Douluo Zhang San's counterattack life

Chapter 206 Fighting side by side again


Zhang San looked at the big hole in front of him and suddenly didn't know what to do.

Is it possible that he wants to jump now?

But when the other party just dug a hole, he jumped into it. Is it appropriate?

Zhang San is not sure about the situation under the cave. Going directly to a cave created by the enemy is inherently dangerous, and the cave is very narrow. It is normal for the opponent to lurk in the cave and attack, and he will also be affected by it. Narrow terrain is impossible to dodge.

This bald man was the lowest-level enemy Zhang San officially fought after his rebirth.

Zhang San himself didn't take him too seriously. After all, Zhang San had already fought against so many strong men.

Not to mention the two or three soul kings of the soul sect, he had fought against all the soul emperors and soul saints that he once looked up to, and even took advantage of them. He even experienced the power of gods before he died in his previous life.

His opponent in front of him was just a three-ring soul master with an extremely low soul ring configuration, and he seemed to be in his early thirties, and his soul power level was not much better than his.

If the big man's reaction just now was a little slower, or if his movements were a little faster, he could end the battle directly.

However, after Zhang San had just fought, he found that his opponent was not vulnerable, at least stronger than he thought. The opponent seemed to be someone who had experienced life and death, otherwise it would be impossible to make correct judgments in the blink of an eye.

Moreover, this person not only defused his offensive, but also successfully turned passivity into initiative, causing some unsettling ripples in what Zhang San thought was a must-win battle.

"Escape...this special ability is a bit troublesome."

Zhang San has released all his mental perception, but he still cannot pinpoint the specific location of the bald man. The thick soil isolates Zhang San on the ground from detecting the enemy's actions, and naturally he cannot judge the opponent's next intention.

Different types of martial spirits have more or less special abilities belonging to this type of martial spirit. For example, the "crawling" that comes with Zhang San's "Ghost Dragon" is Zhang San's special ability.This ability allows Zhang San to crawl like a gecko, have the ability to move like walking on flat ground in complex terrain, and can easily sneak into areas blocked by high walls, which also has a certain auxiliary role in battle.

The martial spirit of the big man in front of him seemed to be that of a pangolin, so this big man's special ability should be to escape from the ground. However, he seemed to have the ability to escape quickly after the opponent activated his soul skill just now. But as a soul skill provided by a century-old soul ring, it should have other effects...

Zhang San frowned and kept analyzing the enemy's abilities.

Whether a battle between soul masters can be won depends not only on the soul power level, but also on each other's soul skills and martial arts.

Soul skills are linked to soul rings. The higher the age of the soul ring, the stronger the effect of the soul skills. The martial soul is the basis for the performance of soul skills. A powerful martial soul paired with suitable soul skills has an effect of one plus one greater than two.

As for whether a martial spirit is powerful, the general standard is to use the additional soul power that the martial spirit can provide to the holder when awakening. The innate souls of the direct disciples of the seven famous martial spirit sects in the martial arts world. The power is generally above the fourth level, and it is more likely to have a genius soul master with full innate soul power or above the eighth level.

The above is all common sense, but Zhang San understands that the so-called "common sense" is just something for laymen.

In fact, whether a soul master is powerful or not has never depended on his martial soul or soul ring, but on the soul master himself.

It is not impossible for a genius soul master who was born in the upper third sect and grew up smoothly to be beaten violently by a civilian soul master of the same level who struggled all the way up.

If you don't have a good spirit, you can't get a good spirit ring, so there are many civilian spirit masters who can master the use of spirit rings and spirits as much as possible.

Even if you are equipped with top-notch equipment, you may capsize in the gutter if you are careless.

After Zhang San knew that his opponent was not an easy opponent, the trace of contempt that remained in his heart immediately dissipated. He raised his hands, slightly bent his claws, spread his feet, and assumed a fighting posture, focusing entirely on the movement on the ground.

Boom, boom!

After a while, there was a sound from the soles of Zhang San's feet, but Zhang San did not act rashly, but narrowed his eyes, and there was a hint of purple in the exposed gap.

Purple Demon Eyes, activate!

Bibi Dong was watching the battle from the sidelines. Zhang San did not dare to blatantly use Tang Clan's secret skills, so he used this method to cover up.

However, Bibi Dong in the carriage still frowned slightly, as if she still noticed something strange, but Bibi Dong did not speak, and she did not intend to interfere with the duel between Zhang San and the bald man.

At this time, Zhang San was observing the dust on the ground with the Purple Demon Eye. With the blessing of the Purple Demon Eye, Zhang San could clearly see the changes in the trembling amplitude of the dust, so as to judge the distance between the enemy and himself. Distance.


About 2 minutes later, the beating amplitude of the dust suddenly increased dramatically. Zhang San sensed the danger and immediately took off. At the moment he took off, the ground under him suddenly surged with sand, and a thick weapon with a belt stretched out. Claws with earthy yellow scales.

Boom! !

The owner of the sharp claws immediately retracted after realizing that he had not touched the target, and retreated to the ground. Zhang San also fell to the ground, but with the blessing of the Purple Demon Eyes, Zhang San saw what was next to his feet. The dust began to rise again.

Zhang San immediately took off again, this time the claws came faster, but still failed.

This time Zhang San jumped higher and further than before, and he jumped directly into the pile of goods on the nearby cargo carriage.

However, this time the sharp claws did not follow. Zhang San's eyes narrowed, he bent down and pulled out a wooden bowl from the pile of goods, and threw it to the ground.

As soon as the wooden bowl hit the ground, a sharp claw shot out the next second and shattered the wooden bowl.

It seems that this guy cannot accurately judge the situation on the ground.

Then Zhang San glanced at the panicked crowds and horses around him, and thought to himself:

I can't expand the scope of the battle any further, otherwise innocent people will be hurt, so we have to fight quickly.

hum! !

Amidst the hum caused by the fluctuations in soul power, two soul rings, one yellow and one purple, slowly appeared behind Zhang San.

"Thousand-year soul ring? Why is it on the great soul master?"

There were several soul masters present. Of course, even if they were not soul masters, the soul masters on Douluo Continent still knew some basic common sense.

They knew that Zhang San, as a great soul master, had a thousand-year soul ring that only a soul master could bear. He obviously had some adventure. Moreover, even if Zhang San was a soul master and could hunt for a thousand-year soul ring, it must have cost a lot of money and time. And enough luck, coupled with Zhang San's likely wealthy status... The robbers couldn't help but cast envious or jealous looks at Zhang San.


Zhang San didn't feel proud when he saw this, but he clicked his tongue in displeasure.

If possible, he would rather not have this soul ring.

He glanced at the lavender soul ring floating quietly beside him behind him, and murmured to himself:

"Daman, excuse me, this time, let's have another big fight!"

As soon as Zhang San finished speaking, the lavender soul ring emitted a dazzling light.

"It's coming!"

Zhang San felt the surging power in his body, but he did not swing it out directly. Instead, he first pulled out another wooden plate from the pile of goods and smashed it to the ground.

As soon as the wooden plate hit the ground, the sharp claw penetrated from the ground and smashed the wooden plate into pieces.

At this time, Zhang San also jumped up and rushed towards the sharp claw with huge power in the air.

The second soul skill of the millennium: Collapsing Mountain Rush——


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