The carriage kept moving forward, gradually leaving the city center. Although the speed was slow, it did not stop. Yufeng was always paying attention to the situation outside the carriage. He turned around and said to Qin Ming, "Teacher Qin, where are we going? It's not the Five Elements." As for the academy, if we continue like this, we will soon be out of the city?"

Qin Ming took out a complete set of tea sets from his soul guide at some point, slowly poured tea, and spoke lazily, with a leisurely tone, "It's the Academy of Five Elements."

Qin Ming's appearance was so infuriating that Yu Feng didn't dare to speak and looked pitifully at Shi Mo, who spread his hands and shrugged, indicating that he was helpless. Although he has obtained information about this place from various channels, he has never been here, so he doesn't know the location of the Five Elements Academy.

Shi Mo scratched his head and asked naively, "Will it be like our college, not in the city but in the suburbs?"

Dugu Yan agreed, "It's possible. The area required by the five colleges is indeed unlikely to be in the urban area."

Just as he was talking, the carriage came to the city gate. They had just entered through the east gate of Kerry City and were now leaving the west gate.

"Looking at it this way, it is indeed outside the city," Yufeng said clearly.

After leaving the city gate, the speed of the carriage suddenly accelerated. Yufeng couldn't help but criticize the driver's driving skills. After traveling for about ten miles, the flow of people gradually increased and the speed of the carriage slowed down.

There was only one carriage on the road, and Yufeng's behavior of leaning out was so eye-catching that passers-by looked at the carriage window. Ye Lingling walked to Duguyan silently and sat down. Yufeng returned to his seat with a sly expression. For a moment, the carriage was completely silent.

"Pfft" I don't know who started it.

"Hahaha, hahaha"

"Damn it, Yufeng, you are so stupid."

Ridicules came one after another, and Yufeng turned his head to prevent them from seeing his expression.

The carriage arrived at the gate of Kamikaze Academy.

The gates of the five colleges are diagonally opposite each other, forming a pentagonal pattern. In fact, this is how the sites of the five major colleges are divided. Each college occupies a corner, and the suburban chassis is divided into five areas. Shenfeng Academy is in the west, followed clockwise by Blazing Fire, Elephant Armor, Tianshui, and Thunder. . In other words, Kamikaze Academy's neighbors are Blazing Fire and Thunder.

After several days of running around, everyone in Huangdou got out of the car to stretch their bodies, and then observed the academy they were about to enter. Four white square pillars tens of meters high stand in front. The second pillar has several brightly colored characters: Kamikaze Academy. The second and third pillars are separated by a hundred meters, and students are passing in and out of them. The distance between the first, second and third and fourth pillars is no more than two people wide, and the gap between them is where the guards stand guard.

Looking inwards through the gate, one can see hundreds of blue steps going up from a distance, all the way to a place where they cannot see. The steps are covered by dense vegetation on both sides.

The guard was communicating with Qin Ming, and the green lining was exposed between the seams in the armor, which reminded Ye Lingling of the boy who looked at her on the street.

The guard didn't know what kind of communication method he used. After a while, a breeze blew by, and Feng Wuque, the dean of Shenfeng Academy, a serious middle-aged man, appeared in front of him.

Qin Ming immediately greeted him with a smile. Huang Dou and the others followed Qin Ming. Ye Lingling was standing in the distance. When Dugu Yan saw it, he also slowed down and walked with her.

Climbing up the stairs, their position gradually rose, and they could see that there was a path hidden under the dense vegetation, and students were walking through it. Yufeng raised his body, a pair of white wings sprouted from his back, and flew outside the steps to find out. It turned out that there was a cave under the building in front of him. Roman columns supported the entire building, and the checkerboard corridor and training ground were hidden underneath.

The five major colleges share the same land, which may have been usable in the early days of the establishment of the school. However, with the rise of each college, the space was no longer allocated, so it could only be developed in the air, thus developing into a scene of skyscrapers.

When I reached the last step, my eyes suddenly opened up. Even Qin Ming, who was communicating with the dean, was stunned for a moment. I saw a splendid castle in front of me. The Gothic-style building covered the outer walls with a large amount of blue and white, making it look majestic. There was a wide square in front of the castle. The fountain in the center of the square was rotating constantly. In front of the fountain stood a Sculpture - a woman with eight wings behind her, as if she is about to fly high.

"Haha," the dean explained, "This is the founder of our Divine Wind Academy, and her martial spirit is the nine-petal orchid."

Yu Tianheng wondered, "Botanical system?"

The dean glanced at him, his smile became even wider, and he did not explain.

Afterwards, they passed by the college's mimicry training ground, the student apartment with accommodation and hospital, the library, the stadium, and the Roman training ground that could be seen in the distance.

Everyone in Huangdou looked around excitedly. Along the way, some people also looked at the group of people who were received by the dean himself. "They look like the people from Kamikaze Sentai," someone thought.

After a long exchange between Qin Ming and the dean, Huang Dou and others finally heard the words "Son, please", and Qin Ming finally said a friendly farewell to the dean.

As soon as the dean left, Yufeng approached Qin Ming and said, "Teacher Qin, have you known the dean before?"

