Douluo Zhang San's counterattack life

Chapter 81 Killing Poseidon

"Huh? Your world?"

Zhang San, who was already confused, is even more confused now.

"I know you have a lot of questions right now."

The silver-haired woman walked down the steps with elegant steps, and then she sat down on a chair next to a round table.

There was a tea set on the table. After she sat down, she picked up the teapot and poured an unknown variety of tea into the cup. During this process, Zhang San was still standing at the door looking at her, and she said without raising her head:

"Sit down first so we can talk."

Zhang San knew that he had no other choice, and the other party also had a strange affinity, which made him feel more and more friendly the more he looked at it. He couldn't help but want to act according to the other party's words, so he put down his guard and stepped forward to stand opposite him. sit down.

"I would like to ask, what is your name?"

After sitting down, Zhang San was still very uneasy, but he understood that since he had already come, he had no way out and could not remain passive, so he took the initiative to ask him questions.

At this time, the silver-haired woman had finished pouring a cup of tea. She picked up the tea cup and took a sip and said:

"I am the current owner of this world. I have no name, but when I was born, someone called me 'Latitana'. You can also use this title to refer to me."

"You...are this world?"

Zhang Sanke remembered that the system told him that this world was called "Latitana".

"To be precise, I am the spokesperson of the will of this world."

Regarding Zhang San's statement, the silver-haired woman immediately corrected her.

"Okay, then Lati...Miss Tana..."

Zhang San wanted to pronounce the name of the silver-haired woman in front of him correctly, but the other party had a difficult tongue flick when demonstrating the pronunciation of the name, and it didn't sound right when he pronounced it himself.

"It's Latitana."

As expected, the silver-haired woman immediately frowned and corrected Zhang San's statement again.

Zhang San swallowed his saliva, tried hard again and said:



The silver-haired woman put down the steaming teacup in her hand and sighed.

Zhang San scratched his head and said:

"Uh, sorry, I'm not very good at this kind of tongue-licking."

"It's okay, it's just a name, just a dispensable title."

Fortunately, the silver-haired woman didn't care too much, and she also made a suggestion that surprised Zhang San:

"For convenience, now you can think of a name to call me by yourself."

"Huh?! If I choose a bad name, it won't offend you, right?"

The man in front of me is an unfathomable power!

Zhang San was really flattered that she was actually asked to name her.

"If you are not satisfied with the name, I will naturally tell you."

The silver-haired woman drank her tea calmly, as if it was really just a small matter.

"You take it."


Zhang San stared at each other for a long time. Even if the silver-haired woman in front of him was wearing a plain white veil and only exposed her unique pair of silver eyes, she could not hide her beauty. She was in such a weird and mysterious place. Just like a crystal flower that blooms beside a corpse, the huge contrast coupled with his own power and mystery made it difficult for Zhang San to find the right words to describe the other party, or to sum it up in one word.

But when it comes to crystal flowers, their crystal clear visual sense made Zhang San suddenly think of the same crystal clear white sugar. He said casually:

"White sand."


The silver-haired woman did not show any emotion of like or dislike, she just nodded lightly and said:

"Then my name will be Shirasa from now on. You can call me that."

"Uh, okay, then Miss Shirasa..."

After Zhang San had a simple and short interaction with him, Ben's nervous heart gradually relaxed.

It seems that this mysterious woman is quite easy to get along with.

"Just call me Shirasa."

It is not appropriate for Zhang San to call herself Miss. Her true age is immeasurable.

The silver-haired woman or Bai Sha quickly took on the role. Although her voice was still plain, at least it sounded more friendly to Zhang San.

"Do you want to ask me why I keep you here?"

"Uh yes."

There seems to be no doubt that Shirasa can read his thoughts.

Zhang San immediately put away all the things he had and didn't have in his mind, for fear of leaving a bad impression on the other party.

Bai Sha replied:

"I keep you here for many reasons, one of the important reasons is curiosity."


This mysterious woman's replies to him were always beyond his expectations.

Zhang San didn't expect that this woman who seemed to be a reclusive expert would still be curious.

"Life is afraid of the unknown, but also full of curiosity about the scene behind the unknown veil."

After saying that, Bai Sha took a sip of hot tea, then raised his index finger and pointed it back, and the strings of the unplayed harp started beating on their own, playing an unknown and beautiful movement.

Then she continued to Zhang San, who was looking at the harp in surprise:

"Aren't you also curious about what kind of existence I am?"


Zhang San admitted that he was indeed curious, and he insisted on coming here just to see the "truth", so he raised the question in his mind:

"So you're a 'god'?"

"God? It depends on how you define it."

Bai Sha had long known that Zhang San had this question, but she didn't give a direct answer.

"If you think anyone with much more power than you is a god, then I am."

"And if you think God is supposed to be all-knowing, all-powerful, and above everything, then I'm not."

Zhang San thought about what the other party said, and then he asked again:

"Then what exactly are you...?"

Bai Sha lowered her eyes, blinked her long eyelashes, and whispered as if she was dreaming:

"I am just a prisoner who has lived for a long time."


Zhang San was once again surprised by his speech.

Bai Sha looked at Zhang San's astonished eyes and said calmly:

"Yes, prisoner, this place, or this world, is actually my prison."

Zhang San, who was very puzzled, asked again:

"Didn't you say before that you are the master of this world?"

Bai Sha asked instead:

"I am the master of this world, and I am also a prisoner of this world. Is there any conflict?"


Zhang San is not a smart person at all. His IQ is only on the average line. Naturally, he cannot guess the riddles Bai Sha played.

"Then how did you get imprisoned in this world?"

Bai Sha reached out and gently touched the silver shackles of unknown material on her right ankle and explained:

"As the spokesperson and manager of this world, I have been assigned some missions or... tasks. I will not be free until I complete these tasks."

Through Bai Sha’s words, Zhang San boldly guessed:

"Then why did you stay with me? Do you want my help?"


This time, Bai Sha rarely did any charades, but simply nodded and acknowledged Zhang San's statement.

"Then what do you want me to do?"

Zhang San became nervous again. He knew that the calm and beautiful silver-haired woman in front of him looked harmless, but her power might be more terrifying than any life he had ever seen.

If such a being needed help, how outrageous would she ask of herself?

"I want you to help me..."

A rare hint of murderous intent flashed through Baisha's pale silver eyes.

"Kill Poseidon."

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