Marvel Wizard My Dad Is Iron Man

Chapter 27 Avengers Assemble

In the distance, a ray of fire came staggeringly, and Tony flew towards his building.

The controlled Dr. Selvig and Loki have been waiting for a long time.

Dr. Selvig is playing with an instrument, and the Cosmic Cube that everyone is looking for is inside.

Tony naturally knew what he wanted to do, and he advised, "Stop, Dr. Selvig."

Dr. Selvig turned around and yelled "It's too late, she can't stop."

Then he said obsessively, "She is showing us a brand new universe."

"Okay." Tony said helplessly

The controlled doctor obviously couldn't listen to his words. Tony raised the palm cannon in his hand and blasted the instrument with one shot.

As expected, the attack was blocked by a shield of pure energy that, according to Jarvis, was impossible to break.

After the shield was attacked, a blue beam of light struck back at Tony, knocking him away and causing him to flip over.

At the same time, a wave of waves erupted, knocking Dr. Selvig unconscious.

Tony stabilized his body and landed on the platform with a clang. Loki on the other side saw Tony showing his iconic evil smile.

Tony looked at Loki, naturally he didn't have a good face. As he walked forward, a ring rose under his feet to help him remove the scarred battle suit.

"Sir, the Mark [-] is not operational yet."

"Then make it simple, we don't have time." Tony was a little anxious

As Tony walked indoors, he carefully observed Loki to prevent him from suddenly attacking.

After all, he was now without a suit. After seeing the arrogant look on Loki's face, an idea came to him.

Tony walked through the platform to the indoor bar.

Loki walked in and said casually, "You must be here to beg me for mercy."

"Well, actually I'm here to threaten you." Tony shrugged.

"Then you should put on the armor."

"Yeah, but that outfit is a bit old."

Tony picked up the bottle and said, "Would you like a drink?"

Loki saw Tony's intentions, but because of his arrogance, Loki still fell into the trap and turned away.

"The Chitauri army is coming, what do I have to fear?" He said with an indifferent look.

"The Avengers."

Tony said calmly as he opened a bottle of wine.

Loki looked confused, and Tony explained, "It's just a name we chose."

"The League of Earth's Mightiest Heroes or something." Tony rolled his eyes, perhaps a little confused.

"Yeah, I've seen it."

"If it weren't for that third-rate wizard, you might have fewer people." Loki said with a mocking look on his face.

"Okay, I admit that it takes time to get used to it." Tony suppressed the anger in his heart and said slowly

"But let's talk about personal grudges."

"First of all, your brother, I don't need to tell you what you did."

Loki turned around unnaturally, and Tony took this opportunity to put on a bracelet on the bar.

Putting on the bracelet, Tony became much more relaxed, and he continued, "A super soldier..."

“A giant with his own emotional management problems.”

"Then there's my son, you broke his most precious toy."

"And a pair of top agent killers."

"And you made them all angry." Tony's voice rose an octave

"When they come, you will pay the price!"

"I have an army." Loki's voice was no longer as calm as it was at first.

"And we have the Hulk!" Tony shouted.

"If they are busy dealing with you, they will still have the energy to trouble me." Loki said fiercely.

The scepter in his hand was pointed towards Tony's chest. There was a clang and nothing happened. Loki tried again without believing anything evil.

When——, the sound of metal hitting each other.

"It's all worked before." Loki said with a frown.

“Performance abnormalities are also not uncommon.”

"You know, one out of every five men may..."

Before Tony could finish speaking, Loki suddenly grabbed him by the neck and threw him violently.

"Jarvis, it's time." Tony struggled to get up from the ground.

Loki came over and pinched Tony's neck again, and he said angrily

"You will all fall at my feet and I will destroy every one of you!!!"

Then with a sharp shake, Tony was thrown out of the window.

At the same time, the cabinet behind Loki quickly activated, and a suit of armor rushed towards Tony. Loki was unable to dodge and was knocked to the ground.

On the other side, Tony didn't panic, and his whole body fell downwards in a large shape.

The suit quickly came behind Tony and quickly scanned the bracelet on Tony's hand. In just one second, the Mark [-] suit was successfully put on.

