Douluo Zhang San's counterattack life

Chapter 21 Return to the Sacred Heart

In fact, the system has introduced this paper substitute in detail, but you have to look for it in the "Item Picture Book" in the system panel.

After getting the system prompt, Zhang San went to check and found that the detailed introduction above was:

[Rare props·Stand-in paper man]

[Background: Originally created by Jialan, the founder of Miao voodoo, and later transformed by dozens of generations, it is a stand-in talisman. "The paper man sets himself on fire to ward off disasters for others." 】

[Characteristics: resistance, survival, consumables. 】

[Effects of use: 1. Instantly generate a paper man stand-in; 2. The paper man stand-in can resist damage for the user, and before the paper man is completely destroyed, the enemy's priority attack target will always be on the paper man (this effect can Resisted by mental power); 3. Before the paper man is completely destroyed, the user can increase his movement speed and enter an invisible state (this effect is removed immediately after attacking or being attacked). 】

[Remarks: The paper substitute itself does not have any attack or dodge capabilities, nor does it inherit any special abilities from the user. Its physical strength is the same as the user's. 】

"This is a good life-saving thing, but it can't be used indiscriminately again."

After reading the introduction, Zhang San finally understood how useful this "paper stand-in" was. Instead of being a "paper stand-in", it was clearly a "life-saving paper man". He said that these three paper stand-ins were just adding three things to himself. Life is not an exaggeration.

But now that he had accidentally wasted one, he felt heartbroken and quickly put the remaining two paper figures into the "13th Floor Sun Covering Sky" to avoid further mistakes.


The paper man transformed into "Zhang San" turned into a burst of white smoke under the stimulation of Zhang San's thoughts, and soon disappeared without a trace.

While Zhang San was marveling at all this, Zhang San glanced at the clock outside and found that there was not much time before his departure, so he was ready to gather at the scheduled carriage meeting point.

Since he had a storage soul guide, but everyone around him was carrying large and small bags, Zhang San, who was empty-handed, climbed into the carriage proudly and found a seat near the inside to sit down.

Behind the manned carriage was a longboard truck. The driver of the truck called out: "Hey! Boy, do you have any luggage? Put it here."

Zhang San, who was in a good mood, smiled and replied: "Ha! No need, I'll just go back."

After saying that, Zhang San subconsciously touched the hard and round object on his right wrist.

The jade-like gold-inlaid wristband under the long sleeves has a ruby ​​the size of a pigeon egg and twelve small gems of different colors the size of rice grains. It is worth a lot at first glance, and Zhang San will not deliberately reveal his wealth. Bring yourself into trouble.

It's just that this storage soul guide cost me a lot of points to redeem. If it just saves me the time of picking up my luggage, is it worth it or not?

I don’t know why, but Zhang San, who obviously bought it without hesitation at the time, is starting to regret it now.

Zhang San was a poor man in his first two lives. After being poor for two lifetimes, he naturally had the temperament of a miser. He wished he could save these resentment points to buy artifacts directly.

But then Zhang San thought again, this so-called system was something he didn't have in his previous life, so the gadgets he replaced now were equivalent to free gifts.

Thinking of this, Zhang San felt much calmer.

Later, Zhang San sat for a while, and other children with large and small bags finally arrived one after another. After putting their luggage in the truck, they got on the passenger carriage where Zhang San was.

"Humph! It's true, take your time! Get in the car quickly!"

At this time, a staggering man shouted angrily and slowly climbed up to the driving seat. Since Zhang San arrived early and sat in the back, he was very close to the man. He could smell the man's body. Smelling of alcohol.

Zhang San guessed that this man was the drunk coachman?

The driver, who was still a little drunk, took the reins with trembling hands and muttered in his mouth:

"Really, you actually asked me to take these rubbish back..."

Hearing this, Zhang San's original good mood suddenly deteriorated.

Whether it was the coachman or the surrounding servants, even the previous guide, they all changed from the polite way of greeting them when he arrived, to becoming cold and even showing contempt and uttering sarcastic words.

It is human nature to follow the crowd.

Zhang San has long been used to seeing others add insult to injury, so he has no comment on this.

Next, they just waited for the carriage to take them to the orphanage, so Zhang San closed his eyes and planned to ignore the noisy environment around him and start meditating. However, the coachman, who had not yet fully sobered up, kept cursing and saying something. , and the carriage was swaying and vibrating from time to time, which really made Zhang San unable to calm down.

Incidentally, the children who returned to his orphanage with Zhang San also had resentment in their hearts, and the resentment was even stronger because of the cold looks from others.

The system absorbed another [-] resentment points for Zhang San. There were nearly twenty people crowded in the carriage, which equaled almost thirty points per person, which was not bad, and it made Zhang San feel a little better.

After all, if you look at it this way, it's not really difficult to get resentment points on your own.

I spent a total of 600 points today, but I easily got more than [-] resentment points.

In other words, as long as you focus on looking for those people who are full of resentment, or complete the events recorded by the system, your resentment points will keep rising.

After slowly adapting to the rhythm on the carriage, Zhang San finally entered a meditative state. Time passed quickly during this period. When Zhang San opened his eyes again, he was almost at the place.

The Sacred Heart Orphanage where Zhang San lives is one of the more famous orphanages in the main city of Wuhun Palace. There is even a Pope's signature on the plaque.

It looks magnificent on the outside. People who come here for the first time may think that this is a branch of Wuhun Palace or a villa of a wealthy family.

The driver reined in the horse, turned to the depressed children in the car and said:

"Okay! Get out of the car, you little losers."

Although the coachman's last words were spoken much softer, apparently deliberately suppressed, Zhang San, who was sitting in the back and closest to the coachman, could still hear them clearly.

Zhang San, who was angry all the way, sneered and replied:



The burly coachman immediately turned his attention to the thin black-haired child. He frowned and said in a threatening tone:

"What did you say? Say it again!"

"Oh? I said you..."

Zhang San smiled slightly, then took a deep breath and said loudly:


One word at a time, the words are pronounced clearly and the meaning of the sentence is clear.

I thought Zhang San would back down, but instead he was scolded even louder. The coachman couldn't bear it anymore. He said angrily: "You kid! How dare you scold me?!"

After saying that, he stretched out his hand to grab Zhang San's collar.

"Ha! You trash!"

Zhang San sneered again and replied politely. He had no intention of taking action, but the other party wanted to threaten him first, so he couldn't be blamed for being rude.

"You little bastard! You're looking for a beating!"

When the coachman reached out, Zhang San immediately squatted down and relied on his small size to make the opponent's attack miss. Then Zhang San suddenly stood up and pushed his elbow into the opponent's open and defenseless chest.


The coachman felt a pain in his heart when he was hit by this. He stepped back and almost fell off the carriage.

Of course, this was the result of Zhang San's reluctance. After all, his blow directly broke several ribs of the opponent.

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