[Pirate] My Luna

Chapter 14 Chapter 14

The darkness seemed to have shrouded for a long time, but it seemed to be just a moment.

When Luna opened her eyes again, she was still in the water.

Waves of dizziness still lingered in her mind, and her body seemed to be immersed in the aftertaste of the fear of being crushed and swallowed, unable to move for a moment. Fortunately, no part of her was left behind in the black vortex.

Luna turned her head hard and looked around. The light green water filled her blurry vision. Suddenly, her vision condensed and she saw someone sinking with bubbles spitting out bubbles a few meters away.

She forced herself to move, urged her stiff fish tail to slap the water, and swam forward, dragging the unconscious Porusalino to try to surface.

Porusalino's weight is definitely at a level that is hard to shake for a woman of short stature, but Luna is not a human being. Her shortcomings of small size and lack of strength are compared to fish with strong wrist strength and physical fitness. people.

This is still in the water, water can provide buoyancy, and the current can cooperate with the shark to provide propulsion, so Luna can handle it more easily.

Across the hazy water waves, Luna saw a neatly trimmed lawn on the shore, and not far away there were neatly arranged and well-spaced cedar trees. This was obviously a scene that had been artificially carved.

It was just that the surroundings were so quiet that the sound of her dragging Porusalino out of the water seemed loud and weird.

She brought the people to the shore, hurriedly scanned the surrounding environment, and fell into distress when facing the wet navy.

How to save a drowning human being? He wouldn't have drowned, would he?

Luna lay close to his chest and breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the faint heartbeat. However, she put her fingers under Porusalino's nose to test and did not feel the proper airflow. Her breath was stuck in her throat again. .

Recalling the case of rescuing a drowning human that happened not long ago, Luna calmly pushed Porusalino to the shore. She stepped back a certain distance, flicked her tail in the water, hit the water body and jumped out accurately. Hit Porusalino on the chest.

"Pfft." A jet of water spurted out as she expected, and the human gasped for breath. The sound of something breaking and dislocating before was probably an illusion.

"No, it's not an illusion." Porusalinov felt a dull pain in his chest as soon as he opened his eyes. He was weak and angry, "Miss... please go down a little, my ribs seem to be broken."

After a few minutes of drying on the shore, the human being who had just complained that his ribs were broken suddenly became energetic. He didn't mean to lift his clothes to check, so Luna couldn't tell whether the marine was really injured or playing a trick on her.

Luna didn't blame her for being frightened by his sudden actions underwater, and it turned out that he was right.

She used her own way to feel the state of the navy named Porusalino, but gradually discovered something strange, "Are you getting younger?"

His appearance seemed to have changed slightly, but Luna's voice still sounded uncertain. She quickly looked at her reflection on the water. It did not shrink, but her facial features became subtly more mature.

This is worse.

When a female mermaid is thirty years old, her tail will split into two legs and special feet with fins. At this time, the mermaid can choose to live ashore.

But the sharks are different. Both men and women will split their tails at the age of twenty, forming perfect legs and human feet. The split-tailed sharks are like snakes shedding their skins or crabs shedding their shells. They have to go through a long period of time. period of torture and weakness.

It was supposed to be two years before her breakup, but now things were not going well.

What is the impact of this? When and how did it start? She didn't eat or touch anything strange after being sent here. Is this place so special that it can interfere with time?

If she felt weird or even uneasy about this, it would appear that she was too ignorant, but the fact is that she really didn't have much of this kind of insight.

The parchment floating in the oak barrel, the two sudden space teleportations, and the underwater monsters all revealed something unusual and not something ordinary people could do.

She had a hunch that it might not be easy to leave here as soon as possible.

Luna pursed her lips and touched her face on the water with her fingertips. The reflection on the water was suddenly distorted and crushed.

"Yeah~ I'm very happy to be praised. I happen to have some doubts that I would like Miss Luna to answer. How about we exchange ideas?" A familiar voice sounded almost as if it was close to her face. Luna suddenly came back to her senses, and Bolu Salino's face was close at hand.

