[Pirate] My Luna

Chapter 13 Chapter 13

The three people on the shore went into the water one after another and wrapped their heads with bubbles blown by the bubble coral. Devil fruit users had to wrap their whole bodies with bubbles to move underwater.

Shanks and Beckman are at the beginning, Porusalino is in the middle, and Luna is at the end.

The sequence is originally like this, but there is a fundamental difference between the speed of a human with a bubble on his head and a big bubble moving underwater.

The bubble containing the big navy slowly moved farther and farther away from the two people in front. Before it hit the tip of Luna's nose, she reached out to hold it against the bubble and had to push it to dive.

Beckman in front turned his head and showed a subtle expression, with a hint of ridicule and provocation.

The shark's perception in the water was very keen. Not only did Luna see Beckman's expression clearly, but she also clearly saw Porusalino take out his palm, which was originally inserted leisurely in his trouser pocket, and put it very naturally close to the bubble membrane, with his index finger slightly flexed. .

She flicked her tail to drive the water flow, pushing the bubble's focus point downwards, easily turning the bubble over.

The yellow flash lost its accuracy and passed through the sides of Shanks and Beckman. It made a dull sound on the underwater stone wall and suddenly illuminated the surrounding water. The entire stone wall seemed to be shaking. For a moment, the broken parts began to fall apart after a half-beat delay, and large pieces of gravel slowly sank deeper into the water.

The attack was so fast, heavy, calm and without warning that it sent chills down Luna's back.

But Shanks and Beckman let the light pass by without changing their expressions at all.

The person who casually released this terrifying attack adjusted his posture in the bubble, pouted his mouth in a strange shape, and complained in a long voice: "Miss Luna, that's too much~ It's so scary to be like this suddenly~"

Beckman clicked his tongue when he saw this, and Shanks relaxed his hand on the hilt of the sword. He looked at the light dissipating in the distance and exclaimed: "Oh~! It's so bright! You can see clearly even in the depths!"

"Um, can you..." He turned his head, his expectant eyes shining brightly under the water.

Porusalino raised his hand and gestured with a smile, "Okay~ but my accuracy is not very good, and I don't know whose body it will pass through in the middle."

Luna observed the expressions of both parties, and then put her mind back a little bit, as if they were just testing each other.

Beckman needs to test Porusalino's underwater strength, and Polusalino also needs to show his strength to intimidate the opponent, but it is not impossible to start a fight with the flow.

Once the two sides actually fight, one side wins, and she cannot suppress the other side, her weak position will immediately be highlighted, and she will become a plate of fish and meat. How to cook it depends on the mood of the other side.

It wasn't that she was timid and would admit defeat before fighting, it was just the fact that this was not the sea she was familiar with, it was just a deep pool. Most of what was waiting for her outside was not the ocean, but the human domain - land.

She may not lose, but she is not absolutely sure of winning either.

From this point of view, maintaining the superficial calm of the three parties while they are wary of each other is the best situation for her, and she will have more opportunities and choices.

Luna was thinking hard, but this was the first time she had to deal with this situation. She had to observe the situation, guess the attitudes and ideas of both parties, quietly assess the strength, and even intervene according to the situation.

There were many thoughts running through her mind, but the actual judgment and processing were still very green.

At least the three people present could see through her emotional changes at a glance, which was really easy to understand.

Shanks had no intention of breaking his promise of "not doing anything", but if the other party planned to take action, he would just fight back.

To Beckman's probing, the other party gave a tough answer. He should have taken advantage of the other party's words to show off his strength, be it overlord looks or swordsmanship. It was considered a fair exchange of information, and they made a tacit settlement. Abort.

But seeing the little mermaid nervously watching, Shanks couldn't help but laugh, would he scare her away if he drew his sword?

So, his fingers left the hilt of the sword.

He pretended not to hear Beckman sighing, and waved to the little mermaid with a big smile, "Luna, do you want to come to the front?"

Before Luna could shake her head, Porusalino said with a smile: "That's not possible, Miss Luna wants to protect me~"

It didn't sound like a problem, and even if he didn't seem to need protection, she did agree, so she changed her head to a nod.

Shanks wanted to say something else, but his expression suddenly froze.

Luna belatedly felt cold, not physically, but from a deeper feeling of coldness.

She froze her hands and feet, unable to move. It wasn't until the bright yellow light and the sharp sword energy came into her eyes that she suddenly turned around and looked back.

