Douluo Zhang San's counterattack life

Chapter 80 The Silver Haired Woman

"This... what is this thing?!"

The moment Zhang San saw the giant black claw, his heart beat several beats faster and his whole body was trembling.

"It's a god... No, it's too strong."

Zhang San has met "gods". He himself died at the hands of the sea god Tang San in his last life. At the same time, he also met Bibi Dong, who inherited the throne of Rakshasa, and the angel god Qian Renxue.

These three were the top god-level experts on the Douluo Continent at that time. The aftermath of their desperate battle at an altitude of [-] meters did not destroy even half of the bricks in Jialing Pass below.

Those three are powerful men who are defined as "gods" in Douluo Continent, but they are "gods" that even the peak Douluo who have stood at the pinnacle of Douluo Continent's power for thousands of years must bow to.

But compared to the world-destroying giant claw he saw, it was like an ant.

This point of view is without any bias;

Although Zhang San had deep resentment towards Tang San, he had always objectively evaluated Tang San's strength.

And Zhang San, who had seen the virtual image of the giant claw, believed that even the strongest Tang San, who was at his peak after obtaining the Shura divine position, would never be able to survive the residual power of this claw.

What kind of power is this?

The great road is gone and all living beings are like ants.Destroy the world with one blow and nothing will survive.

Zhang San will still be unwilling and arrogant when facing the Shura Demon Sword, but if it is this giant claw that destroys him, then he really has no temper at all.

It is a power that cannot be measured by common sense, and it is not a powerful force that ordinary people can defy.

But this terrifying giant claw is still just a part of an unknown existence, and the other party's true identity has not been revealed at all.

I'm afraid destroying a world is just as ordinary as eating and drinking water to it, right?

"What you see is a strange god."

Suddenly a strange voice came to Zhang San's mind, seeming to answer Zhang San's questions.

"Who?! Who are you?"

Zhang San did not show the joy of solving the puzzle but felt panicked by the sudden voice. He loudly questioned the voice, hoping that it would report his home.

However, that ethereal and pure sound did not appear again, and was replaced by the intoxicatingly beautiful sound of the harp.

At this time, Zhang San blinked again and found that the grand illusion had disappeared. Now he was in front of a long corridor covered with red carpet. At the end of the long corridor, there was a gorgeously decorated door, which seemed to be waiting for him to open it. Turn on.

When Zhang San looked back, he found that there was a wall behind him and there was no way out around him. He had no idea how he got here.

So Zhang San quickly asked the system in his mind:

"What just happened? System, didn't you teleport me away?"

He clearly told the system that if there was any problem on his side, he would be teleported away.

After all, this place is too evil. He believes that if the system uses the "very reliable random transmission", it will not be transmitted to such a weird place again.

However, the system replied:

[Master, an error occurred, the transmission failed, and the transmission cannot be made. 】


[There is a space barrier around, the system transmission level is insufficient, it cannot break through the space barrier, and the transmission is invalid. 】

"I'm going! Do you mean I can't go back?"

Zhang San confirmed his martial soul again and found that his martial soul and soul ring were still there, and his storage soul guide was still there. He had not become a strange stranger. He should not be in an illusion.

[Yes, you cannot leave this area until the space barrier is released. 】


Understanding that the system can't do anything about the current situation, Zhang San can only accept his fate.

The sound of the piano he was looking for came from behind this door. If he was going to die, he would have to be a wise man at least.

"Huh... I'll give it a go."

Zhang San was very nervous now after taking the first step, and his palms and forehead were covered with sweat.

But this is not a fear of death. In fact, Zhang San still feels that the being he is about to see has no intention of killing him, and he has not felt any killing intention yet.

Although it was a very simple thing to cover up murderous intentions for such a level of being that he couldn't fathom.

But again, if the other party wants to kill me, there is no need to spend so much time playing house with him in an illusion.

Zhang San knew very well that he was able to escape from the illusion before not because he broke the illusion, but because the other party took the initiative to break the illusion, so Zhang San was very aware of the strength gap between himself and the other party.

Just now, the other party showed him the birth and destruction of all things in the world, and even revealed the secrets of the world that he had never been exposed to before.

It's like a teacher who teaches you every step of the way. He lays down numerous obstacles that are just right for him to solve, and he even expands his extracurricular knowledge in the meantime.

So what kind of existence is that hidden behind the door?

Zhang San understood that the question was behind the door. He only needed to walk to the door step by step and turn the doorknob to know the answer.

But when Zhang San stood in front of the door and his hand was almost touching the doorknob, he could not make up his mind.

Human fear stems from the unknown.

Zhang San, who always feels that he is daring, is also afraid. He doesn't know what is waiting for him behind this door. It may be an old monster who enjoys playing tricks on people, or it may be a god and demon who plays games with the human world.

"Come in...I've been waiting here for a long time."

Perhaps because Zhang San hesitated for too long, the sound of the piano behind the door temporarily stopped, and the ethereal voice that appeared before surrounded Zhang San's ears again.

Although the timbre of the voice sounds like a woman, could this being that exists in another world be a human woman?

Is it some extremely ugly monster?

With all kinds of curiosity and anxiety, Zhang San put his hand on the doorknob, turned it, and then pushed it open.

After pushing the door open, a burst of dazzling light made Zhang San squint his eyes, and it took him a while to open them.

At this time, he found himself in front of a large room with exquisite and luxurious decoration. A silver-haired woman wearing a veil was strumming the strings of a harp. The beautiful notes came from those white and dexterous hands.

"Welcome, distinguished guest."

The silver-haired woman stopped playing, stood up from the stool, and stretched her slim figure.

"The reception in front is not good, please find a place to sit down first."

Zhang San's feet had already stepped into the room involuntarily. At the same time, he stared blankly at the strange-yet-familiar woman and asked:

"You are……?"

The unknown silver-haired woman narrowed her eyelids and said with a half-smile:

"It's not an ugly monster, it's not an old monster, and it's also not a god or demon. Are you disappointed?"

"Huh? Do you know what I was thinking before?"

Hearing this, Zhang San, who had just calmed down, was stunned again.

The silver-haired woman said:

"I not only know what you were thinking before, but the moment you came into my world, I knew everything about you."

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