Zhang San himself is also a person who cherishes his own life. He will think that Wuhun Palace is worth everything he has to sacrifice, even his life. It is not only the upbringing of Wuhun Palace, but more importantly, the unification of the world that Wuhun Palace pursues. Isn’t it the wish of the common people across the continent?

Xingluo's laws are strict and the king is tyrannical, while Tiandou's bureaucracy is corrupt and the king is stupid.Even the principalities and principalities under the two empires suffered greatly because of the endless war between the two empires, which depleted their human and financial resources.

The ability of the Wuhun Palace to become the Wuhun Empire and begin to unify the world did not rely solely on the military conquest of the army of soul masters. The Wuhun Empire had sufficient logistical support and governance foundation only with the support of a large number of people.

What's more, the Wuhun Palace itself is just an organization similar to an association. It seems huge, but in fact the management is quite loose.

The vast majority of soul masters often only have names in Wuhun Hall. Only a handful of soul masters like Yu Zhang San who were trained by Wuhun Hall since childhood and have obtained internal positions in Wuhun Hall must work for Wuhun Hall. Serve.

Other soul masters are free to obey Wuhun Palace's command or not.

And even if you are a deacon within Wuhun Palace, you are employed and you can apply to resign.

In addition, having a Wuhun Palace identity card does not prevent you from joining other forces. You can be a soul master from the Wuhun Palace, a citizen of Tiandou or the Star Luo Empire, or even a disciple of the seven major sects. In fact, Many high-level soul masters directly under the jurisdiction of the upper seven sects and the two empires have honorary elder status cards issued by Wuhun Palace, such as Tiandou's Poison Douluo Dugu Bo, and even Haotian Douluo, who is a mortal enemy of Wuhun Palace. Tang Hao has them all.

However, after the founding of the Wuhun Palace, the original soul masters naturally had to give up their identities. The number of soul masters in charge of the Wuhun Empire after the founding of the Wuhun Empire has indeed shrunk greatly compared to the period of the Wuhun Palace.

But in the end, the Wuhun Empire still controlled more than half of the soul masters in the world, and was able to form an army of ten thousand soul masters to sweep across the continent. This in itself proved that most soul masters were willing to devote themselves to the great cause of the Wuhun Empire's unification. of.

They were even willing to go to the battlefield and shed their blood for the Spirit Empire.

It is not an easy task to make soul masters, who are few in number and have high status and are free and loose, to willingly serve as soldiers for you and risk their lives on the battlefield.

It would be impossible for Wuhun Palace to do this if it did not have enough resources and prestige.

And the one who can give Wuhundian this ability is the current saint in front of Zhang San, the future queen, Bibi Dong.

Zhang San knew that if one were to evaluate Bibi Dong by the same standards as an ordinary person, then Bibi Dong, who launched wars and killed countless people in order to unify the world, could not be called a good person. Bibi Dong, who frequently eradicated dissidents in order to consolidate his rule, was definitely not a kind person. , but he knew that Bibi Dong was not an ordinary person, and there was no good or bad in politics. She could reach such a height, and right and wrong, good and evil, had long been meaningless.

From Zhang San's point of view, he has no dissatisfaction with following a leader like Bibi Dong. Bibi Dong has always been fair to her subordinates, with clear rewards and punishments. She is thoughtful and considerate in her decisions, and can react in time to make corrections when encountering problems.

Such a leader can indeed be called "good". As for her private personality, it will not affect her excellence as a leader.

This is Zhang San's consistent thought, and it hasn't changed since he met Bibi Dong.

And just when Zhang San wanted to organize his words to explain these words to Bibi Dong, Bibi Dong said:

"The people who follow me come here for profit. If there is no profit, they will abandon me immediately. The so-called 'love' is just the appearance of the operation of power and rules."

The back of Bibi Dong who said this showed endless loneliness and loneliness. Only then did Zhang San remember the phrase "It's cold at high places" that he once heard.

"Zhang San, do you know?"

After hearing this, Zhang San showed a puzzled expression when Bibi Dong said:

"Since ancient times, those in power who want to make a difference are almost inevitably the cause of a bloody storm."

Zhang San thought for a moment and said:

"Uh, is it because they touched someone else's 'cake' that they are going to fight?"

Bibi Dong, who was walking in front, turned around and smiled:

"Yes, you answered it very well."

"Ha ha……"

Zhang San, who was rarely praised by Bibi Dong so directly, couldn't help scratching his head and laughing.

Then Bibi Dong continued walking and said:

"When you stand in a high position, you think you have great power, but in fact you are dancing in shackles. Your nominal subordinates are not your servants and slaves, and you are not able to do whatever you want with your power. You want to do this well. Position, you must weigh the interests of all parties before you can do something. If there are interest groups that you cannot adjust, they will always hinder you and prevent you from doing anything."

Zhang San was listening with sweat on his forehead. This was not because he was scared, but because it was the first time for him to hear someone talk about politics, and it was Bibi Dong, a real boss, who was talking about politics. He couldn't help but feel a little nervous. As for sweating.

Bibi Dong didn't care what Zhang San felt here, she just continued:

"In this case, you want to get something done. Either talk to them nicely and make various concessions, or kick them out directly."

"Well, it seems that the latter is more common?"

Zhang San is not stupid. When Bibi Dong said kicking someone out, he was certainly not kicking someone out like playing football, but directly getting rid of a disobedient individual or force and taking away their right to speak.

This will definitely inevitably lead to a big battle, and Zhang San often hears about the various major incidents that those high-level officials caused during the iteration of power.

"Actually, under normal circumstances, it should be more of the former. If we can talk, everyone is willing to have a good talk. If we can't talk, we can only choose the latter."

Bibi Dong turned her head to look at the quiet lake on the left and the moonlight in the lake, and at the same time explained carefully:

"As for the latter, the movement will be louder, and blood will often be seen, so it is more impressive, but it is actually not very common. After all, if you kick everyone out, who will do your work for you?"

"And it is precisely because they stand at the center of power that people will do anything for their own interests, especially interests that are huge enough to blind their reason. Therefore, it is normal for them to scheming and deceitful with the people around them."

"Almost no one approaches them without a purpose, and they can't really trust anyone."

"In many cases, they can't even trust their blood ties."

Speaking of this, Bibi Dong paused, as if she thought of something in her mind, but she quickly continued:

"It is precisely in this environment where no one can be trusted that those in high positions who are always in a state of crisis are always sensitive and irritable. Even because they feel that everyone they look at is going to harm them, the slightest disturbance can make them nervous. "

"This led to their increasingly violent and murderous temperament, just like a..."

"Incomprehensible monster."

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