In the dark pool, huge transparent jellyfish stretched out their bodies, swarming towards them with their scattered tentacles, and then shrank under the obstruction of the bright light and sword energy.

Luna opened her eyes wide, watching the vague human faces squirming on the surface of its transparent body and tentacles. The old people were chattering, the young people were quarreling and teasing, and the children were coquettishly crying. All kinds of people. The sound suddenly filled the auditory organs, and the twisted emotions spread crazily along with the human voice.

Peace, joy, tenderness, love, happiness, pain, despair, hopelessness.


With the sharp buzzing in her head, blood surged into her throat, and the picture in front of Luna was blurred for a moment, but the taste of blood in her mouth was immediately swallowed hard by her.

She disturbed the water flow with one hand and brought out a group of birds to cover her. She quickly turned around and pushed Porusalino's bubble towards Shanks.

The hastily used Murloc Jujutsu Water Heart - Birds had a small range and gradually dissipated after Luna moved a certain distance.

Porusalino turned around to face her, calmly stretched his fingers into the water, and fired at the monster not far away. Shanks and Beckman also quickly moved closer to Luna and the others.

Luna did not look back, nor did she see that the precise light shot by Porusalino would make the monster shrink and dodge, but when it hit, it was like hitting a phantom or the air, and no damage was done at all.

"Huh~?" He was a little surprised, but he quickly adjusted his strategy, turning the hit into a restriction, covering Luna and keeping the distance between him and the monster.

After rushing out for a certain distance, Luna felt that the sounds and emotions that had been forced into her senses had weakened.

Shanks and Beckman stood in front of her, and even Porusalino's bubble seemed to float in front of her. She twisted around to fill the gap between Shanks and Polusalino, and the four of them They lined up to observe the monster a few meters away.

"Haha, attacks seem to be useless, even sword energy and bullets are useless." Shanks was the first to speak enthusiastically.

"It will be uncomfortable to get close to it, and it can attack the brain through strange human voices." Luna added seriously.

Beckman squinted at the outline of a human face surging on the giant jellyfish, "There are always weaknesses."

The bright yellow light instantly pierced one of the human faces, and the noisy voices from the monster suddenly became louder. Its tentacles were waving anxiously, but there was still no sign of injury.

Porusalino joked: "I hate light, but it's a pity that it's not a shooting game~"

Luna tentatively felt its frequency, which was surprisingly smooth, but the frequency on the opposite side was not so much a frequency as a collection of tens of thousands of frequencies!

These frequencies were mixed together as chaotically as the human voice it produced. The excessive information immediately caused a piercing pain in her brain. Luna persisted for a few seconds and quickly cut off her perception.

She hesitated to express her guess: "The weak point may be in the center of its body."

Because she heard the clearest and most powerful frequency there, but she couldn't say so directly.

Before Luna could figure out how to explain the source of this speculation without revealing too many differences, Shanks had already nodded in agreement and said excitedly, "Then I'll go take a look!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Luna only saw a head of bright red hair drifting away quickly.

"Hey! Shanks!" Beckman called to stop to no avail. His head began to hurt again, but in the end he had no choice but to follow his captain who was keen on exploring and overly curious.

The light from Porusalino's fingertips didn't "accidentally" deflect onto anyone. He controlled the situation as leisurely as playing whack-a-mole. He knocked back any tentacle that tried to go out of bounds, but only just That's all, there's nothing more.

After a while, he suddenly smiled, with a rather gloating tone, "If the red-haired one doesn't hurry up, he'll be in trouble~"

Luna frowned and took a closer look. Shanks had already circled under the jellyfish monster. The human face under the jellyfish monster's transparent skin was becoming clearer and more ferocious, almost about to burst out of its skin. Its movements were getting bigger and bigger, approaching mania. .

Her heart tightened and she hurriedly recalled the frequency she had just come into contact with. But the more she recalled it, the more irritable she became. Even the rhythm of her heartbeat had to be synchronized with that frequency.

Luna's eyes gradually lost focus, and suddenly she saw all the people turning their heads to face her in unison.

Their lips opened and closed at the same time, and thousands of voices of men, women, and children cried together, Mavis...


Luna repeated it blankly in her mind. These words seemed to be a signal. Memories far beyond the capacity of her brain were like floods that broke the dam, rushing towards her impatiently. They wanted to talk and tell her something.

But this amount of chaotic memory is enough to turn people into madmen, idiots, or simply merge with them.

