Does it turn out that helping the girl by myself is considered an incident?

When Zhang San helped Yue Roumei, he never thought about asking for any reward. The system suddenly gave him this, which was really an unexpected surprise.

But after Zhang Sanyi saw the details of the incident, his face became a little ugly.

[Event items: 1. Treat wounds (completed, completion degree increased by 20%); 2. Increase Yue Roumei's favorability to 60 (completed, target favorability reached 90, receive 20% excess reward, completion degree increased by 40%) , 3. Sad Abandoned Child (slight deviation of fate line, 20% completion loss, 40% improvement in completion)]

"Sad foundling...what does that mean?"

Zhang San found that there seemed to be a lot to say about the content of this "event project". It seemed that he had not reached 100% completion, but he made up for it due to the increase in Roumei's favorability, and this missing third party The item "Sad Abandoned Child" does not have any specific content, but is more like an evaluation.

The system replied:

[The event item content is a reasonable result obtained by an algorithm based on the characteristics of the target event. As for the text information itself, it has no special meaning. You can understand it literally. 】

"It sounds like...that girl is really ill-fated."

Zhang San sighed and shook his head slightly. Now that everyone is gone, even if they are here, Zhang San is not a real god. He can't do anything to change his destiny. Naturally, he can't do anything. He can only pray in his heart for that poor man. The little girl will have more good luck in the future.

“So what exactly is a lucky draw?”

Zhang San no longer dwelled on things he couldn't change, but instead paid attention to the new term mentioned by the system.

The system immediately replied:

[Lucky draw, you can directly obtain random items through lucky draw, which is a way to obtain items for free.What you get depends on your luck.You now have a lucky draw opportunity, do you want to participate in the lucky draw? 】

"What? Can you actually get props for free?"

Zhang San became interested as soon as he heard it. Of course, the key point is "free".

Who doesn’t like free prostitution?

So Zhang San nodded and said, "Okay, let's give it a try."

As soon as Zhang San finished speaking, the system interface changed. During a burst of trembling, the system interface with light blue light suddenly shattered. A large Ferris wheel-shaped turntable rushed out of the screen and stood directly in front of Zhang San.

"Uh, this? Is it too grand?"

The startled Zhang San touched the big turntable with his trembling right hand, and found that the turntable actually had an entity. His fingers felt like they were touching a cold hard object, which made Zhang San feel very novel.

The system, on the other hand, has already begun to explain:

[Conducting a lucky draw is divided into three parts. The first part is to rotate the inner circle to determine the number of items obtained. The second part is to rotate the middle circle to determine the quality of the items obtained. The third part is to rotate the outer circle to determine the items obtained. Please spin the wheel from inside to outside to complete the lucky draw! 】

"Oh? It's really simple and easy to understand."

Zhang San took a closer look and found that the so-called inner circle was a small circle the size of an adult's palm, which was equally divided into ten grids. Except for the nine numbers "1~9" each occupying one grid, the last grid was a "?".

"I feel like this '?' is very interesting, I hope it can turn a question mark."

Zhang San murmured to himself, then pressed his hand on the inner ring and turned the turntable.

The turntable makes a "swishing" sound when it rotates and spins rapidly. You can tell at a glance that it will not stop until it rotates three or four times.

"It's strange, I shouldn't have used that much force."

Zhang San was puzzled by this.Little do they know that this is an old routine of the carousel game. The seemingly thrilling carousel screen is actually just a cutscene. The result is already obtained the moment you rotate. The process is just to add entertainment.

Finally, the turntable slowly stopped, and the pointer on it passed through the numbers "8, 9,?, 1, 2" and finally stopped at the number "3".

"Oh, I knew it."

The corner of Zhang San's mouth twitched. The number "3" has always been associated with him, and it seems that it is the same today.

"Now it's the center circle."

You can get three unknown items, which is not a small amount in Zhang San's opinion. After all, it is free prostitution and there is nothing to dislike.

So Zhang San began to touch the new turntable. The middle circle was a larger circle than the inner circle. The interior was equally divided into five points, divided by five colors: "white, blue, purple, gold, and red".

"This...does it mean that I have a one-fifth chance of getting the artifact?"

Of course Zhang San understood what this meant. He stared at the red area with his eyes straight.

If he could switch to red, wouldn't he get three artifacts?

This is too cool, right?

Without further ado, Zhang San started spinning the turntable.

However, it is similar to the previous situation. This is another roulette game routine. The probability of seemingly equal roulette wheels has been determined at the beginning. High-rarity rewards are deliberately placed in very conspicuous places, making you feel as if you can easily get them. As a result, In one turn, the original shape is revealed.

When the turntable began to stop slowly, the pointer rotated a full circle from the "purple, gold, red" and other blocks, and finally stopped on "purple".

"Well, I'm really unlucky. Forget it, 'purple' is better than white."

Zhang San didn't understand the meaning inside, he just felt that he was unlucky, and then he started to spin the last and largest outer circle.

There were at least hundreds of grids in the outer circle, and they were all "?". Zhang San had no idea what he would draw, so he just started spinning.

After about ten seconds, the turntable pointer stopped on a grid that displayed "?", and the system also announced:

[Congratulations on getting the rare item·Substitute paper man*3]

"Paper substitute?"

Regarding this unfamiliar prop name, Zhang San expressed his confusion.

[Items are being generated for you...please wait! 】

After the system broadcast again, a bright purple light appeared in front of Zhang San. Under the coercion of the light group, three human-shaped pieces of paper fell into Zhang San's hands, and the large turntable with a strong sense of presence disappeared in the blink of an eye. Just disappeared suddenly.

"Does this thing deserve to be called 'purple'?"

Zhang San felt that the three pieces of paper in his hand were like ordinary paper-cuts. They were very light in his hand and seemed no different from ordinary paper.

However, there are many small runes painted on these paper figures. If you look closely, it seems that the paper figures have noses and eyes, but they are just unclear.

So Zhang San wanted to pick up a piece of paper and take a closer look at it. As a result, the paper figure he wanted to take was accidentally caught between his fingers, and he tore it open with a slight pull.


Then the paper man suddenly emitted a burst of white smoke and disappeared with a "swish". When Zhang San was stunned, he found that his whole body seemed to be enveloped by some strange force field, and his whole body became very light, and his body It also became transparent, and what shocked Zhang San even more was that a black-haired boy suddenly stood in front of him.

"Who are you? Aha?!"

Zhang San took a closer look and realized that the boy was himself, wasn't he?

His height and appearance were the same as his own, but his expression was dull, his eyes were lifeless, and he looked like a soulless body.

"Is there still body temperature? Is there still blood?"

Zhang San pinched the boy's face hard and found that the boy's skin was as elastic and warm as real skin. Even after he pinched hard, that part of the skin would still be red and swollen.

However, the other party did not react at all to Zhang San's intrusion, and if there was a reaction, it would really frighten Zhang San.

It’s hard to imagine that this thing was transformed from the palm-sized paper man just now. It is indeed very magical.

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