When he was about to fall to the ground, Tony first activated the two thrusters on his hands, adjusted his body shape, and put his head upward.

Then the five thrusters including those on the back started simultaneously and flew towards the sky.

Soon arriving in front of Loki, Tony steadied himself.

"There is another person I forgot to mention just now. His name is Phil."

Loki raised the scepter, and the top of the scepter glowed, about to launch an attack.

Tony struck first and knocked Loki away with a palm cannon.

At the same time, the instrument beside Dr. Selvig emitted a thick and large beam of light straight upward.

Suddenly, the situation changed and a huge portal appeared over the city.

A large number of ferocious-looking Chitauri drove their aircraft and rushed toward the city with strange screams.

Seeing this, Tony ignored Loki and rushed towards the Chitauri army. The palm cannon in his hand kept charging, shooting down an aircraft with each shot.

Under the mask, Tony's display screen flashed blood red, symbolizing killing, and targets were locked in his eyes.

The shoulder pads of Tony's suit opened, and small missiles were launched one after another, each running towards their target.

In Stark Tower, Loki slowly walked out of the room and looked at the army with an expressionless expression.

With a bang, Thor arrived, and the two brothers fought each other without talking to each other.

Soon, the captain and his team flew a plane to join the battlefield. Because Ed could fly, he acted alone to deal with the Chitauri.

In just a few minutes, there was an explosion, fire filled the sky, and the war began.

Although Tony destroyed many enemy troops, there were still many who slipped through the net. These Chitauri howled and rushed towards the city.

People on the ground ran in all directions, screaming and hiding inside buildings in an attempt to gain some sense of safety.

At this time, on an overpass, a mother and son were panicking to avoid the attack of a Chitauri.

Each shot from the Chitauri blew up a car, causing my mother to scream, and boom, a blue beam.

Another car was blown up. The mother desperately hugged her child and squatted on the ground shivering.

The Chitauri approached and fired another shot. The beam hit the mother and son, sending up a shower of sand and gravel.

Then it howled impatiently, seeming to urge the mother to run away quickly, as it was enjoying the killing.

Ouch - another shot, the mother trembled more and more, holding the child in her arms tighter.

Seeing that the mother still didn't move, the Chitauri finally became impatient. It raised its gun and pointed it at the mother's back.

The mother seemed to know what was about to happen. She trembled even more and tears fell from the corners of her eyes.

At this critical moment, a huge golden eagle fell from the sky. Ed spread his wings and his claws shone with cold light.

He grabbed the Chitauri and led it away from the land. Eddard's eyes were filled with anger, and his claws unconsciously tightened.

Ouch——!The Chitauri's limbs were waving wildly and they were constantly struggling. Ed targeted an aircraft and swung it hard.

Bang——, the Chitauri collided with the aircraft and exploded. Ed saw blood and water mixed with minced meat scattered to the ground.

While I feel disgusted, I don't feel guilty or uneasy. Such evil behavior is not worthy of any empathy.

What happened to this mother and son is just a microcosm of this disaster. There must be unfortunate people who were brutally killed.

Ed, soaring in the sky, can see the full picture of this war.

Smoke, explosions, fire, screams, and howling Chitauri formed a picture of disaster.

This shocked Ed greatly and deepened his hatred for Loki.

With this in mind, Ed dived downwards and crashed another Chitauri aircraft.

Just as Ed was targeting the next target, a huge figure swam out of the portal.

It was a giant beast, with a ferocious head, a metal-armed back, and demonic barbs all over its body.

With its huge body, it gives people a great sense of oppression.

At this time, Captain's plane was shot down by Loki, and the beast swam across the street where they were, with a large number of Chitauri soldiers jumping out of its body.

Obviously, the behemoth also has the function of a transport plane. The captain pressed the headset and said, "Stark, did you see that thing?"

"Ah, I saw it, let me digest it again."

"Also, tell me when Banner comes."

"Banner?" The captain was confused

Tony didn't reply. He followed the giant beast and let Jarvis analyze its weaknesses.

On the ground, Captain separated from Barton and Natasha to rescue civilians.

A large number of Chitauri soldiers rushed towards the two of them, which overwhelmed them.

Here, Natasha had just killed one of them with the electric shock baton, when two more people rushed up from behind.

