Hokage: Hatake's No Misfortune

Chapter 40 I want to fish

"You bastard Wuhan, you didn't find us and made us stay in there for several days!"

At this time, Hongdou looked haggard and no longer as high-spirited as before.

All her fists fell on Wu Mei, venting her dissatisfaction.

"You know how I spend these days! Day after day! I've been waiting for you for three whole days!"

After they separated, Hongdou felt that Wuhan must have been delayed by something. Coupled with some changes that happened at that time, Hongdou and Zhenli did not dare to change positions at will.

I stayed there for three days honestly. According to the original agreement, regardless of success or failure, I would start returning on the sixth day.

The first moment when Hongdou and Jinri returned to the camp, they were not resting, but looking to see if Muzan was at the camp.

However, from the mouths of others, she got a fact that Hongdou couldn't believe.

"You bastard! I gave you all my balls, but you did an S mission behind my back!"

Until now, she still didn't believe that Wu Mei not only discovered Liangcao, but also cooperated with the Jonin to burn Liangcao.

Some people are even saying that half of the credit for the completion of this mission falls on Wu Pei.

Therefore, her heart was extremely unbalanced and she needed to vent her anger severely.

"I can't give you an S-level mission..."

Seeing the haggard look on the other party's face, Wuxian still didn't say harsh words. After all, his teammates didn't abandon him, but instead waited there for three days.

"When you return to Konoha, you have to treat me to food and make me food!"

When encountering the unreasonable Hongdou, Zhi also showed a helpless expression, so he had better ask for his blessings.

"I don't know how to do anything else, I can only feed it to you..."

In the end, Wu Kai paid the price of doing it a few more times before Hong Dou was satisfied.

From what Anko and Mari told about it, there were still ninjas patrolling at first, but on the last day, Kumo ninja suddenly disappeared, as if the base camp began to shrink due to some reason.

"It looks like we have some free time for now."

It's a rare day off, and since he is a medical ninja, he can enjoy the best treatment when there are no patients.

After a day's rest, an uninvited guest came to the door.

Shan Jianhe found Mu Mei with dark circles under his eyes. At this time, he seemed to have a weak kidney. Coupled with the sunken cheeks, it was hard to imagine what a special jounin would be squeezed out of.

"You are finally back. Thanks to your proposal, the number of injured people increased sharply during this period."

"The medical system in our camp has not collapsed, but it is not optimistic either. There are not enough medical ninjas."

"I need your help here. Pack your things quickly and come with me."

Because they were performing dangerous tasks, especially exploring forage and fighting on the front lines, they all caused varying degrees of damage.

At this time, the medical ninja needs to take action. According to the original order set by Tsunade-sama, as long as the patient still has a breath left, the medical ninja cannot give up!

Each of them was fighting on the front line. Even on the first day Sakumo issued the order, some people were injured and were transported one after another.

You must know that this task requires cooperation. To explore the specific location of the food and grass, the front line is also attracting most of the troops. Otherwise, once the cloud ninja recovers, the ninja who enters the rear will face an encirclement and suppression that is several times greater.

The feint attack lasted for several days, requiring the opponent's jounin to be held back, resulting in considerable casualties.

He looked like he had consumed too much chakra.

He raised his trembling hand and put it on Wuhan's shoulder. Among the medical ninjas, Wuhan was undoubtedly the best.

Moreover, the camp's medical transformation plan was based on Wuhan's original settings and had initially achieved results, but there were still many shortcomings, which gave Shan Jianhe a headache as he didn't know where to start.

In fact, on the first day Wu Mei returned to the camp, he had already planned to come, but when he thought that the other party had carried out a long mission, he postponed the time to the next day.

He couldn't sleep that night!

"In other words, there are not enough medical ninjas in the camp now."

Muzan looked at the other party with a twitching expression. Kazuya Yamama was the person in charge of the camp. When did the assignment of medical ninja fall to him?

"There's something wrong with your situation. Shouldn't you ask Konoha for help?"

"There's nothing I can do about the number of medical ninjas."

I originally wanted to catch fish, but based on the situation of the other party, the chance of catching fish was zero.

Seeing the other person's kidney-deficient look again, after struggling for several days, Wuxian finally seemed to accept his fate and agreed to his request.

"Forget it, let's go heal the sick first."

At this time, a group of injured people were lying behind the Konoha camp. Compared with the people they met last time, the situation this time was even more tragic. There were not even enough beds inside, and some people were placed outside.

Fortunately, there were not many medical supplies, and the wounded were simply bandaged to prevent death from infection.

However, in Wu Mei's eyes, these are far from enough.

When they came to an area with serious injuries, a large amount of blood dyed the sheets red. Fortunately, the medical ninja on the side had stopped the bleeding, otherwise the corpse would be lying on the bed.

Stopping bleeding does not mean producing blood. ?

The other party's face was pale, which was the effect of excessive blood loss. Wuhan touched their arms with his hands, and his hands were actually slightly cold.

"A few were injured and they need blood transfusions."

Although there are medical ninjas in Konoha, overall treatment is still a bit far-fetched.

Especially after Tsunade no longer took charge, Konoha's medical treatment fell into a state of stagnation.

If it was a wild horse before, many medical ninjas and ninjutsu appeared in just a few years. In the remaining years, Konoha has been resting on its laurels.

"Blood transfusion?"

Yamama Kazu looked hesitant. He was also a medical ninja. Of course he understood that several people were seriously injured and blood transfusion was the only way.

Wu Kai looked at the other party's hesitation, frowned slightly, and felt extremely unhappy.

"Don't say we don't have blood transfusion equipment in the camp."

"Yes, there are, but there are not enough blood packs, and hasty blood transfusions can easily lead to death."

He didn't want to risk his life to treat patients.

"What the hell is causing death rashly?"

He understood that the blood packs were not enough, after all, not many people donated blood.

Wait, Wu Kai seems to have realized something.

"Don't you know your blood type?"

Looking at the other party's expression, Wuhan knew he had guessed correctly.

Sure enough, this is a Hokage with development problems. It is difficult to imagine a world where ninjutsu is developed. Technology relies entirely on Orochimaru. As for the medical treatment derived from it, it is simply unimaginable.

"This kind of thing will not be solved for a while. Let's use chakra to give them blood first."

Although chakra is omnipotent, nothing can be done without chakra.

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