Douluo Zhang San's counterattack life

Chapter 24 Flat-headed Sheba

Zhang San walked around and finally found an empty bed. There were many pairs of smelly socks of different colors and even a pair of yellowed underwear piled on the old bed board.

The smell was overwhelming, so Zhang San pinched his nose, found a piece of gingham cloth, wrapped these things and threw them away to feel better.

Then Zhang San started to make the bed. In the process, a mouse ran under the bed, which made Zhang San worried about whether there was a mouse nest under his bed, so Zhang San leaned down and looked under his bed.

It's just that it was pitch dark under the bed, and Zhang San couldn't see anything clearly.

"Are you new here?"

At this time, a rich voice came from behind Zhang San.

"Not really."

Zhang San, who was suddenly spoken to, trembled. Then he quickly climbed up from the ground, then sat down on the newly spread quilt, and looked at each other face to face with the person who spoke.

The man who was talking to Zhang San was tall, with strong muscles, a shaved head, and exuded a fierce aura. If it weren't for the downy hair on his mouth, and he was wearing the uniform of the Sacred Heart Orphanage instead of a big gold chain, otherwise he would be I believe that the gangsters outside will not make people suspicious.

Although this man looked fierce, Zhang San was not afraid and continued: "I was here originally. I came back after the martial arts awakened."

And the man smiled and said:

"We all came here after our martial arts awakened."

Sure enough, this is a place specially designed for those who have not been selected by Wuhun Palace. Of course, Zhang San is not incomprehensible.

Most of the resources of Wuhun Palace are for soul masters. The Sacred Heart Orphanage is also funded by Wuhun Palace. Of course, such a good place should be reserved for those who have the potential to become soul masters. As for those who are already determined to be unable to practice. For ordinary people, providing food and shelter here is already a great kindness.

Although the room style where Zhang San lived before was similar to this Jiushe, there were fewer people living there, and there were nurses cleaning the place every day.

But as a blind box that has been opened, it naturally loses its original treatment.

"What do you call this big brother?"

The person in front of him looked extraordinary, and Zhang San immediately got close to him.

The other party smiled heartily and asked, "Oh? You call me big brother so soon?"

Zhang San smiled and said: "Because you look like the eldest brother!"

"Haha! I love hearing that."

The other party laughed twice more, then put his hands on his thighs and said to Zhang San:

"My name is Zhang Xiaobiao, and I am indeed the boss of this Jiushe."

Sure enough, my vision was right, this person with a social look was Sheba.

As the saying goes: "A strong dragon will not overwhelm a local snake."

Zhang San didn't want to attract attention, let alone make enemies everywhere.Moreover, the boy with a flat head seems to be quite kind now. Naturally, he does not intend to have any quarrel with the boy with a flat head. Even because he is the boss of the dormitory, he should be on good terms with him.

So Zhang San, who had always been a walk-on, immediately showed a very professional walk-on smile and said:

"It seems that we have a keen eye to recognize pearls, right?"

These words were originally intended to give both himself and the other party a rainbow fart, but in the end, Zhang Xiaobiao frowned and said angrily:

"Are you calling me a pig?"


Am I flattering someone?

Zhang San could only wave his hands in panic and explain: "Huh? No, no..."

"Haha! Just a joke."

Zhang Xiaobiao laughed heartily again, then reached out and patted Zhang San's shoulder hard, and said:

"When you come to our Jiushe, you are the whole family of our Jiushe. We are all brothers. You don't need to be too formal and you don't need to flatter me. If you think you are more capable than me, fight with me and you will be the boss." It doesn't matter."

In Zhang San's view, being the boss is nothing but troublesome, and it is better to be an idler than to be comfortable.

And although I don't know if the other party did it intentionally, it was probably a test to see if he had the upper hand.

If he behaves well here, then he will most likely have trouble with the boy with a flat head who is chatting and laughing with him in the future.

Zhang San actually hates causing trouble and making enemies. So far, the people he has taught him are basically people who are unlikely to cause trouble for him in the future.

However, the boy with a flat head sleeping in the bed next to him would have to get along day and night in the future, so Zhang San naturally did not intend to have a quarrel with him.

