Ed opened his eyes, and Professor Flitwick appeared in front of him, but the previous desks and chairs were gone, replaced by an empty classroom.

Ed was a little confused, what was going on?

"Welcome, little wizard, today we are in the dueling classroom." Professor Flitwick waved his wand, looking in a good mood.

Ed thought to himself, "Dueling class, fighting with magic?"

Ed didn't speak. Based on so many days of study, Professor Flitwick would tell some stories first to introduce what he was going to talk about today.

"Little wizard, there is no other way to duel except actual combat, so I will give you three seconds to prepare."

"What?" Ed didn't understand.

"The time has come." As soon as he finished speaking, Professor Flitwick waved his wand and said "Expelliarmus"

Sending out a magic beam, the magic beam hit Ed directly and knocked him away.

Ah—, Ed screamed in pain, and the wand came out of his hand. Before Ed could stand up, another spell struck, knocking Ed to the ground.

After being hit by two spells in succession, Ed was a little angry and said, "Professor, stop!"

But Ed forgot that people here would not listen to anything other than what was being said in class.

Professor Flitwick did not stop and continued to use magic to "faint." Upon seeing this, Ed used his hands and feet to hide to the other side.

Ed had no choice but to grit his teeth and hurriedly avoid the professor's magic while running towards his wand.

Finally, after suffering several spells, Ed picked up his wand and cast the first spell angrily at Professor Flitwick.

"passed out"

A beam of light flew towards Professor Flitwick. Professor Flitwick didn't even move. The beam flew in front of him and bounced off as if it hit a wall.

Ed was stunned. He finally cast a spell, but it was gone?

"Little wizard, this is the first lesson I teach you. During a duel, you must first use 'armor protection' for yourself."

"After all, you're a wizard, not a stick-wielding troll."

After saying that, he fired another magic, knocking the sluggish Ed to the ground again.

"Armor protection?" He had never learned it. Ed, who fell to the ground, looked confused.

"Professor, what is armor protection?" Ed asked loudly.

Professor Flitwick responded with magic, "Damn it!" Ed cursed secretly, and was knocked down again in a hurry. Don't let him know who designed this book.

There was no other way, so Ed had no choice but to bite the bullet and say, "Armor for protection!" Ed suddenly felt an invisible barrier appear in front of him.

It's a pity that Ed, who has not studied systematically, cannot exert the full function of this magic, at least he cannot block Professor Flitwick's magic.

In the next second, Ed's armor protection was ruthlessly broken by Professor Flitwick's magic like paper, and Ed was knocked away again.

After these successive blows, Ed felt a little autistic. He slumped on the ground and said, "Professor, I quit, I'm tired." Although he knew that the professor would not pay attention.

Anyway, the professor's curse doesn't hurt, it just flies around, Ed thought, closing his eyes.

After a few seconds, the magic he imagined did not come. Instead, he heard Professor Flitwick say.

"Son, I know you're tired, and everyone gets tired." This is trigger teaching, Ed thought to himself.

"But, little wizard, I can see the huge potential hidden in your body. Can you really just sit back and watch them disappear like this?"

"Don't you want to impress the little wizards around you?"

"There's some little wizard next to me." Ed complained in his mind, but he still stood up slowly. Professor Flitwick was right.

If he really has that much potential, it would be a shame to waste it.

"Oh, I hope the professor will be gentler. After all, falling to the ground is quite uncomfortable."

Professor Flitwick saw him stand up, take a stance, and cast a spell.

Ed still hurriedly dodged. Although it was not obvious, there was indeed a slight improvement compared to before.

In this situation, Ed practiced for a long time.


Ed was obviously able to dodge a spell more calmly than before, and counterattacked by "fainting", but was waved away by Professor Flitwick with a wand.

Then another magic spell flew towards Ed. This magic spell was pushed so fast that Ed had no time to dodge, but he did not panic.

The curse flew quickly in front of Ed, and was blocked by Ed's magic "armor protection", and the "armor protection" also disappeared.

During this unknown amount of time, Ed was occasionally able to dodge Professor Flitwick's spell and fight back.

Moreover, Ed's "armor protection" is not as broken as before, which can be seen from this that Ed's magic talent is very high.

Ed still wanted to fight back. During this time, he felt the charm of magic duel.

As soon as he raised his wand, he suddenly felt dizzy and disappeared from the duel room.

As soon as Ed returned to reality, he fainted on the bed. This time it seemed different from before.

The next afternoon, Pepper returned to her home from a business trip. She opened the door and said, "Ed, Ed, Ed?"

Pepper was a little surprised when she didn't get a response, but she didn't think much about it. She walked into the living room and saw the remains of food on the table.

Seeing this, Pepper couldn't help but sigh, "Oh, Ed, he is still a child after all." It was really unfair, Ed just forgot.

Pepper started to put away, and suddenly she saw a box of strawberries on the table, "Does Ed like strawberries?" Pepper thought to herself.

But she didn't care. After packing her things, she entered the room and found Ed lying on the bed. She walked over quietly and looked at the face that looked very much like Tony.

She murmured "Tony, what on earth do you want me to do?"

He reached out and touched Ed, "When he grows up, he will definitely be Tony again." His tone was full of complaints about Tony.

Pepper really regarded Ed as her own child. At first it was just because of Tony. After getting along with him these days, she found that this child was so sensible that it made people feel heartbroken.

Ed never cried or made a fuss, he was always quiet, and he never said what he wanted. He was almost always available. Although he was a little sleepy, he was a child and it was harmless.

Pepper covered Ed with the quilt like a mother, "Let's sleep for a while." Then left the room.


"Congratulations, sir, you have discovered a new element."

Tony put the new element in his hand into the reactor, and the reactor's speed gradually accelerated, bursting out with bright blue light.

"Sir, the reactor has received a new element and I will analyze it."

On the other side, Hammer Company, after Ivan Fanko, who attacked Tony in Monaco, killed the "nanny" hired by Hammer to monitor him.

A call was made, "Hey, Colson, how's the scenery in Mexico?" Tony's voice came from the other side.

"The advice you gave me is good." Ivan said in Russian English.

"Aren't you dead? Why are you so energetic?" Tony said unkindly, while asking Jarvis to track Ivan's location.

"Haha, you too."

"What your father has done for 40 years, I will pay back in 10 minutes."

"By the way, you have a son, right? Take a good look at him, you won't see him again."

"Hahahahahaha!" Ivan hung up the phone.

Tony's face was livid on the other end of the phone. He looked at the advertisement for tonight's Stark Expo on the screen.

Picking up the new reactor that had just been assembled, he put it directly on his chest. "Jarvis, assemble the armor immediately."

"Sir, we don't yet know the impact..."

"I don't want to hear it, Jarvis, that bastard is going to hurt my son."

As the strange lines on Tony's chest disappeared, the reactor's light became brighter and brighter until it filled the entire laboratory.

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