At Pepper's house, Ed woke up from his sleep. He stretched and checked his body. There was nothing serious.

Professor Flitwick is still very powerful. Apart from the pain in his butt, he has no other injuries.

Ed looked at the quilt on his body and thought, "Is this Pepper back?"

He walked out of the room and saw Pepper sitting in the living room, "Hey, Ed, you're awake, I'm about to call you!"

Ed was also very happy to see Pepper. He walked over and sat next to Pepper.

"Are you used to living here?"

Ed nodded, "It's nice here, I like it."

"Then don't go back to Tony's place." Pepper said with great expectation.

Ed could only smile and said nothing. He keenly felt that nothing good could be said at this time.

Although Ed didn't speak, Pepper didn't know what he meant, so she patted Ed's head gently.

"Bad boy."

Ed finally knew how Tony felt.

Then the conversation changed, and Pepper touched his head and said, "Ed, where did you put the Barnett Newman that Tony gave me?"

When Ed saw the strawberries on the table, he stiffened and thought, "This is not good."

Pepper thought he didn't know what Barnett Newman was. "It's the painting, Ed, the painting."

"Oh, I'll look for it. It's in the room where I sleep."

"I'll go too." After saying that, Pepper stood up.

Ed quickly pressed her down, "No, no, no, no need, leave it to me, soon."

Ed immediately got up and walked to the room where he slept. Once he entered the room, he closed the door and Ed leaned against the door.

He kept thinking about what to do, "I have no choice but to change it again." Ed thought helplessly.

Ed picked up a cup, tried to imagine what the painting looked like, and then used the Transfiguration Charm.

The cup keeps changing, eventually becoming a painting similar to the one before.

Ed took the painting and showed it to Pepper with some anxiety.

Pepper looked up and down and suddenly frowned. This action almost scared Ed to death.

Fortunately, Pepper nodded and said, "Yeah, modern art."

Ed breathed a sigh of relief, and Pepper threw the painting aside with disdain.

Ed didn't pay attention and just relaxed.

Pepper thought evilly in her heart, "Oh, Tony..."

Tony, who was studying new elements in the laboratory, didn't know that the painting had been exposed.

After sitting for a while, Pepper looked at the time, stood up and said, "Ed, I'm going to the Stark Expo. You are at home and lock the door."

Stark fair?Ed remembered that in Tony's laboratory, the model behind Howard, his grandfather, was called Stark Expo.

Ed became interested, "Can I go?"

Pepper was a little surprised to hear what Ed said. After all, Ed was reluctant to take him to Monaco before.

"Of course, of course you can go, hurry up and change clothes." Pepper was very happy.


At the Stark Expo, Happy was still driving, Ed, Pepper and Natasha got out of the car and entered the venue.

Along the way, many people came to say hello to Pepper. When they mentioned Ed, Pepper dismissed them as their friends' children.

Regarding Ed's identity, Tony's approach was one word, dragging, neither admitting nor denying.

It's not that he's afraid of causing any trouble to the company or Tony himself.

It was because he was afraid that Ed would collapse under the pressure. As long as he waited until Ed became an adult, all problems would be solved.

Soon, Ed and others came to the audience. Pepper and Natasha sandwiched Ed in the middle, preventing others from touching him.

Ed looked at Natasha next to him, remembering her identity as an agent, and leaned towards Pepper.

Natasha saw Ed's little move, leaned into his ear and said, "Don't be afraid, I will never hurt children."

Seeing Natasha's expression, Ed was about to say something when music started playing on the stage and a man wearing glasses stepped on stage dancing a tap dance.

At just one glance, Ed didn't like this person, and when he looked at Pepper and Natasha next to him, they also looked disgusted.

"How long, ladies and gentlemen."

"This country is constantly in danger."

"And then Iron Man came along, and we thought the dangerous days were behind us."

"But unfortunately, that's not what we can get."

"That's not fair, what a pity." Hearing him mocking Tony, the three people in the audience disliked this man even more.

"Ladies and gentlemen, today."

"I present to you the new faces of the military."

"Hammer Drone."

