Douluo Zhang San's counterattack life

Chapter 205 Battle against Pangolin

Wang Defa, who was full of confidence, felt a little guilty again after actually confronting Zhang San.

Wang Defa did get into a state of excitement because of the few words of the unknown beauty in the car. While his mind was getting excited, he also thought about the scene where he was holding the beauty in his arms, drinking wine, and looking at the thousands of rivers and mountains. Of course, he also thought about himself and this ice-skinned girl. Jade bones, charming beauties, and a family full of descendants, he has even begun to think of a name for his third child in the future.

However, Wang Defa was able to survive through life and death until now, and of course he was not a simple-minded character. When he met Zhang San's eyes, he felt like he was looking at a fire-breathing dragon.

At this moment, Wang Defa's heart beat a few minutes faster, big beads of sweat appeared on his forehead, and the clothes on his back were unknowingly wet with sweat.

This was a confrontation of momentum, and Wang De found that he had been completely defeated.

But it didn't matter if he lost a bit in terms of momentum. Wang Defa adjusted his breath and state, and his eyes became serious.

After all, if he wants his dream to come true, the prerequisite is to defeat this kid.

After being possessed by the opponent's martial spirit, Wang Defa carefully analyzed the opponent's abilities.

This kid, he is also a beast spirit, and he seems to be able to attack with agility or power?

The development tendencies of soul masters of beast martial souls can generally be seen directly from their posture after possession. The light ones are agile attack types, the bulky ones are defensive types, and the ones that have both are strong attack types.

After Zhang San was possessed by the martial spirit, his whole body showed aggression. However, the Lin Jia on his body meant that Zhang San's martial spirit development did not give up the increase in defense, but the Lin Jia was not thick enough to have an impact. Zhang San's movements and his strong feet also mean that he has good speed.

After Wang Defa was possessed by the martial soul pangolin, Wang Defa's defense power was greatly enhanced, and his attack power was also significantly improved, but his body's flexibility and movement speed would be greatly affected.

Although Wang Defa was at a disadvantage compared to Zhang San, who seemed to have no shortcomings, he was not nervous.

Zhang San seems to have no shortcomings and has increased in all aspects, but in other words, nothing stands out.

Moreover, Wang Defa could feel that Zhang San's soul power level was at most a great soul master, so Wang Defa believed that he still had an advantage as a three-ring soul master.

But Wang Defa couldn't be optimistic. His intuition told him that something was wrong with the young man in front of him.

and many more!

This boy is so young and has the cultivation of a great soul master?

Wang De found that only now did he realize that the young man in front of him was no more than ten years old at most, but his soul power fluctuation had reached level 20 or above, even close to his level 33 soul master.

And when he was a great soul master, he was already 25 years old, and now he is only level 35 at the age of 33. When he was promoted to a great soul master, this kid's father was still a baby, right?

What magic pill did this kid take?How could it be upgraded so quickly?

When Wang Defa was surprised, Zhang San had already rushed towards Wang Defa.

Just as Wang Defa had judged, Zhang San's speed was quite astonishing. He only needed two breaths to rush to Wang Defa, who was only ten steps away from each other. He jumped up and stabbed Wang Defa in the face with one claw. .

"Hey ha!!"

Zhang San's claw that came with the wind and waves was no small matter. Wang Defa shouted loudly, blocked it with his hands in front of him, and took the blow forcefully.

Wang Defa's movements seemed a little slower after being possessed by the martial spirit, but the compensation was the high amount of defense. Zhang San's sharp claws made a sharp sound on the armor on Wang Defa's arm, and the sound was accompanied by jumping sparks. .

Although this charged attack was successfully blocked by Wang Defa, Zhang San's offensive certainly would not stop there.

Wang Defa used both hands to block Zhang San's right claw that was attacking his face. Then the protection of his upper and lower body was freed. Zhang San in mid-air used his left hand to use the move "Black Tiger Heart Digging" and directly grabbed this man with one claw. The thieves' chest.

At this time, Zhang San was really murderous. His seemingly fierce right blow was actually a feint, the purpose was to deceive Wang Defa's defense. His real killing move was on his left hand. If he didn't block it, Wang Defa's Life ends here.

However, when Wang Defa was attacked by Zhang San, he did not dare to underestimate Zhang San's strength and chose to defend with both hands, leaving a big flaw.

After all, in his impression, young people like this tend to be reckless and straightforward in their moves, not to mention twists and turns and underhanded tricks.

When Wang Defa and Zhang Sanyi came into contact, they found that Zhang San's attack was thunderous but not rainy, and he felt a chill in his chest. He also realized that he had been tricked and plotted, and he had to quickly get back to defend.

But it was not easy to put his hands down. After all, although Zhang San's right hand strike was a feint, it was not something he could ignore.

The distance was too close, and only their arms were in contact with each other. Wang Defa had no way to guarantee that he could push Zhang San away before Zhang San's left hand penetrated his chest.

However, if he chooses to pull off one hand to defend Zhang San's left hand attack, then his defensive area will be scattered, and Zhang San's blocked right paw will have more attack gaps, which can be directly grasped by Zhang San. Take the initiative in the battle.

In addition, Wang Defa's arms are thick and heavy, and he may not be able to catch Zhang San's fatal claw in time.

All of this was just a snap of his fingers. Wang Defa had to defend immediately if he didn't want to be killed by the opponent's attack. He didn't have much time to think, so he directly lowered his head and used his bald head with a large piece of lin armor to block Zhang San's attack.


Zhang San couldn't help but make a sound of surprise when he saw the other party using his head to catch one of his claws.

As a result, Zhang San's sharp claws collided with Wang Defa's bald head, making a clanging sound of steel.

It turns out that Wang Defa's soul ring has also been unfolded at this time. Among the three soul rings of white, yellow and yellow, the first white ten-year soul ring lights up, and the first soul skill - hardening is activated!

The hardening effect of Wang Defa's first soul skill allows Wang Defa to choose to instantly harden a certain part of his body. Now what Wang Defa has hardened is the top of his head. To be precise, it is the earthy yellow piece of armor on his head, which has been affected by the soul skill. After the effect increased, the armor directly turned into a dark green color like a turtle shell.

Zhang San's claw strike, which was intended to end the fight directly, only left a medium-deep claw mark on his head.

When Zhang San was surprised, Wang Defa raised his hands and pushed Zhang San's right hand away. Zhang San, who lost his point of focus, had no choice but to fall to the ground and retreat. Then before Zhang San pounced on him again, the century-old yellow second soul ring behind Wang Defa Lights up, and activates the second soul skill: Earth Escape!

At this moment, Wang Defa lowered his head even lower, and even curled up into a ball. Although Zhang San's sharp claw attack was high, because Wang Defa's relatively weak inner body was completely covered, he could only attack the thick armor on Wang Defa's back.

Although his full blow could barely penetrate the armor, it was unable to cause fatal damage to Wang Defa.

When Zhang San quickly changed his angle and was about to attack Wang Defa's weaker side, Wang Defa's hands and feet suddenly moved quickly on the ground, and the horn-like lin pieces on his head were directly driven into the ground. In the blink of an eye, a 1.8-meter-strong man had his entire body drilled into the ground.

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