When the Chitauri soldier's gun had reached Natasha's waist, she held it in her backhand and raised it again, and the gun went empty.

Natasha used strong force to grab the enemy's gun, and swung it hard to kill the enemy in front of her, then rolled again.

Dodge the other's attack, put the stolen gun on your shoulder, and kill the other with one shot.

Patton on one side lost his long-range advantage, but it was okay. Patton was also proficient in close combat.

He was seen holding a bow in both hands, crouching down, dodging the shots, and knocking the enemy to the ground with a sweeping sweep.

Then he quickly drew out the arrow from his back and plunged it into the heart of the enemy in front of him.

Then he pulled out the arrow, stood up and quickly drew the bow, hitting the Chitauri who wanted to sneak attack from behind with an arrow.

This wave of enemies was finally solved, but then five more Chitauri rushed up. Ed saw this scene from a height.

He swooped down, opened his claws, and pinned the two Chitauri to the ground.

Then his wings swung violently, and the four-meter-long wings swung powerfully, sending the other two Chitauri flying away.

Finally, he returned to his human form and used "armor protection" to defend himself, and a laser hit the invisible wall.

The "armor protection" is broken, there is no way, it is the disadvantage of wandless casting.

Then he quickly counterattacked with "Stupefied", and the blue beam knocked away the last one.

Natasha and Barton came over and nodded, "Well done, kid."

Ed was about to speak when there were two bangs behind him, and a star-spangled shield flew from a high place, knocking down the enemy on the left first.

Then it bounced to the Chitauri on the right, and finally flew back to the captain who dropped from the sky in a weird way.

"On the battlefield, always pay attention to your surroundings."

The captain came over and they were trying to discuss what to do, but the Chitauri around them didn't intend to give them this chance.

Another wave of enemies surrounded them. At this time, several thick bolts of lightning struck, and all the enemies were reduced to charcoal.

With the arrival of Thor, the only one missing from the Avengers is Dr. Banner.

Thor was a little unsteady, probably injured.

The captain came over and asked, "How's it going up there?"

"The energy surrounding the Rubik's Cube is impenetrable."

Phew——, "Thor is right, we have to deal with these monsters first." Tony, who passed over the crowd, said something.

"What should we do?" Natasha asked

"The power of the team." the captain replied

"I want to settle accounts with Loki." Thor said unhappily.

"Me too, he destroyed my wand." Ed was also angry.

Barton, who was silently arranging arrows, said calmly, "Really? You guys line up."

"Save your strength, we need to..." The captain began to talk about tactics.

Suddenly, suddenly, the sound of a motorcycle interrupted the captain's explanation.

Dr. Banner arrived in disgrace, and everyone immediately leaned forward.

Dr. Banner raised his hand, "That beast is really terrifying."

"I've seen scarier ones." Natasha pointed out.

"Sorry." Banner apologized sincerely.

"It's okay, we need this now."

"Stark, Banner is here." The captain immediately informed Tony

"Okay, I brought him a good thing." Tony flew towards this direction with the giant beast.

The beast roared, and its huge fins sliced ​​off one side of the house.

"I don't think this is a good thing." Natasha looked unhappy.

Everyone immediately became alert. The giant beast was close to the ground, crushing large cars along the way, and flying towards this direction in a rampage.

Everyone looked at Banner, who understood and calmly walked towards the giant beast.

The captain stepped forward and said, "Dr. Banner, it's time for you to get angry."

Banner turned around and said, "Captain, you may have made a mistake."

"I was angry all the time."

After saying that, his body expanded rapidly, roared, turned around and punched the giant beast on the head.

This punch directly stopped the advancing behemoth, and the huge behemoth turned somersaults with the punch.

The metal armor on his body creaked and fell off piece by piece.

Tony flew in the air, raised his hand, and a small missile was launched.

The missile penetrated into the flesh of the giant beast, and with a bang, flesh and blood flew everywhere.

The giant beast died on the spot, and its huge head fell aside.

Huge smoke and dust were raised, and the surrounding Chitauri hung on tall buildings and howled threateningly as they saw the giant beast die.

Roar--!As the smoke cleared, the Hulk looked up to the sky and roared, drowning out their howls.

Avengers, assemble!

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