Before she tried to distance herself, there was a warm touch between her eyebrows. Porusalino's right hand was playfully shaped like a ****, and his fingertips were touching her skin slightly, and the smell of wet tobacco slowly invaded the tip of her nose.

Luna had seen the ease and comfort when this finger emitted bright yellow light and penetrated the rock. It should be easy to penetrate her head. The bones of living creatures are not as hard as rocks.

Porusalino gently lifted up Luna's long hair that covered the side of her face with one hand. At the position of the human ear, a small piece of regularly arranged ear scales was quietly exposed to the air. The fine blue scales reflected the sleepy eyes. The light shows a gem-like luster.

He seemed to accidentally discover her "little secret" while she was fighting the whirlpool.

This is not scary or ugly. He appreciates this feature that is very different from humans, just like appreciating the fish tail of a mermaid. Even if it is a weird monster in a weird place, she is pleasing to the eye. So instead of controlling her roughly, he asked politely, "If you're not a mermaid, what are you?"

Luna did not feel polite. She was very uncomfortable being forced to expose her ear scales to other people's eyes, but she did not act rashly. Excessive movements might be regarded as a signal of attack.

She cautiously only rolled her eyes, shifting her gaze from his fingers to his face. Porusalino still had a relaxed face, and even had a smile on his lips. He leaned forward slightly, acting very interested. The way you listen. It was as if he wasn't threatening her with his finger at all, but was chatting with her peacefully.

She now strongly agrees with Aaron's point of view. If you relax your vigilance in front of humans, you will become unfortunate!

"Yeah~ Miss Luna, are you scolding me?" The fingers on her forehead became harder.

Luna tried her best to be calm, "I am a mermaid, please stop talking nonsense."

There are so many fishmen and mermaids on Fish-Man Island, but no fish has ever said that she is not a mermaid, she is just a little special. This human has just met a few mermaids and wants to deceive her?

Luna's fingers hidden under the water gently kneaded the water, and her eyes were still looking at Porusalino, her eyes clear and sincere, "This must be an island, you can't swim or sail, we can Let’s leave together and I can save you if the boat capsizes.”

She really thought so after landing ashore. Although this marine sometimes spoke in an irritating manner, he had no special thoughts about fishmen or mermaids. He was not weak in strength and alert and alert, making him a good companion. It just so happened that he was a fruit user, so there was something she could do to help him.

But humans probably have no way of trusting alien races, whether they are fish-men or mermaids. In her vague memory, the situation of the sharks was not much better than that of the fishmen. It was just that more blood was shed in the battles, and the cost of capturing the sharks was higher. She could temporarily exchange blood for superficial peace.

Porusalino's tempered sense of knowledge was not just for show. He noticed her little moves, but he didn't expose them. He even found them vaguely interesting.

He originally wanted to chat with her a little more with evil intentions, but his conscience, which had been away from him for a long time, slowly jumped up. If he really waited for the little mermaid to take action before trying to catch her, that would be too much of a bullying to the little girl. Fighting is not just a game, it is a cruel thing.

This young lady tried her best to save him twice, but now she feels a little pain in her chest.

After he woke up, he looked around a little. The small wounds on her body scraped under the water were no longer bleeding. There were no serious injuries on her body. Several scales on her tail had fallen off, and her hair was tangled. Somewhat embarrassed.

Now that I looked closer, I saw that he was even more embarrassed, and his hair was still mixed with water, grass and mud. He was not at all as healthy and beautiful as when they first met.

He might have been bullied when he was young, but fortunately Porusalino is not really in his twenties now. He has seen quite a lot of mermaids and other human species. He just needs to grasp her identity gradually, there is no need to rush.

So he caught Luna's finger that was preparing to do something underwater in advance, and smiled and tapped the little mermaid's forehead, admiring her astonished expression and saying with a smile: "Is this so? Miss Luna is so reliable~"


She was fooled, she was definitely fooled. He didn't regard her as an equal being who needed serious confrontation.