"How dare I do this?"

So Zhang San laughed, didn't answer, and at the same time raised his hands and said:

"Then I'll ask Brother Biao to take care of me from now on."

Zhang San is not familiar with Zhang Xiaobiao now, but the first impression is not bad, and the other party is quite polite. Since there is no inevitable conflict, there is no need to tit for tat with him at the moment.

As long as Zhang Xiaobiao doesn't hinder him in the future, he will be happy to call Zhang San his big brother.

"Ha ha!"

Zhang Xiaobiao laughed twice more, and then asked:

"By the way, what's your name?"

This time Zhang San stopped messing around and said straightforwardly: "Like eldest brother, my surname is Zhang, and my name is Zhang San."

Zhang Xiaobiao nodded, looked at Zhang San and asked again: "It seems that we are quite destined, then what is your martial spirit?"

"Uh, a kind of beast martial spirit."

Zhang San didn't expect that his martial soul would be asked about so soon, and he was a little surprised.

"Beast Martial Spirit? Why are you here? Let me see."

Beast martial souls are much rarer than weapon martial souls, and rarely cannot be cultivated.

Zhang Xiaobiao noticed that Zhang San didn't move for a long time, so he raised his right hand. A soul mark appeared on his right hand, and soon a screwdriver appeared in his hand.

"This is my martial spirit, it's your turn."

"Okay, this is my martial spirit."

The other party's attitude obviously didn't intend to fool Zhang San, so Zhang San had to raise his right hand, and this time after the soul mark of his right hand came out, the whole hand turned into a black claw. , and black scales appeared on Zhang San’s cheeks and neck, but there was no change in his body shape. It was obvious that Zhang San had some restraint.


After realizing that Zhang San was indeed a beast spirit, Zhang Xiaobiao put away his spirit, raised his fist and said:

"Let's touch it."


Before Zhang San understood what Zhang Xiaobiao meant, the opponent's sandbag-sized fist hit Zhang San directly in the face.

Since the opponent took the initiative to attack, Zhang San certainly couldn't let the opponent beat him all over his face, so he had to make a fist and touch the opponent's fist.

Zhang Xiaobiao is at least fourteen years old, while Zhang Sansan is only six years old. There is a huge size difference between the two. Zhang Xiaobiao's fist is at least twice the size of Zhang San's, and his muscle strength is incomparable. However, between the two When fists with widely different differences came into contact, there was no one-sided situation.

Zhang San's small fist stunned Zhang Xiaobiao's big fist.

Although Zhang Xiaobiao didn't use all his strength when he initially hit him, so that he could close his fist to avoid Zhang San being injured, but when he discovered that Zhang San could actually hold his fist, he added more force to his fist, but he still couldn't move even half an inch. .

Zhang Xiaobiao, who was still frightened, retracted his fist, patted Zhang San on the shoulder and said: "Good boy, are you pretending to be a pig to eat the tiger and lose the election on purpose?"

Although the beast martial soul can originally enhance the body of the holder, the physical strength displayed by Zhang San is by no means the level of a six-year-old child. Originally, Zhang Xiaobiao came to test Zhang San just to see what he could do as a beast martial soul owner. How powerful Zhang San can be, he never thought that the other party's strength could rival his own.

Then the only explanation is that Zhang San himself has a pretty good level of soul power. After all, the higher the soul power, the stronger the beast martial soul will naturally be to the physical body.

In other words, it is impossible for Zhang San, who can take Zhang Xiaobiao's punch, to be a "waste" with no or weak soul power.

"Uh, haha..."

Zhang San also smiled awkwardly. He never thought that he could hide the fact about the Soul King of Wuhun Palace from being exposed to this boy with a flat head whom he had never seen in his previous life.

In fact, Zhang Xiaobiao was the one who was more surprised. He had a good impression of Zhang San. Knowing that Zhang San came to Jiushe to hide his strength, Zhang Xiaobiao, who already liked strong men, naturally had a better attitude. He patted his chest and said:

"Don't worry, little brother Zhang San, when you come to Jiushe, we are a family, and we won't tell anything about you."

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