Douluo Zhang San's counterattack life

Chapter 215 He is evil, she is evil

"It sounds like your words are talking about a specific person."

After listening to Zhang San's somewhat indignant confession, Bibi Dong stopped again. This time she turned around, looked into Zhang San's eyes and said:

"That was your enemy from the previous life?"

Zhang San hesitated for a moment and then said:

"Yes, Master, he is indeed my enemy."

Zhang San's emotions were rarely so excited. When he talked about these things, what came to his mind was the small river dyed red with blood, the massacred village, the laughing Tang Sect disciples, that... ...a man named Tang San.

Zhang San hates Tang San not only because Tang San broke his promise to protect Tang Clan in his previous life, but also caused him trouble. When he chose to risk his life for Tang San and steal Tang Clan's secret book, he actually also expected that things would be exposed. , I just didn’t expect it to come so suddenly.

And when he was dying, in the hot oil pan, Zhang San looked around at the Tang Sect disciples, elders and executioners who were watching him slowly die. The faces of everyone in his gradually blurred eyes gradually became a familiar one. That was Tang San's face. He looked at himself with a smile and said sarcastically:

"Brother! You are so stupid."

Zhang Sanfan suddenly regretted that he was indeed too stupid. He believed in a guy who shouldn't be believed and gave everything for him.

Tang San had been using him from the beginning. He was just a useful tool in Tang San's eyes. After completing his purpose for Tang San, he would have no value. Whether he died or lived, Tang San wouldn't care. So Tang San ignored Zhang San's suggestion at all. He only had the pursuit of supreme power in his heart, and other things had no meaning to him.

So what if he uses his senior brother to death?So what if you kill the old, weak, women and children with your own hands?What about creating a massacre that affects countless people?

He has long been a disciple of the Tang Sect, a cold killer. As long as it is profitable, he doesn't care how many people who have nothing to do with his interests die.

After all, he is Tang San!

If he wants to achieve great things, he should be decisive and not stick to trivial matters, right?

However, when Zhang San was in a state of agitation because he thought about his grudge with Tang San, Bibi Dong suddenly said:

"Then it seems that your master and I may be the bastards you think."

"Ah? What, what?"

Zhang San was stunned, not expecting Bibi Dong to suddenly say such a thing.

Bibi Dong looked into Zhang San's eyes and said seriously:

"In my opinion, the death of life is inevitable. Birth, aging, illness and death are all natural. Life is born into the world and will die. It's just a matter of time."

At this time, a breeze blew by, and a withered yellow leaf on the treetop fell with the wind. Bibi Dong reached out to take the fallen leaf, and then she looked at the fallen leaf in her hand that had little life left and said:

"Although I also admit that life is precious, I cannot say that I will not kill innocent people indiscriminately."

"As long as you stand on a high place, as long as you have enough strength, compared to those mediocre mortals, you are a giant. When giants march for their own purposes, they always step on something, but giants often do not The energy to apologize for my unintentional mistakes and to the mortals at my feet.”

Bibi Dong threw away the fallen leaves and let them go with the wind, then turned around and continued to move forward. The cloth shoes under her feet made a rustling sound on the fallen leaves on the ground, and she continued:

"It's like when we accidentally step on an insect or ant on the road while we are walking, you may feel a little sorry, but you will not stop because of it."

"But, Master, I don't think you will be the bastard I call you."

After listening to Bibi Dong's self-narration, Zhang San felt a dull feeling in his heart. He refuted:

"You are a giant, and it is true that you may inevitably cause casualties to innocent people, but I believe that as an indomitable giant, you will try your best to avoid increasing casualties, instead of relying on your own strength to destroy and destroy the world at will."

"You... think of me too well, you don't need to compliment me."

Bibi Dong looked back at Zhang San, then she turned her head and continued:

"The reason why I can be recognized by the Rakshasa God is that my heart is evil. I have actually killed many people now, and you also know that I will kill more people in the future."

"But in my understanding, the people you chose to kill had their own way of dying. You did not kill innocent people indiscriminately. On the contrary, you gave hope to countless civilian soul masters and gave this land except those two empires A new possibility.”

Of course Zhang San knew that Bibi Dong was not a good person, but he knew very well that Bibi Dong was much better than the real evil people he had seen.

Bibi Dong did what she should do in the position she was in, and successfully became the unquestionable crown prince of the Wuhun Palace.

Bibi Dong also said that she didn't care about the robbers who had offended her before. When faced with the wounded mentioned by the robbers, she took the lead in asking Leon if she wanted to rescue them. This was not only to care for her subordinates, but also to prove that she was also It’s not that you don’t care about the lives of irrelevant weaklings.

"And those who follow you will never regret following you, and everyone loves you."

This was true. When Zhang San chose to pack up his bags and run away, he suddenly realized that he was indeed a traitor to the Tang Sect, and that Tang San was the real disciple of the Tang Sect.

Zhang Sanda has never really identified with Tangmen in his heart. Even if he is far away from this place, he has no nostalgia and is even happy that he has finally been freed.

As for Tang San, he always wanted to have a Tang Sect of his own.

On Douluo Continent, Tang San actually built a Tang Sect that belonged to him, and became the leader of the Tang Sect that he had looked up to in his previous life.

Zhang San knew that Tang San never hated the Tang Clan for always blocking him from the outer gate, nor did he hate the Tang Clan for forcing him down the Ghost Cliff.

Because he didn't think there was anything wrong with any of this from the bottom of his heart. He recognized all of this, recognized the Tang Sect's killings, and recognized the Tang Sect's injustice. Oh, no, he didn't think there was anything unfair at all.

But Zhang San is different. He does not recognize the Tang Sect from the bottom of his heart. He is just forced to be an outer disciple who paddles water because of his livelihood. If the Tang Sect is in trouble, he will definitely pack up his bags and run away without hesitation. The third one will happily run over and fight the enemy desperately, trying to create an inner disciple for himself.

Of course, if the enemy is really very strong, so strong that he can't defeat it even if he risked his life, Tang San, who has always been utilitarian, will decisively run away, abandon this Tang Sect that does not belong to him, go to a new place to build a Tang Sect, and use this to build a Tang Sect in a new place. To prove his loyalty to Tang Clan.

However, Zhang San, who did not recognize the Tang Sect, truly recognized the Wuhun Palace.

It's just that Wuhun Palace didn't treat him that badly, but it didn't treat him that well either.

In this life, Zhang San also expressed that he did not want to join Wuhun Palace again.

But now he suddenly understood that he would be the last to point his sword at Tang San. Apart from his resentment and anger towards Tang San, why didn't he die because of the destruction of Wuhun Palace?

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