"Everyone, come downstairs and gather." Qin Ming shouted loudly from downstairs.

Ye Lingling's body trembled suddenly as she was about to fall asleep, and she felt Teacher Qin's voice roaring. She patted her head, trying to wake up quickly. When she walked out of the door, she paused, and after a while, she closed the door.

Seven people appeared in front of the lake one after another. Qin Ming's eyes scanned all the members. When he reached Ye Lingling, he paused for a few seconds, and then looked at others as if nothing had happened.

In fact, his psychological description at the moment was like this: "Gan, I knew a change of environment would be useful!!!" Ye Lingling's action of taking off her veil made him extremely excited.

However, his face remained calm and he continued to say calmly, "Your training will officially start tomorrow, and you have to prepare for me tonight. My arrangements are as follows: Yu Tianheng." He hugged his arms He looked at Yu Tianheng from head to toe and said, "You go to Thunder Academy to report to Yu Tianxin tomorrow. I have arranged a trial for you and him. We will practice every Sunday in the spirit fighting arena of their academy."

After saying that, the expressions of everyone in Huangdou changed. Even Yu Tianheng had a shocked expression on his face. Dugu Yan couldn't help but say, "Teacher Qin, you don't know that Yu Tianxin is——"

Qin Ming interrupted her, "I know, brothers, it's the brothers who know each other's vulnerabilities." He said this, but the expression on his face was not like this.

As the team leader, he had long known about the conflict between Yu Tianheng and Yu Tianxin. Yu Tianheng had long been selected as the next successor of the Landian family due to his high talent. Although Yu Tianxin was older and had higher soul power, he was not as good as Yu Tian. Heng grows rapidly. It was precisely because of the competition between the two that Qin Ming brought Yu Tianheng here.

"But -" Dugu Yan wanted to say something else.

"Yu Tianheng," Qin Ming stopped him, "Is there any problem?"

After a long while, Yu Tianheng replied with difficulty, "No problem."

"Next, Dugu Yan, you go to Tianshui College tomorrow and find the captain of the Tianshui College team, Shui Bing'er, and use the same method." Shui Bing'er is the top martial soul Ice Phoenix. Although there is no redeeming quality in the martial soul, Qin Ming hopes Dugu Yan can learn the ability to control martial arts from Shui Bing'er.

Seeing that no one refuted, Qin Ming continued with satisfaction, "Graphite Shimo, you two go to the Elephant Armor Academy to find Hu Yanli and Hu Yanba." The martial souls of the Elephant Armor Academy team members are all Diamond Mammoth, although the Xuanwu Turtle martial spirit Its defensive power is on par with the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex's offensive power, but the Diamond Mammoth is slightly higher than the Basalt Turtle in terms of grade. The two brothers Shi Mo and Shi Mo will only get more benefits if they go to train.

"Osluo, you go to Blazing Fire and compete with Huo Wushuang. Their team also has a Fire Leopard Soul Master. I hope it will be good for you." Osluo agreed readily.

Yufeng looked at Qin Ming expectantly, and Qin Ming raised his eyebrows, "Just stay in Shenfeng and go find the wind chime tomorrow."

"Wind chimes?" Yu Feng wondered, "Is his martial spirit also a wind chime bird?"

"Why else would they choose this name?" Qin Ming disliked Yu Feng's IQ. He looked at Ye Lingling. Everyone was also curious about what Qin Ming would say. They had already seen that Qin Ming's arrangements were for people with similar attributes and higher soul power levels than themselves, but Ye Lingling was an auxiliary soul master, so they couldn't think of what to do.

"As an auxiliary soul master, you will have one-on-one training starting tomorrow, and he will be responsible for your daily training." Qin Mingdao.

"Wow, I'm so envious. Lingling still has a sparring partner." Yufeng and Osluo cheered.

But the rest of the people realized something was wrong immediately, "Team leader-" Shi Mo said.

"Okay, that's it for today. Lingling, do you have any questions?" Qin Ming interrupted Shi Mo, as if he knew what he was going to ask.

"No problem." A cold voice seemed to come from afar.

"Well, I will take you to him personally tomorrow." Qin Ming said with a smile.

Everyone shuddered when they saw Qin Ming's smile.

"Also," Qin Ming gave up and saw someone's body starting to tense up. "The rest is to ask you to eat together."

"I'm known for being a big fan of making dinner dates, let's go." The atmosphere suddenly relaxed. The members of Huangdou had long been accustomed to Qin Ming's behavior of frequently making dinner dates.

As the leader of Huangdou, Qin Ming has the obligation to care about the health of every member. Behavior like Ye Lingling's behavior of not eating for several days is naturally not advisable.

Therefore, he often invited everyone to have dinner together under the pretext of making dinner appointments. Ye Lingling would not be absent out of respect for the team leader.

They can be called daters if they want, he thought.

Under the afterglow of the evening, the shadows of the eight people stretched infinitely.

"Leader, where are we going to eat?" Shi Mo asked. They had just arrived and were not familiar with the nearby terrain.

"Let's go, where are we going?" Qin Ming reached for his belt, "I still have some vegetables in my soul guide, and the kitchen is fully equipped with utensils."

Yufeng wailed and rushed towards Qin Ming, "Teacher Qin, no, we have just traveled across mountains and rivers to get here, so it is better not to cook by ourselves."

Oslo nodded wildly, Dugu Yan closed his eyes as if abandoning his treatment, and even Ye Lingling's eyes showed a slight fluctuation.

"Well, the food in the Shenfeng Academy cafeteria is not bad." Qin Ming said softly.

Everyone in Huangdou cheered and hugged Qin Ming as they walked out of the forest.