As the words fell, the music became more passionate, and every time Hammer raised his hand, robots rose from the stage.

"Although this technology is extremely revolutionary."

"But sometimes you still need soldiers to be on the battlefield."

"Now, let me introduce you."

"The prototype aircraft and its pilot, Air Force Lieutenant Colonel James Rhodes." The music became more passionate, and the audience continued to applaud and cheer.

Ed saw that suit and couldn't help but said, "That's my dad's suit."

"Yes." Pepper also looked unhappy.

"But he said it was a prototype."

"Because Hammer is a villain." Natasha's voice came.

Pepper nodded in agreement.

During the conversation, all the warriors on the stage, led by Rhodes, saluted with a military salute.

"For friends, Hammer Industries will..." A red and gold figure flew through the air.

Ed saw the triangle on Tony's chest and muttered, "He found it."

"What?" The two people next to them looked confused.

"Key to the future."

I saw Tony stopping firmly on the stage, walking straight towards Rhodes and saying, "We are in trouble."

Rhodes ignored him. Tony held his shoulders and greeted the audience, and continued, "We have to let them leave quickly. There is danger here. You have to believe me in these five minutes."

"I believed you, but in your house, you threw me around." Rhodes remained unmoved.

"I doubt Hammer is working with Ivan Fanko."

"What? Fanko is still alive?"

After saying that, Tony walked towards Hammer "Where is Fanko?"

"Who?" Hammer pretended to be stupid.

"Where is he?" Tony emphasized.

"What are you doing here?" Hammer looked unhappy.

At this time, a large string of data appeared on Rhodes' mask, causing him to exclaim.

Suddenly the machine gun on his back stood up and locked onto Tony in front of him, and the drones behind him also raised their weapons.

"Run! The system has been hacked."

Tony immediately took off, and all the suits on the stage aimed at Tony and opened fire at the same time. The glass on the top shattered, and the scared audience ran away.

Tony has flown out of the scene, and Rhodes is forced to pursue him with a fleet of drones.

Ivan behind the scenes activated all the drones, and the target image of one of them was Ed.

The suit came off the stage, causing the crowd to become more panicked. Ed, Pepper and Natasha were separated, just as Pepper and Ed wanted to go to Hammer to question him.

A drone with a machine gun on its shoulder came towards Ed. Pepper panicked and fled into the employee passage with Ed.

On the other side, Natasha, who forced out from Hammer who was Ivan and his location, immediately walked out and found Happy.

Happy, who saw Natasha, asked anxiously, "What happened? I can't even get through on the phone?"

Natasha said directly, "Send me to Hammer Industries."

"No, I'm not taking you anywhere."

"Okay, do you want me to drive?" Natasha turned around and said loudly

"Okay, I'll drive, get in the car."

Most of the drones were outside. They targeted Tony in the sky and fired continuously.

There were constant banging, banging, banging sounds, broken glass, collapsed buildings and panicked screams from people.

On the ground, a little boy wearing an Iron Man mask was regarded as the target, and the barrel of the drone was already targeted.

The little boy raised the toy palm cannon in his hand without fear, just when tragedy was about to happen.

Tony fell from the sky, killed the drone in front of him with one shot and said, "Well done, kid."

Flying into the sky again, "Jarvis, where is Ed!"

"Sir, Ed is at the expo, but I don't recommend you go back. There are many enemies behind you."

At this time, Rhodes said loudly, "Be careful, there are more enemies approaching."

Tony could only guide the drone further away.

In the employee passage, Pepper was horrified. Gunshots continued to ring out behind him. Pepper hugged Ed and hid in the corner shivering.

The gunshots stopped, and the drone's mechanical footsteps sounded around. After a few seconds, the sound stopped.

Just when Ed was relieved, he saw behind Pepper, the drone was getting ready to go.

Ed's pupils shrank suddenly. At this time of life and death, Ed once again felt the same feeling as when he saw his mother die in the hospital.

Time seemed to slow down around him, and the magic power in his body was restless. Ed took out his wand and chanted a spell loudly.