Luna was ashamed and annoyed as she followed Porusalino in the bubble. The complete defeat in the confrontation made her feel like a fool who couldn't hold her breath.

She cheered up quickly. It didn't matter. How to get out of here was the most important thing now. She had someone she couldn't wait to see.

Crossing the lawn, they entered the surrounding cedar forest, and before walking far they saw a huge building looming in front of them.

It was a castle, a typical human kingdom castle, with blue spiers and castle tops standing high. The end of the cedar forest is the front garden of the castle. The garden is not deserted, and all kinds of plants are growing well in their respective places. The large fountain in the center has not stopped flowing. It keeps pouring out beautiful water columns, which are like flowers at high places. In full bloom, it fell from the air into the circular pool.

It's like there are hard-working servants and gardeners working hard every day to maintain it, but there is no one here at all. It's quiet, very quiet, not even the wind or the chirping of insects, so there is a hint of incongruous falsehood, like a stillness frozen in time. picture.

Luna shuddered a little, because what she thought was the sound of the wind gradually became clear. It was the dull breathing, sighing, moaning, murmuring and vague whispers of many people.

"Bo, Bo, sir, did you hear that?" She wanted to call the navy's name, but because of the chatter of her teeth, she temporarily changed it to "sir" with shorter and more polite syllables. She grabbed Porusalino, who was still wet. shirt cuffs.

The ambient temperature was not high, and the cloak of justice disappeared under the water. Porusalino took off his soaked suit and tie and put them on his arms. Considering that there was a lady present, he kept the shirt, and the clothes were wet and stuck to his body. It wasn't very comfortable, and he also felt his nose was a little itchy.

He looked at the hand holding his cuff in surprise, and stopped in his tracks, "What did you hear?"

Luna swallowed a gulp of air, feeling increasingly uncomfortable the closer she got to the castle.

“The sound of a lot of people breathing and talking around me.”

"What did they say?" Porusalino asked with interest.

Luna shook her head, "Can't hear you clearly."

Porusalino pondered for a while, and Luna waited patiently for his next words.

On the shore, they reviewed the experience from launching the water in the cave to moving nearby. He gave up the struggle not by randomly betting on luck or relying on intuition, but by making calm judgments with his eyes, ears and brain. There was no trace of blood or flesh, and the two seamen The thief disappeared too quickly, and the sound of rocks colliding in the vortex stopped intermittently under the noise, which led him to the conclusion that he could give it a try.

Luna's reaction to escape was very quick, and she had her back to the black vortex the whole time. Her emotions were also confused, and she naturally couldn't grasp the subtle information. Ever since she felt the frequency of the human-faced jellyfish, saw those faces, and heard those cries, she felt something was wrong with her, full of strange feelings and fear.

This shouldn't be hers, but rather something stuck to her spirit through that moment of contact.

The sound she heard now was probably a side effect, but she still said it, just like she carefully described the parchment in the oak barrel she picked up, which mentioned Bacana and Crofts, and She also heard someone calling a person's name, Mavis, beside the human-faced jellyfish.

Luna ignored the shark's ability and told Porusalino all the information she knew in as much detail as possible. It was not that she relied on anyone to think, but after escaping from the cave pool, they obviously fell into a more dangerous place. The strange thing was that she didn't want to make it more difficult to get out of trouble by hiding it cleverly.

Besides, she knew very little about the situation on land, and she had no clue even with a few names. Porusalino himself is a human being, with a meticulous and calm personality, and he obviously has richer experience in dealing with dangers and unknowns.

"Recently, a legend suddenly became popular among the islands." Porusalino stared at the castle not far away and began to tell the story unhurriedly.

"The eternal people live in the eternal kingdom. It is an ideal land where there is no age, no death, no disease and no pain. The ground is paved with gold, the houses are built with precious stones, and the food and wine are everywhere."

"The seventh island behind the purple lightning, the eternal country is called Bakana."

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