Douluo Zhang San's counterattack life

Chapter 57 Hu Liena's Crisis

But now Hu Liena has no time to grieve for her deceased parents. She must find a way to figure out the situation here and save herself as much as possible.

"Xie Yue...isn't he here?"

Hu Liena found that her brother was not with her, but she clearly remembered that Xieyue should have been kidnapped with her.

Aren't he and himself locked together?

Or was he taken out alone by the kidnappers?

Or maybe he has...

Thinking of that possibility, Hu Liena shook her head vigorously. She couldn't afford to mess up on her own now.

The person who kidnapped them should have kidnapped them because of their status, and the Fox family has business dealings with many big forces. The seven famous sects in the soul master world even have marriages with the Fox family. Yue was killed, and the family said that everything must be paid with blood, and the kidnappers would not be able to bear the consequences.

So the robbers should just use them as hostages to blackmail the Fox family.

Because the Fox family is wealthy, they can afford even a few soul bones.

Problems that can be solved with money are no problems for the Fox family.

However, if he did such a thing as tearing up votes, it would be equivalent to forming a deadly feud with the Fox family.

Although heirs like himself and Xie Yue are not irreplaceable to the family, what the big family really cares about is their own appearance. For the big family, face is more important than wealth or even human life.

If the legal heir of the family is kidnapped, but the Fox family fails to properly resolve the matter, this will obviously affect the reputation of the entire family in all walks of life, and then give other competitors an opportunity to take advantage of it, causing serious damage to the family's interests. .

For businessmen, touching their interests means killing them.

Therefore, no matter what force is behind the kidnapper, they should not kill themselves and Xie Yue. In fact, if the other party is sensible, they should treat the two brothers well.

But this is only the most ideal situation.

While Hu Liena was constantly thinking about the current situation, she had been lying on the ground and suddenly heard footsteps approaching her.

Understanding that the other party was coming here, Hu Liena closed her eyes and breathed steadily as if she had really fallen asleep.


The latched wooden door was opened, and a slightly heavy step walked in.

He looked down at Hu Liena, whose eyes were still closed, and said to himself:

"Has the effect of the medicine not worn off yet?"

Hu Liena's heart skipped a beat when she heard this. This person was the kidnapper.

However, Hu Liena still didn't dare to move. After all, she didn't know what the other person would do to her if she moved now. It was better to continue pretending to sleep and hide her true state.

"Oh, for you, we have spent so much thought and tried every means before we finally acted at the best time."

The man muttered something in his mouth while walking towards Hu Liena on the ground.

"I didn't expect that your Fox family would send someone to protect you two little ones."

Someone is guarding us secretly?

Hu Liena was very surprised by these words. She didn't know that the family actually sent people to protect her and Xie Yue.

After all, although Hu Liena is the only daughter of her mother, Carmilla, and the nominal legal first heir after Carmilla's death, Hu Liena is too young and is not qualified to be the first heir of the Fox family. After all, this The position means that she will be the "second in charge" and future patriarch of the Fox family.

But now "the one" in the Fox family is still alive and well.And her mother also has many sisters, so Hu Liena has the title of the so-called first heir, but in fact she has no authority, she is just a mascot-like existence, and she does not even have any subordinates.

The reason for this is also very simple. Because Hu Liena is too young, her family has judged her to be unable to properly utilize the resources given by the family. Even her parents' inheritance is judged to be a family asset, and neither Hu Liena nor her brother has the right to use it.

In addition, the qualification of the first successor on Hu Liena's head, which is actually of little use, can be transferred at any time according to the will of "that person", and as the person involved, Hu Liena does not even have the right to protest, as a minor descendant , she must obey the decision of the family elders.

So Hu Liena seems to have everything, but in fact she has nothing.

The Fox family was involved in a seemingly endless dispute over interests because of her parents' accident. Although Hu Liena didn't know the temper of "that person", she believed that in order to calm down the incident, she had to use this person who was originally in name only. The title will definitely be given to a more suitable direct member of the family.

And the selected direct member will definitely cultivate his own faction to distribute the vacant power, and the young Hu Liena and Xie Yue will definitely not be among them.

From this point of view, she and Xie Yue are destined to be marginalized by the family in the future, and it is unlikely that they will achieve anything within the family. Unless Hu Liena has the ambition and ability to compete for power with the elders in the family, otherwise she and Xie Yue will not be able to achieve anything within the family. Yue could only live out his life with the empty post and salary assigned by his family.

In this case, will the family send strong men to protect them?

Hu Liena knew that the situation within the family was very tense now. The seven aunts and eight aunts who usually had no contact with each other were all sitting together in meetings, and it was impossible to take into account the two small roles of herself and Xie Yue who were about to be sidelined.

So Hu Liena didn't think she was qualified to be sent to lurk in the orphanage to protect herself and Xieyue. Even if they were sent, there was no need not to say hello to the brothers and sisters, not to mention that she and Xieyue were bullied like that in the orphanage. Well, in the end, no family master came forward?

Although Hu Liena knew that no one from her family would take action, there was no need for the kidnappers to lie to her. They must have met someone who acted righteously.

Could it be that Xie Yue, who is not here, was actually rescued?

Thinking of this possibility, Hu Liena's turbulent heart felt a little calmer.

And for some reason, a black-haired boy appeared in Hu Liena's heart.

Although this should be impossible, Hu Liena secretly felt that maybe this boy was protecting her with all his strength.

"Alas! Although that Xie Mei woman hasn't come back yet, fortunately there is a replacement here."

The man kept getting closer to Hu Liena, and finally stopped in front of Hu Liena.



Hu Liena felt very strange when she heard this, and at the same time she had a very bad premonition in her heart.

However, Hu Liena still did not dare to move. After all, her hands and feet were tied now, and even if she was not tied, she was only a five-year-old girl. Ordinary adults could handle her at will, let alone What about the kidnapper who dares to kidnap himself, the eldest lady of the Fox family?

"As expected of the bloodline of those foxes, this taste... really good."

With her eyes closed, Hu Liena could feel the other person squatting down, putting his big face to her hair and sniffing hard.

But it's obvious that she is just a five-year-old girl.

Could it be that this guy...

At this moment, Hu Liena suddenly thought of something, and her heart suddenly became frightened.

Smelting copper? !

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