"Armor protection!"

The roaring bullets hit the invisible but solid barrier, making a clanging sound.

Even if Professor Flitwick is here, he has to admire the perfection of this magic.

Only then did Pepper feel the drone behind him and see the bullet being blocked by something.

Thinking about what Ed said loudly just now, Pepper seemed to know something. Before she could think about it, Ed shouted again

"Except your weapons!"

The target was something on the drone's shoulder. Ed understood that even his current state could enhance the effect of the magic.

There was no way it could stop the weapon on the drone's shoulder. A thick magical beam emitted from Ed's wand, bending the barrel of the weapon.

Seeing this scene, Pepper didn't know what was going on. She shouted to Ed, "Ed, slap its feet!"

Ed did as he was told, and sent out a burst of magic, knocking the drone to the ground, and when—, there was a loud noise.

Taking this opportunity, Pepper pulled Ed and ran towards the corner ahead. Pepper and Ed, who were hiding in the corner, took big breaths.

In this situation, Pepper forced herself to stay calm, and she said to Ed, "Ed, did you just see the camera on it?"

Ed thought about it carefully and nodded, "I saw it."

"Okay, Ed, use your best strength to break that camera." Pepper said through gritted teeth.

"I know." Ed nodded fiercely and cast an "armor protection" on himself.

When they walked out of the corner, the drone had already climbed up. As soon as it saw Ed, the machine guns in both hands fired instantly, and the bullets kept hitting Ed's "armor protection"

Ed aimed at the camera on the drone, mobilized all the magical power in his body, and shouted, "Shatter to pieces!"

The magic beam, which was larger than before, hit the drone's camera. With a click, the drone seemed to have lost its direction and crashed into the side room, firing randomly with the machine gun in its hand.

"I've done it!" Ed said excitedly to Pepper who was hiding around the corner.

Pepper walked out, looked at the crazy drones in the room, and quickly pulled Ed and ran outside.

Soon, the two of them ran back to the expo. Pepper couldn't help feeling happy, but full of fear for the rest of his life.

Thinking of what just happened, she hugged Ed on her side.

"Ed, thank you."

On the other side, Tony led a group of drones, including Rhodes, into the huge Earth model on the Stark Expo model.

When it was about to hit the wall, it made an emergency brake. Except for Rhodes, all the drones following it hit the wall and exploded.

Tony was about to fly towards the expo, but was knocked directly into a park full of trees by Rhodes who came from nowhere.

In the park, two figures fell from the sky. The controlled Rhodes was riding on Tony, and the weapons on his shoulders were firing wildly.

Tony grabbed Gatlin on Rod's shoulder and kept it away from his body.

At the same time, Tony started the propeller behind him. Suddenly, Rhodes got out of control and was rushed into the sky by Tony. He fell to the ground and fainted.

A word came to Tony's ear: "Restart complete, your brother is back."

On the other side, Natasha and Happy, mainly Natasha, defeated most of the security guards and arrived at the place where Ivan controlled the drone, but Ivan had disappeared.

"You look good, your energy output is several times higher."

"The vital signs have also stabilized a lot."

"Yeah, I don't have to die, thank you." Tony rarely said thank you.

"What do you mean, are you going to die?" Pepper didn't know when he entered the conversation.

"Why didn't you tell me!" Pepper sounded angry.

Tony quibbled, "I was going to make an omelette and talk about it later."

"Stop arguing, the enemy is coming, wait until the honeymoon to argue." Natasha couldn't stand it anymore.

"Okay, Pepper, are you okay now? Is Ed with you?"

"We're fine, Ed's here." Pepper didn't say what happened just now.

"I'm going to apologize to you when I knock these drones down."

"All right"

"After that, we can go to Venice and take Ed with us."

"Forget it," Pepper said, rolling her eyes.

Cutting off the call, Tony woke up Rod on the ground.

The first thing Rhode said when he woke up was that he was sorry. The two had a brief talk and eliminated the gap.

Then while they were discussing defensive positions, drones descended from the sky and surrounded them.

