as the portal is there, Chitauri soldiers will have a constant supply of supplies.

As for the Avengers, although one person is equal to ten, their physical and mental strength will gradually disappear in this kind of war of attrition.

This influence is still obvious on Natasha, who is an ordinary person and a woman.

Natasha was now leaning against an abandoned car, her legs struggling to wrap around the enemy who had his back turned to her.

At the same time, his hands kept moving, and the electric shock stick hit the enemy's neck hard, electrocuting him until he was stiff, but his movements were slightly ineffective.

Taking this opportunity, he grabbed the laser gun from the enemy's hand, pressed the trigger, and the blue laser took away the life of the enemy in front of him.

Natasha kept panting, and suddenly there was a sound of someone landing behind her, and Natasha turned around half a beat later.

This is in stark contrast to the Hulk who is demolishing buildings and Thor who is summoning lightning to block the portal.

Seeing the person coming, Natasha breathed a sigh of relief and put down the gun in her hand. It was the captain.

The captain asked worriedly, "Are you okay?"

Natasha's condition was not very good, she was panting heavily, her body was covered in dust, and she was injured in many places.

Natasha held the laser gun and gasped, "Captain, if you don't close the portal."

"No matter how hard we fight, it's useless."

The captain looked at Stark Tower and frowned, "Even the strongest weapons can't open that device."

"Maybe it's the wrong weapon."

"Then if you want to go up there, you'll have to hitch a ride."

"I know where to find a free ride." Natasha said, looking at Ed who had just destroyed an aircraft.

"Okay." The captain shrugged.

"Ed, Natasha needs your help."

Ed, who was looking for the next target in the air, heard the captain's words and quickly found Natasha's direction.

When he saw that there were no enemies near Natasha, there was confusion in his eyes, but he still turned around and flew over.

Ed landed next to Natasha and was about to return to his human form when the captain stopped him and explained the situation.

"Well, in short, for victory."

Ed leaned down reluctantly, and Natasha climbed onto Ed's back with a smile on her face.

"Okay, I'm ready." Natasha hugged Ed's neck tightly

Phew——, in Ed’s dissatisfied cry, it soared into the sky.

Ed flapped his wings fiercely and flew towards Stark Tower.

A squad of Chitauri soldiers gave chase.

Phew——, the laser passed over Natasha's head, and she shouted, "Hey, Ed, be careful..."

Phew——, Ed rolled in the air and interrupted Natasha's words.

Natasha hugged Ed's neck tightly and stopped talking.

Whoosh! More lasers shot from all around Ed. The state of carrying a person made Ed less flexible.

For a moment, they couldn't get rid of the Chitauri soldiers behind them. At this moment, Tony came to the rescue wearing a battle suit.

Red lasers were fired continuously, and the aircraft behind Ed was eliminated.

"Be safe, kid."

He nodded towards Ed and flew towards his next target, the giant beast.

Without the threat, Ed flew more steadily, flying straight towards Stark Tower.

But the good times didn't last long, Loki discovered them, and perhaps out of arrogance, he chased them alone.

Natasha glanced back and said, "Ah, it's you."

Loki operates the aircraft to continuously launch, and its speed and power are stronger than ordinary aircraft.

Ed was having a hard time dodging, and Natasha could see it too.

It happened that right in front was where Barton was, "Eagle Eye." Natasha called

"Cortana, is that Ed under you?" Barton shot an arrow and blew up an aircraft.

"Uh, yeah, help me."

Barton saw Loki behind him and pressed a button on the bow. The bow lit up red, symbolizing anger.

He gave a chilling smile "Let me do it."

Barton carefully traced the arrow and shot it. Loki reached out to catch it. The tail of the arrow was still trembling. You can imagine how powerful the arrow was.

Loki looked in the direction of Barton and showed a disdainful smile, as if to say, "That's it."

Before he could be proud for too long, the arrow suddenly flashed red, and with a bang, Loki was blown away and fell into the Stark Tower.

Seeing Loki being blown away, Ed landed at the Cosmic Cube with relief.

Indoors, as soon as Loki got up, Hulk, who was smashing everywhere, came to the door.

Loki, whose face was in embarrassment after being blasted by Barton, shouted, "That's enough, I'm a god."

"You idiots, I..."

Before he could finish his words, Hulk picked him up like a chicken and banged him on the ground many times.

Hulk implemented the instructions given to him by the captain very well, and said disdainfully, "What a weak god."

Loki was left lying alone in the pit doubting his life.

On the other side, at the Cosmic Cube, Dr. Selvig pointed out a clear path for Ed and Natasha.

Loki's scepter can close the portal, and the scepter fell to the lower level of the Cosmic Cube when Loki and Thor were fighting.

Ed quickly flew down and picked up the scepter, the moment he got it in his hand.

The wand automatically transformed into the shape Ed used - a thicker wand.

Ed was surprised to find that this scepter could be used to cast magic.

Moreover, the power will be greatly improved. Although he knows it, Ed has no idea what to do now.

Just quickly return to the Cosmic Cube and prepare to close the portal.

Ed stood aside and was about to close the portal, but Natasha suddenly stopped him.

"Wait a minute, Ed, it can't be closed yet."

"There's a nuclear bomb coming."

"We have to send it away."


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