Yufeng was flirting with women on the road, Momo was observing the environment, Yu Tianheng lowered his head and didn't know what to think about, Oslo was trapped in the fine theater and couldn't extricate himself, but Shi Mo was helpless to him, and Duguyan carefully helped Ye Lingling hang up the veil.

The appearance of this group of people was so outstanding that they attracted a lot of attention, and many people pointed at them. Ye Lingling's expression became increasingly cold, and Dugu Yan held her hand, hoping to give her strength through this.

They returned the same way they came from, passing a large lake and a main road, and a 100-meter-tall building appeared in front of them. The first and second floors were made of transparent glass as the outer wall, and the lights were bright. At a glance, you could see the densely packed heads inside.

Shi Mo asked Dugu Yan with his eyes. Even Qin Ming glanced at Ye Lingling. Dugu Yan shook his head slightly. Qin Ming kept his pace and insisted on pushing the door open.

Dugu Yan had no choice but to follow Ye Lingling. Fortunately, although Lingling's hands were shaking slightly, her mood was relatively stable.

Eight people entered the cafeteria, but no one looked at them. It was even more deserted than on the road. The reason is that everyone's attention, including the second floor (the railings on the second floor are also transparent), are focused on the two people in the center.

A young man with a somewhat handsome appearance, what is eye-catching is his white vertical hair, is holding a large bouquet of bright red roses. Opposite him was a very beautiful girl with long dark red wavy hair hanging down to her waist. She had a fair face, delicate facial features, and a pair of big eyes that shone with a faint silver light.

Qin Ming got up and took them to sit down at the door. Mo Mo thought to himself doubtfully, "Teacher Qin shouldn't join in the fun during dinner." However, if you don't watch the fun, it's in vain.

Dugu Yan said in Ye Lingling's ear, "It's really like a flower stuck in cow dung."

Yufeng's words intervened, "This guy is really evil. He confessed his love in the cafeteria."

The white-haired boy said loudly and emotionally, "Huo Wu, I like you, stay with me."

Shi Mo's strong body squeezed into the small seat and said, "That girl's name is Huo Wu."

The later classmates wanted to watch the fun just like them. They sat at the table next to them and heard what they said, "Brother, you just came. I don't even know Feng Xiaotian and Huo Wu. How many times has this happened this semester!"

After hearing this, Oslo chatted, "That one in the middle is Feng Xiaotian?"

"You don't know this. Feng Xiaotian is the son of the dean, and Huo Wu is the daughter of the dean of Chihuo Academy. They all say they are a talented and beautiful woman, a perfect match!" The classmate deliberately lowered his voice and continued. , "But I see, Feng Xiaotian will definitely not be able to catch up. After two years of chasing, he didn't even wink at him."

Just as he said that, Huo Wu moved the roses in front of him expressionlessly. The roses tilted and unexpectedly hit the ground. The fiery red petals fell off, and the snow-white ground looked like scattered blood drops.

"Hiss!" The onlookers let out distressed expressions of regret.

Huo Wu took a long step and turned to leave without looking back. Feng Xiaotian was not annoyed, and the smile on his face did not diminish. He picked up the bouquet of roses, and his figure looked lonely.

"Alas" the onlookers shook their heads again.

"Let's get over after the fun is over. Don't pretend I didn't see it. The plates are empty. What are you going to eat?" A young man walked up to Feng Xiaotian and chased away the spectators.

Some enthusiastic people spoke enthusiastically, "Boss, what are you trying to do? Let's not hang ourselves on a tree."

The corners of Feng Xiaotian's lips curved, but his expression remained calm, "You don't care!" He pretended to throw the bouquet of roses in his hand at the person's face.

"Hey, hey, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't," the enthusiastic crowd hurriedly begged for mercy.

The crowd gradually left, and Feng Xiaotian was still sorting out the petals that fell to the ground. He squatted on the ground, and a group of people passed by him, the hem of their white skirts brushed past him, and they keenly felt the familiar martial soul fluctuations.

Confused, he raised his head and saw those familiar eyes in the daytime.

Dark blue eyes were rare, but what impressed him deeply was the loneliness contained in those eyes. With just one glance, he suspected that there was nothing in this world that could interest this famous woman.

"Is it the fluctuation of this woman's martial soul?" Feng Xiaotian closed his eyes and calmed down, "It seems like the fluctuation of Teacher Qin's martial soul. Could it be that what Teacher Qin said in the letter is true?"

While he was stunned, Huang Dou and others sat down on the second floor. Dugu Yan waved his hand and chose a private room. Qin Ming felt that his wallet was deflating at lightning speed, and he picked up the menu with weak hands and feet.

Yu Tianheng saw Qin Ming's reluctance and comforted him, "Teacher Qin, don't worry, I'm treating you."

"How is this possible?" Qin Ming sat upright, resisting with his mouth, and circled the dishes he wanted honestly and swiftly in his hand, and even added a few more.

Dugu Yan hid his face and sneered, whispering in Ye Lingling's ear. Yufeng was not willing to show weakness, and the three heads were close together. "I guess the dean must have asked Teacher Qin to help. What else will we do?" Ye Lingling was in charge of listening, Dugu Yan was in charge of giving lectures, and Yu Feng interrupted from time to time.

After a while, the waiter who served the food pushed open the box, and Dugu Yan stopped. Yu Feng seemed to still have something to say. Qin Ming dragged his chin in amusement, and said in a strange tone, "Continue, why don't you stop talking."

Yu Feng's eyes widened, he walked behind Dugu Yan and mumbled, "I didn't say anything."

"Ha." Qin Ming picked up the chopsticks and ignored it.

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