The shark's mental defenses resisted fiercely, and a strong feeling of dizziness and vomiting suddenly attacked her.

She curled up and retched, but the cold water poured into her open nasal cavity and mouth, making her reaction even more violent.

Someone pulled her shoulders and pulled her into a dry space. She bent over the man's arm and vomited a large puddle of water, soaking his already half-wet snow-white cloak.

Porusalino simply gave up on whack-a-mole. The monster's attention had shifted to the two men nearby, and the two pirates would not die if they left it alone.

He used his free hand to pat the back of the little mermaid who was holding his arm, and helped her drain the pool of water that blocked the air intake pipe. He found it puzzling at the same time, and found it very interesting at the same time. He couldn't help but joked: "Can mermaids also drown?"

The dark blue curly long hair sticks to her plain white cheeks. The white is whiter and the blue is bluer. After the tossing just now, her face has no color, but it does not look depressed at all, because her eyes Clear and bright, as bright as the moon hidden inside.

There was some mist in her eyes now, and he mistakenly thought that she would cry, and he was distracted for a moment thinking about how to deal with the tears.

But she didn't give him a chance to respond. With a blink of her eyelashes, the water mist disappeared without a trace.

The dry air temporarily allowed Luna to stay away from the cold and wet water. She regained her composure. She turned around and saw Shanks had entered the transparent body of the giant jellyfish before she could speak. The jellyfish monster was motionless, even the surface of the jellyfish was protruding. All the faces were frozen.

Her pupils shrank, a little shocked, "How did you do this?"

"You are so domineering and domineering~ Today's young pirates are really scary~" Porusalino answered thoughtfully.

Luna glanced at him in confusion. Although she didn't know what Bawang's domineering energy was, this man was clearly enjoying the fun and wasn't afraid at all, right?

Soon Luna no longer had the energy to pay attention to these problems. Shanks found something inside the jellyfish monster. He held it, and Luna strangely felt her heart drop heavily.

She had some premonitions, but she couldn't explain them clearly.

Shanks raised his sword in the jellyfish's void but inexplicably sticky body, and pierced the core like a warrior who defeated a monster.

But the monster did not dissipate slowly. A faint green light emerged from the core. The light suddenly expanded and contracted, and the entire monster shrank into the core, which was very small in comparison.

Shanks smiled and said something, and Beckman leaned over to talk to him.

But Luna's heart was beating faster and faster. Just as she opened her mouth to say something, the cyan light in the core had changed to a darker color.

The dark light point shattered in Shanks' hand, and formed a dark vortex above. Water, sand, gravel and people will be swallowed by this darkness!

Under the influence of strong gravity, the wildly surging water turned the water into a turbid mess. Except for the dark hole not far away, nothing could be seen clearly.

Luna plunged into the muddy pool, desperately pushing the bubbles upstream that were beginning to deform, and shouted loudly for Porusalino to squeeze the bubble coral tightly.

When she saw him taking out the bubble coral from his pocket and shaking it in front of her eyes, she calmly shut up.

Her efforts to swim upstream were obviously of no use. Luna also tried using jujitsu and using vortexes to fight against the vortex. In short, anything was good to stay away from that frightening vortex.

The sand and stones mixed in the water and turned into large and small shadows and dangerous objects flying towards her. She inevitably suffered some injuries in the water. The fact that she didn't break her arms or tail was considered a racial talent of hers. .

She had no time to pay attention to these small wounds. She already felt that she was being pulled towards the vortex little by little, and she couldn't even stay in place with all her strength.

The person in the bubble leaned over and was talking to her.

But the loud sound of water almost made her hearing loss, and she couldn't hear a word clearly, but she understood his gesture, which told her to give up resistance and go down.

Luna kept shaking her head, not to mention her fear of this vortex, whether she would be minced into pieces if she went in. Porusalino alone might be drowned halfway. Although the bubbles made by Bubble Coral are flexible, , but it absolutely cannot withstand the increasingly stronger gravitational pull near the vortex.

Then she watched in horror as this landlubber and fruit-ability user destroyed the already precarious bubble, and like a big bird with gray patterns and white tail feathers, he hugged her with all four limbs from above.

Luna hurriedly groped for the bubble coral on her chest, and hurriedly blew a bubble hood on him. The useless human was completely weak in the deep water, and it was only because of her holding on to his neck that he would not be scattered by the turbulent current. But she was too late to resist the gravitational pull of the vortex.

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