Qin Ming pushed away Yu Feng, who was almost pressed against him, and said sarcastically, "Don't you know the person who brought you here to eat, drink and have fun?"

"Now I will take you to where you live." Qin Ming twisted the key that the dean had just given him in his fingers.

"Leader, do we live in the apartment we saw when we just arrived?" Shi Mo asked.

"Of course not!" He, Qin Ming, also has requirements for food and accommodation. Although training is hard, it cannot compromise food, clothing, housing and transportation. "Let's go, I will take you there." Afterwards, he skillfully led Huang Dou's people through the academy.

After passing a lake and various strange vegetation, Ye Lingling recognized this as the mimicry training area that he had just passed.

"Lingling, you can't admit it," Duguyan carefully studied the patterns on the tree for a while, "This is different from what I just saw."

"This is deeper than the area just now." Although Ye Lingling was nervous about the new environment, she still spoke up when it was time to remind her teammates. Among everyone in Huang Dou, she is the only one with a plant-type martial spirit, and her perception of plants is even higher.

Oslo hit Yu Tianheng's waist with his elbow, "Boss, go and ask."

Yu Tianheng glanced at him, paused for a while, and asked, "Teacher Qin, you seem to be familiar with this place?"

Qin Ming recalled the route in his mind and said without thinking, "Of course, how about I be your team leader? I have traveled in this college before."

Yu Tianheng glanced at Oslo coolly, with an obvious threat. Oslo walked aggrievedly behind Dugu Yan before disappearing from sight.

Qin Ming took them deep into the dense forest, and a clear pool of water appeared in front of them. Several small wooden single-family buildings were located behind the pool. A gentle breeze carrying water vapor blew through the forest, the water rippled, and the bamboo leaves rustled.

"The scenery here is really nice," Shi Mo said with emotion.

Qin Ming skillfully took out the key and opened one of the buildings that was obviously uninhabited. Ye Lingling frowned, "Teacher, what's next door?" The other building was obviously inhabited, and there were clothes hanging to dry on the balcony on the second floor.

Qin Ming seemed to be enlightened and replied, "Ah, next door, that's the dean's house, but the dean doesn't live here anymore, maybe his family members live here." Then, he quickly walked into the small building, for fear that Ye Lingling would explore further. .

Qin Ming looked around. It was good. It was very clean. The dean had sent people to clean it in advance. "Let's go, choose a room, we will renovate it today, and by the way, let me tell you, the official training will start tomorrow!"

Oslo and Yufeng wailed, and the others went upstairs first to choose a room.

The first floor is the kitchen, living room and sun room, and the second floor is four bedrooms, two with bathrooms and two without. The third floor has the same layout as the second floor.

There are a total of four bedrooms with bathrooms. Qin Ming chose the one on the third floor, with ladies first. The two bedrooms on the second floor were chosen. Yu Tianheng and Dugu Yan lived together. There was only one remaining room, and several people fought over it. .

In the end, Shi Mo obtained it with a level 38 soul power, slightly one or two levels higher than the others.

The current ages and levels of everyone in the Royal Fighter Team are as follows:

Captain: Yu Tianheng, age: 21 years old, martial spirit: Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus, level attack-type combat spirit master.

Vice-captain: Dugu Yan, age: 21 years old, martial spirit: Jade Phosphorous Snake. A level control-type battle soul master.

Team Member: Shi Mo Age: 20 years old, Martial Soul: Xuanwu Turtle, level defense type battle soul master.

Team Member: Shi Mo Age: 20 years old, Martial Spirit: Xuanwu Turtle, a level defensive battle spirit master.

Team Member: Yu Feng Age: 18 years old, Martial Spirit: Wind Chime Bird, level agility attack type combat spirit master.

Team member: Oslo Age: 19 years old, martial spirit: Ghost Leopard, level agility attack type combat spirit master.

Team member: Ye Lingling Age: 15 years old, martial spirit: Jiuxin Haitang. Level auxiliary weapon soul master.

Ye Lingling walked into the room. Her room was slightly smaller than Dugu Yan's, but the window faced the lake and the scenery was pleasant. To the right of the entrance is the bathroom, to the left is the wardrobe, and a bed faces west.

There was also a door on the wall connected to the window. When she pushed the door open, she saw the balcony that Ye Lingling had just seen. It was just not a building. Her room was in the same direction as the room she just saw, to the left. It's the balcony of the building next door.

She silently measured the distance between the two buildings in her mind. A soul master like her without flying skills shouldn't be able to cross easily.

She turned back to the room and took out some necessary supplies from the soul guide and laid them out. After groping for a while, he hesitantly walked to the balcony and placed an oval hanging chair, which looked like a rattan egg shell that had been hollowed out. After being fixed alone, she sat in the hanging chair and refused to move, her dark blue eyes staring at the lake in front of her for a moment.

Although she was a little nervous coming to a new place, the novelty of her emotions also took up part of it. At this time, being in a quiet place of cultivation with no outsiders allowed her to ease some of her psychological pressure.

"It would be better if there was no one next door," she thought. She was so absorbed in the scenery before her that she fell asleep.

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