The two closed their masks, and the drones rushed forward. The sounds of gunfire and palm cannons continued to sound, and drones exploded every second.

Seeing that more and more drones were surrounding him, Tony shouted "squat" and activated the weapon in his hand.

I saw Tony's hands spinning red lasers in a circle, and everything around him was cut in half.

Before the two could share the joy of victory, Natasha said, "Don't relax, another one is coming. This one is very different."

Suddenly, a sound broke through the air, and a suit larger than other drones flew over.

The suit opened the mask, and inside was Ivan Fanko. "Nice to meet again" was still in English with a Russian accent.

He waved his hands, and the lightning whip, which was slightly larger than the one in Monaco, hit the ground.

Perhaps stimulated by Tony's weapon just now, Rhodes said actively, "Let me use 'ex-wife' to blow him up."

"What?" Tony wondered

I saw the shoulders of Rhodes' suit opened, revealing a small missile. With the missile locking sound, the missile was launched.

With a ding sound, the "ex-wife" was launched into the water, sizzling a few times, and a puff of white smoke came out.

Tony asked calmly, "Hammer Industries?"

Rhodes pretended that nothing happened and said, "Yeah, the quality is really bad."

"Leave it to me" Tony opened the weapon on his shoulder and fired, but was blocked by Ivan's suit.

The three of them fought fiercely, and finally Tony and Rhodes collided with palm cannons, causing a violent explosion, and defeated Ivan.

After the explosion dissipated, Tony came back to his senses and looked at the dying Ivan with a complicated expression.

Ivan murmured "You lost."

There was a beeping sound, and Tony looked down and saw red lights flashing on the chests of the drones around him.

"These drones are going to explode. We have to leave here immediately." Rhodes said anxiously.

Tony called Pepper on the call channel, but Pepper didn't respond. He hurriedly flew towards the expo.

At this time, Pepper had just contacted the police and arrested Hammer. Then he took Ed to the door and told the police about evacuating the crowd.

Suddenly, the chest of a nearby drone flashed red, accompanied by a beeping sound.

Ed felt something was wrong and said, "Armor for protection!"

The next second, the drone exploded. At this moment, Ed had exited that state, the magic effect was greatly reduced, and the "armor protection" only lasted for a moment.

The policemen who were close to the drone were ejected. Fortunately, magic weakened the explosion damage, and the policemen just fainted.

At this time Tony arrived belatedly and fell in front of Pepper and Ed.

He said worriedly, "Are you okay?"

Pepper had experienced being chased by a drone and almost being affected by an explosion. Coupled with the pressure he had been under, he had already collapsed.

She yelled at Tony "What the hell are you doing, every time...?"

Tony looked at Ed who was eating melon next to him, and immediately took Pepper into the sky as she screamed, leaving Ed alone.

Watching Tony fly away, Ed muttered, "What are you doing, am I in the way?"


After the incident, Tony was taken to a small dark room by SHIELD.

Director Nick Fury sat in front of Tony and handed over a portfolio, "This is Agent Romanoff's assessment of you."

Tony took the file bag and read the contents, "Personality summary..."

"Avengers recruitment assessment, Iron Man passed."

"I need to think about it."

Nick Fury said expressionlessly, "There will be more later."

Tony turned to the next page, "Tony Stark wouldn't recommend it?"

Tony said strangely, "How can you affirm and deny someone at the same time?"

"That doesn't make sense, I have a new reactor now."

"I plan to have a serious relationship with Pepper."

"I also have a son, I..."

"So, at present, we think the most appropriate way is to recruit you as a SHIELD consultant." Nick Fury interrupted Tony and said.

Tony said nothing, stood up and shook hands with Nick Fury.

"You can't afford to treat me." He walked outside and turned around halfway.

"But I can give up my bride price and ask you to do me a small favor."

"Rod and I are going to Washington to receive the award, and there is only one presenter missing."

Nick Fury nodded, "Leave it to me."

After Tony left, Nick Fury sat alone in the small dark room, looking through a file bag.

The title is Avengers Membership Recruitment Assessment.

The sexual name column reads: Eddard Stark

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