Hokage: Hatake's No Misfortune

Chapter 41 Identifying Blood

"Palm Immortal!"

Shan Jianhe looked at Muzan with a solemn face. The other party performed the operation very quickly. He used a chakra scalpel to remove the infected flesh and blood, and then used the palm sage technique to cure it.

Both require precise chakra control. Looking at the smooth and smooth hands, it is hard to imagine that these hands do not shake at all.

After a period of busy work, Wu Kai saved the lives of these seriously ill patients first. As for the later recovery, they need to take their time.

Unfortunately, there are not many medical ninjas in the camp. This is a flaw. The scarcity and difficulty of cultivating medical ninjas has destined this industry to not develop much.

"Mr. Yamama Kazu, since there are not that many medical ninjas in the camp, we must find a way to replace them. I will write out the types of blood and precautions as soon as possible."

Muzan once obtained Orochimaru's notes, only a few of which were about the types of blood, but it was proved from the side that Orochimaru was already involved.

Currently, Orochimaru is at the border of the Kingdom of Wind. It is impractical to contact him in a short time. He can only use Orochimaru's notes to make corresponding equipment to detect blood.

This is a huge project that will not be completed in a while.

Fortunately, the war is now based on peace, a chance for Konoha to be buffered.

"By the way, Mr. Kazuo Yamama is responsible for the medical arrangements in the camp. You can apply for medical assistance from the rear."

"The next step is mainly to deliver blood, plus a lot of bandages. Please don't forget, whether it's medical ninjas or equipment, our purpose is to protect the lives of patients."

Shan Jianhe was knocked down by a combination of punches by Wu Kuan. He was stunned for a few seconds, and then nodded instinctively.

Konoha has its own blood bank. Blood transfusion is sometimes necessary, but there is a certain element of gambling on life, so there are not many blood packs.

If the theory put forward by Wu Ke is correct, then the number of patients who will die from massive hemorrhage will be greatly reduced in the future.

As for injured ninjas on the battlefield, the most fatal danger in the early stage is various complications caused by heavy bleeding.

"I'm going to arrange for people to transport blood. I hope that a blood-distinguishing machine can be built as soon as possible."

Shan Jianhe bowed lightly to Muzan. If Muzan can really succeed, a group of people in Konoha will be saved.

As for arranging medical ninjas, Yamama Kazurai is still responsible. After all, as a special jounin, he has experienced a war and knows how to make reasonable arrangements.

The two have an inherent division of labor, and Wu Mei was responsible for researching the machine during this period.

In Orochimaru's notes, there is a method for observing genes, which needs to be modified. It does not need to be too precise, but it must be large in number.

There is no rest time next. Wu Mei assembles and makes the instrument. He needs to make the first one, and then let the people behind Konoha make it in large numbers based on the model.

After several days, I finally had a rough model that could be used for blood testing.

After seeing the machine made by Wuhan in the mountains, he froze on the spot and stared at the machine. As each piece of blood was detected, the blood was perfectly displayed and distinguished.

Even in order to adapt to the rhythm of the battlefield, after the blood is distinguished, it will be divided into different libraries, without consuming a small amount of labor.

After hearing Yamama Kazu's report, Sakumo immediately understood that the birth of the machine would have a great impact on the war and could reduce unnecessary casualties of frontline ninjas, so he immediately made a decision!

"This machine must be delivered to Konoha as soon as possible!"

"I will arrange for elite jounin to escort the machine away, and Muzan will return to the village immediately!"

Because some precise components cannot be explained clearly by dictation, and the war has calmed down now, Yunyin Village is temporarily unable to launch a war. Even if elite jounin is sent back, there will not be any big problems.

Of course, this matter needs to be carried out secretly. Sakumo stared at Yamama Kazu next to him and said:

"Don't let others know about this!"

Regarding the direction of the war, Sakumo didn't want to make a small sacrifice, so he gave a special instruction to keep silent.

"Yes, Master Sakumo!"

Even the escorting ninja team didn't know what they were sending, and the machine had been dismantled by Wu Kai in advance, and only Wu Kai could reassemble it.

Not even the news of Wu Kai's departure was leaked.

So much so that both Hongdou and Zhenli thought that Wuhan was addicted to experiments and couldn't extricate himself. An angry Hongdou wanted to rush over and argue with the other party.

We agreed to treat her to some noodles, but ended up hiding alone to conduct experiments!

"Asshole, don't let me meet him again! Otherwise, I'll make him look good!"

Halfway through, Muzan suddenly sneezed twice. The ninja who was traveling with him thought that Muzan was too tired and suggested to stop and rest for half an hour, but Muzan refused.

"What's going on? It's impossible for me to catch a cold in my current body. Someone must be missing me."

They arrived at the village in the shortest possible time. As soon as they stepped in, Wu Ke felt some eyes falling on him. With the advent of the war, the security level of the village increased again.

I am afraid that many Konoha ANBU are silently protecting the village.

Several ANBU members with fox faces looked at a group of people hurriedly entering the village, and their eyes suddenly shrank, because these people were all elites.

"Strange, something happened on the front line, but how could the elite jounin return..."

"Sakumo-sama is on the front line. It should be an urgent mission. Let's report it to the third generation immediately. Don't waste time."

Anbu can meet the Hokage directly, while ordinary ninjas need to wait for notification. When they see a group of elite jounin, they know that this matter is not trivial.

He quickly woke up the third generation from his sleep, put on his clothes and came to the Hokage's office.

In addition to the elite Jonin, there is also a special person, Kazu Yamama!

"What happened on the front lines?"

At this time, the three generations are praying that nothing will happen in the frontline war. ?

At the same time, I was wondering, could it be that Yunyin Village's dog jumped over the wall and launched a desperate attack?

"Three generations of adults!"

As for Yamama Kazu's identity, everyone present knew that he was a veteran special jounin, and anything that could make him look nervous must be something important.

"This is a semi-finished machine that we're working on."

There were ten seal scrolls in total, and a lot of parts were placed in the Hokage's office, leaving the hero of the ninja world confused. When he was about to ask a question, he was interrupted by Yamama Kazu.

"Most of the injured ninjas on the front line died of excessive blood loss. This machine can distinguish blood types and greatly reduce ninja casualties."

One sentence clarified the key point. Originally, he had been interrupted for three generations, with a look of displeasure on his face, but now his expression has changed 180 degrees.

As the Hokage of Konoha, he certainly understands the cruelty of war. Many of the injured died from excessive blood loss.


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