Douluo Zhang San's counterattack life

Chapter 25 Became the group favorite

Although Zhang Xiaobiao attacked first, Zhang San knew that the other party deliberately took advantage of him to attack while he was possessed by the martial spirit. He also put away the martial spirit beforehand. Obviously, he did not really intend to take advantage of the opportunity to attack. Test your own abilities and be sure to control the power without hurting yourself.

"Ha! I'll ask Brother Biao to take care of me from now on."

From this incident, Zhang San could feel Zhang Xiaobiao's maturity and a certain level of authority. Moreover, the boy with a flat head acted so reasonable and reasonable, and he would not do anything unnecessary.

Moreover, the purpose of hiding his strength is to prevent him from being captured by the Wuhun Palace and sent to the academy for further training. It is not a particularly fatal thing. If it is exposed, it will be exposed, and others will not get any benefits if it is publicized.

What's more, this Zhang Xiaobiao doesn't look like a big talker. He doesn't look like someone who would rush around with a loudspeaker to tell someone if he knows some gossip. Now that the other party is patting his chest as a guarantee, it seems to be credible.

After the two chatted for a while, Zhang Xiaobiao said to Zhang San: "Brother Zhang San, we will organize a welcome party here in the evening."

"Welcome party? What's for?"

Zhang San frowned and became alert, thinking, could this be some kind of philosophy exchange meeting?

Looking at this seemingly friendly flat-headed Sheba, Zhang San, who had been cheerful just now, suddenly became cautious.

"I'm just here to welcome you newcomers to Jiushe."

Zhang Xiaobiao noticed Zhang San's suspicious gaze, touched his flat head and smiled:

"Of course it's not a strange meeting, it's just that we old people in Jiushe will pay for delicious food and drink, and invite you newcomers to eat with us old people, and get to know each other by the way. After we leave this orphanage, we can still interact with each other. take care of."

"I see, then I will participate too."

Zhang Sanxin said: Since there is good food and drink, and nothing good to watch, of course you can participate.

Zhang Xiaobiao nodded and suggested: "Okay, it's almost dinner time now. Do you want to have dinner together?"

"Okay, I happen to be hungry too."

Zhang San had no objection to this and nodded.

"Okay, everyone has eaten!"

At this time, Zhang Xiaobiao clapped his hands twice and stood up from the bed. It could be seen that others still seemed to be joining in the fun, so he shouted at the top of his voice:

"Wang Lang! Zhu Zhu! You two guys, stop messing around!"

"Ah? Boss!"

The two teenagers who were still fighting immediately stopped what they were doing and ran towards Zhang Xiaobiao. At the same time, the other children who had been busy just now also closed their mouths and looked at each other. To Zhang Xiaobiao.

This shows Zhang Xiaobiao's status and prestige in the eyes of people in Jiushe.

What's even more rare and valuable is that the eyes these people look at Zhang Xiaobiao are not fearful, but true respect and trust.

Obviously Zhang Xiaobiao did not use force to coerce others to obtain this status.

This shows that Zhang Xiaobiao can indeed take on this position. Although Zhang San has been in contact with him for a short time, he can feel from his words and deeds that he should be a qualified leader.

Not everyone has leadership potential. People who do not have the magnanimity and ability of a leader but insist on occupying the position of a leader will often bring a thriving team to its death.

Zhang San didn't think he had any leadership potential or ambition, so he respected Zhang Xiaobiao even more.

Although Zhang Xiaobiao is just an ordinary person, it is not impossible for this person to create some achievements if he has the opportunity in the future.

"Let's go! Let's eat together!"

With a wave of Zhang Xiaobiao's hand, the people from Jiushe, including Zhang San, followed Zhang Xiaobiao to the cafeteria of the Sacred Heart Orphanage.

The large canteen of the Sacred Heart Orphanage is a large canteen that can accommodate 400 people at the same time. The canteen windows are divided into free and paid ones. The free window provides the most basic "nutritious meals". The quota system allows everyone to rely on Receive a "nutritional meal" with your identity plate.

The content of the "nutritional meal" probably consists of slices of bread, lettuce, ham, etc. The content of the three meals a day is slightly different, but the portions are not large and the taste is not very good, but it can be barely full, and because of the Sacred Heart Orphanage and the There is cooperation with the ranch and there is an unlimited supply of fresh milk, so the children in the Sacred Heart Orphanage do not become sallow and thin after eating "nutritious meals" every year.

The dishes at the payment window are rich and colorful, such as fried meatballs, honey beer, sauce beef, grilled steak, etc. If you are not satisfied with the existing dishes, you can also ask the chef to make them fresh for you according to the menu. A private dish.

Of course, all these high-quality services come at a cost.Of course, there are no rich people in the Sacred Heart Orphanage. The main way for the children to make money is to do odd jobs for the orphanage, or go out with the priests and female workers to help raise donations, distribute leaflets, and go to the shops in the hospital to do odd jobs. Of course, if you are old After you are 14 years old, you can work and live outside the Sacred Heart Orphanage. However, your bed will still be reserved inside the orphanage, and you can come back at any time.

But after reaching the age of 16, you have to leave the orphanage completely. This is why all Zhang San saw in Jiushe were young and immature teenagers. Zhang Xiaobiao looked more mature, but not too exaggerated.

Generally speaking, the welfare benefits of the Sacred Heart Orphanage are still good. Although it is not great, it is not too bad either. Life is barely passable.

If you have no plans for the future and don't plan to work, then you can live and eat in this place for free for up to 16 years. Of course, the premise is that you must be an orphan.

It is also precisely because everyone here is an orphan. Naturally, everyone has their own story, and this is definitely not a happy past.

And if there is a story, there is a secret.

Basically everyone here has their own secret, and this secret may be quite complicated, and it may not even be visible to the light.

So that's why Zhang Xiaobiao knew that Zhang San clearly had the talent for cultivation but abnormally rejected Wuhun Palace's olive branch, and didn't ask much, as if he understood it very well.

In fact, it's not the case. Zhang Xiaobiao can't understand why Zhang San does this, but everyone here has secrets. You can be curious but you must also exercise restraint, and this restraint is the most basic respect for others.

"Brother Biao, let me toast you."

Since he was still underage, Zhang San toasted Zhang Xiaobiao with milk instead of wine.

"Okay, little brother Zhang San."

Zhang Xiaobiao also raised his glass. His glass was filled with wine, but it was low-alcohol fruit wine.

After all, the orphans living in the Sacred Heart Orphanage are all minors, so although the Sacred Heart Orphanage sells wine, the ones sold to the children are low-alcohol fruit wine or honey wine.

After Zhang Xiaobiao drank all the wine in the cup, he pierced a piece of beef with a fork and put it on Zhang San's plate, and said with a smile:

"Come on, little brother Zhang San, try this piece of beef with soy sauce. I think it tastes good."

Wang Lang, one of the two teenagers who had fought before, who was thinner, patted Zhang San on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Haha! Okay, brother Zhang San, you have already made Brother Biao appreciate you so much when you first arrived."

Another boy, round-faced Zhu Zhu, also smiled and said: "Indeed, Brother Biao approves you, then you are also our brother. Come and try this piece of pork ribs."

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