
Zhu Huayin, who had been confident just now, immediately widened her eyes. She didn't understand why Zhang San was unharmed after being hit by the sound wave just now.

Obviously Zhang San didn't have the sonic ability to attack him before, or is he actually immune to his own damage?

So was all his previous injuries just an act?

And this strange body skill... I can't figure out what sect this is. Sure enough, this guy has a lot of hidden strength.

Zhu Huayin couldn't see through Zhang San. It could be seen that Zhang San seemed to ignore his own injuries and became more alert inside. He immediately started to play a series of whistling sound waves and hit Zhang San.

Zhang San's side turned into many ghosts again. Zhu Huayin's sound wave shattered the statue, smashed the floor, and disturbed the water in the pool, but Zhang San was unscathed after appearing.

While Zhu Huayin was stunned, Zhang San also thought to himself:

Is that true?

Everything was just as he thought, Zhu Huayin's attack was really completely invincible.

Musical instrument martial souls are a very rare type. Because they are too disadvantaged in the early stage, they have to rely on others to obtain soul rings, and the type of soul beast required is very strict.

This makes it difficult for most soul masters with musical instrument spirits to move forward after reaching the Soul Sage realm. Zhu Huayin was able to reach the Soul Sage realm at a young age not only because of her extremely high talent, but also because of the support of the forces behind her. Strong support and training.

It is precisely because of the rarity of musical instrument soul masters that Zhang San had no experience fighting against musical instrument soul masters in his previous life, not to mention that he was still a soul saint in front of him, and he had no experience fighting soul saints.

Zhang San has always been frustrated and passive because of insufficient intelligence.

And now Zhang San has thought of understanding the method.

The key to the solution lies in the sound waves played by Zhu Huayin.

After Zhang San's previous fight with Zhu Huayin, he discovered that her sound waves were actually mixed damage, and there were mainly two types of damage. One was the most basic sonic damage emitted by the flute, and the other was the additional soul power damage released by Zhu Huayin.

The sound wave emitted by the flute is the basic sonic damage. Although it can cause damage to both the mind and body, the damage is not high. At least Zhang San can resist it.

But the extra soul damage exerted by Zhu Huayin could really injure Zhang San. After all, it was a direct attack from Zhu Huayin, the soul saint, and Zhang San really couldn't bear it.

If you can't bear it, just stay away.

So in fact, Zhang San didn't dodge Zhu Huayin's sound wave just now. What he really dodged was the soul power attack in the sound wave.

Although the extra soul damage from Zhu Huayin was issued together with the sonic attack, it was not mixed in all the sound waves.

Just like if the same amount of a spoonful of salt is sprinkled into a bucket of water and a bowl of water, which water is saltier, the result is obvious.

In order to improve the efficiency of soul power use and attack damage, Zhu Huayin concentrated his power to launch attacks.

Zhang San was able to make this judgment because of the traces of damage caused when Zhu Huayin launched a sonic attack. Zhu Huayin's sound waves could be heard everywhere in the entire bathroom, but only the walls and statues in his position showed obvious signs of being attacked. .

Zhang San, who was confused, tried to use ghost shadow to deal with it. After successfully dodging damage once, his guess was confirmed to be correct.

Zhu Huayin, who did not believe in evil, continued to play the flute, while Zhang San quickly left his original position and started running around Zhu Huayin, following the ghostly steps.

Zhang San couldn't see the sound, and the venue was not wide, so he had to use this method to delay Zhu Huayin's attack.

Zhu Huayin's attack came almost close to Zhang San. There were constant banging and shattering sounds behind Zhang San. Zhu Huayin's sound wave shattered the walls and floors he passed, while Zhang San ran quickly to dodge the most important damage. .

But Zhang San also realized that he would still lose in this way. He could hide, but he might not be able to hide forever.

The consumption of soul power by the ghost shadow follower is not low. Although he has become a great soul master and has reached level 28, he can only maintain the "ghost shadow heavy" of the ghost shadow follower for only 3 minutes.

He must find a way to attack Zhu Huayin and win.

However, how could Zhang San have any room to attack Zhu Huayin who was still ten steps away from him?

Especially after many unsuccessful attacks, Zhu Huayin not only increased the input of soul power, but also the tune of the flute became faster. Waves of waves rolled towards Zhang San, and the attacks became more fierce. Zhang San did not stop or turn at all. An opportunity to get close to Zhu Huayin.

While Zhang San was racking his brains to think of a way to break the situation, Zhu Huayin also lost his patience after attacking again and again with little effect.

The first century-old soul ring behind her lit up, and the first soul skill, Explosion, was activated!

At this moment, an extremely high-pitched flute sound came from the flute and spread around.

This is……?

Zhang San understood that this move was a real group attack. The moment the sound reached his ears, his whole body was knocked away as if he had been hit by a giant fist.

Can a person move faster than sound?

At least Zhang San couldn't do it. After Zhu Huayin made all his sound waves have the additional effects of soul skills, Zhang San's previous solution became ineffective.

And only now did Zhang San truly realize the huge gap in strength between him and Zhu Huayin, the soul saint.

It's not that Zhu Huayin can't make all her sound waves contain additional high damage. If she doesn't do this, it's just that she has to hold back due to scruples.

If Zhu Huayin was really determined to take Zhang San's life, it would be just a matter of time.

"Is this guy really... flawless?"

Zhang San, who was knocked back, hit the wall hard, leaving a human-shaped mark on the wall. His bones seemed to be falling apart, which made him feel extremely painful.

However, Zhang San endured the severe pain all over his body, fell from the wall, and then got up from the ground. Although his whole body was shaking, he finally stood up.

"Ha! You can actually stand up?"

Zhu Huayin's words seemed to be admiring Zhang San's tenacity, but it was like commenting on an insect that had been run over once and could still move its tentacles. It was unclear whether it was admiration or another kind of arrogant sarcasm.

And Zhu Huayin also said:

"If you still have any skills, show them quickly, otherwise you will never have a chance again."

Looking at Zhang San who was severely injured by himself, Zhu Huayin understood that Zhang San's true strength was actually just this. He could persist in her sound waves because he had caught the loopholes in her attacks. As long as she changed her attack mode , this guy showed his true colors.

However, this does not explain why Zhang San can withstand the sonic attack in her basic state. You must know that her flute sound can make the soul masters below the soul sect lose their combat power even without any blessing.

Although Zhu Huayin wanted to immediately execute the intruder Zhang San on the spot, she also understood that her primary purpose was to get enough information from Zhang San.Therefore, Zhang San was specially given room to breathe.

"Oh? Don't regret it?"

After adjusting his breath, Zhang San grinned at Zhu Huayin, and then the yellow century-old soul ring behind him flashed, and Zhang San disappeared.

Zhang San and Zhu Huayin, the third round of the great soul master versus soul saint, begins!

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