Douluo Zhang San's counterattack life

Chapter 56 Every family has a hard-to-read scripture

"Remember to tie this woman up, and tie her up tightly. This is a Soul Sect."

Maybe it would be easier to just kill this woman.

But Zhang San understands that this guy is a soul sect at a young age, and the soul ring is also the best match. He is obviously very talented, and he is probably a key training target of "Ghost Skeleton". There should be a lot of information on him that can be mined.

There are some people in this world who are more useful alive than dead, some people who are more useful dead than alive, and there are some who no one cares about whether they live or die.

The fake "Mary Sue" in front of her is one who is more useful alive than dead. It is appropriate to hand it over to the guards of Wuhun City and let Wuhun Palace handle it.

After hearing Zhang San's words, Xie Yue couldn't figure out how Zhang San defeated a soul sect, but he still nodded and said:

"Ah? I understand."

"You take care of yourself, I'll go first."

After giving these instructions, Zhang San took the human skin mask, put away the ring, and turned around to leave.

"Wait! Third brother! Take me with you!"

Seeing that Zhang San was about to leave, Xie Yue hurriedly wanted to go forward and go with Zhang San. However, he was under the influence of the drug and had injuries from the bumps in front of him. It was very difficult for him to even get up. , not to mention following Zhang San.

"Just stay peacefully! Your sister Hu Liena, I will bring you back unharmed."

After saying these words, Zhang San got on the black horse and left like a strong wind amidst the horse's neighing.

Of course, he didn't let the horse run so fast just to be cool. The main reason was that there was a group of cavalry chasing him behind. If he was detained, then his rescue of Hu Liena would probably be in vain.

And relying on the Wuhun Palace's military guards to rescue Hu Liena, with the vigilance of the "Ghost Skeleton" and the possibility that there are spies inside the Wuhun Palace who can't rule out the possibility of tipping off, there is a high possibility that before their rescue comes, The building is already empty.

Hu Liena and Xieyue should be regarded as bargaining chips for the "Ghost Skeleton". Due to the value of their identities, the "Ghost Skeleton" should not kill them easily.

But this does not mean safety. After all, immortality is just the bottom line.Zhang San has seen cases in which extremely vicious kidnappers cut the body parts of hostages into pieces and sent them to their families to collect ransom payments. The methods of the "Ghost Skeleton", which has long been dehumanized, will only become more cruel.

Although Zhang San doesn't know what the evil soul masters of the "Ghost Skeleton" group want now, Hu Liena is now trapped in the enemy's hands with no one to take care of her. Moreover, due to her actions, the established future has changed, and she will not I know if Hu Liena will have any unexpected accidents...

In short, his best priority is to get Hu Liena out of the clutches of the "Ghost Skeleton" as soon as possible.

In the letter that Zhang San saw, the fake "Mary Sue" and the unknown "Klaus" planned to go to Qiu Gui Inn to meet up with a person named "Blood Fiend", and then go to "Ghost" "Skeleton" in a lair, but the location of the lair was not mentioned, probably because he was afraid that the letter would be leaked.

But no matter what, once Hu Liena is captured into the lair of the "Ghost Skeleton", even if Zhang San has the ability, it will be difficult to bring Hu Liena out intact.

Although the strength of the "Blood Fiend" is unknown, the letter states that the "Blood Fiend" directly gave orders to "Mary Sue" and "Klaus". This "Blood Fiend" should be the superior of those two people. They also believe in the class order of the weak and the strong, which means that the strength of the "blood evil" is definitely not inferior to these two people.

At the same time, Zhang San didn't know whether the other party would come with other "Ghost Skeleton" evil soul masters. The more enemies there were, the lower his success rate would be.

Therefore, in order to ensure the success of the rescue, Zhang San must kill "Klaus" and rescue Hu Liena before "Blood Fiend" and other evil soul masters join "Klaus".


Hu Liena, who had been unconscious for a long time, let out a slightly painful whimper.

My head hurts.

In fact, it wasn't just a headache. Hu Liena felt that she couldn't exert any strength. She spent a lot of energy before finally opening her eyelids, which weighed as much as a thousand pounds. Then her eyes were pierced by the bright light outside and she closed them again. It took Hu Liena a while to finally... After getting used to the brightness, I opened my eyes wide again and looked around.

This is a strange wooden room. There is an oil lamp hanging on the beam of the room. The smell around it is a bit bad, it seems to be some kind of animal excrement. There is a partition made of fence nearby.

Although Hu Liena knew that she was probably in a stable or a cowshed, she looked back and forth without knowing where she was now. Was she still within the scope of Wuhun City?


Hu Liena's eyes didn't look too panicked, and she didn't even yell in a panic.

She was calm, not so calm as a child her age.

There was no other way. Her mother taught her not to lose sight of the avalanche. She would even strike her palms directly at Hu Liena's eyes, and asked Hu Liena not to close her eyes. She wanted her to open her eyes and look motionless at the path that could directly blind or hit her. The slap that crooked the bridge of her nose hit her.

Although he knew that his mother would not really hurt him, the behavior of retreating or closing his eyes was instinctive.

This requires considerable concentration, but Hu Liena did it the first time.

It's not that she has any talent in this area, but that since Hu Liena can remember, whenever she fails to act according to her mother's requirements, she will be punished immediately, and it is often much more serious than her brother Xieyue.

As for the reason, Hu Liena is the future first-in-line heir of the Fox family.In order to become a woman worthy of this position, she must undergo rigorous training from an early age.

As for Xieyue, he was actually captured to accompany his sister to endure hardships. He was not actually raised as an heir.

Although Hu Liena knew this fact and told Xie Yue that she would probably scream, but only a woman can become the patriarch of the Fox family.

The Fox family is a female-led family, which is quite special among families where men are generally the head of the family.

Maybe this is related to the fact that the fox spirit is generally only inherited by women in the Fox family, but more importantly, women's unique observation ability will always turn into a strange business sense when it comes to business.

The Fox family started off by business, and generations of family heads have been strong women in business. However, their martial spirit, the Demon Fox, is not a martial spirit with superb combat power, but it has a charming effect on the negotiation table. It always gives them an advantage.

A fox can become a cunning fox and trick others into making people hate and fear it, but it can also be used as a plaything by stronger people.

Not a day goes by without her mother reminding Hu Liena that the Fox family seems to have a big business, but in fact, it is difficult to move forward because of its big tree. As the helmsman of this family, they must bear more responsibilities and at the same time have the "strength" commensurate with it.

Of course Hu Liena hadn't heard her mother say these words to herself for a long time.

After all, the woman she loved and hated was... dead.

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