Douluo Zhang San's counterattack life

Chapter 172 Zhu Huayin’s provocation

Obviously the situation has taken a turn for the worse, but now Zhang San still has the confidence to turn defeat into victory.

His confidence is certainly not blind.

Although Zhu Huayin's strength is far superior to that of Zhang San, Zhang San understands that Zhu Huayin is still wary of his identity as "Bibi Dong's personal disciple", so Zhu Huayin is blocking him and cannot exert his full strength.

Moreover, the current environment is a closed space like the bathroom. This closed and not wide space certainly means that he will not have many places to hide or dodge, but the same is true for Zhu Huayin.

In addition, although Zhu Huayin is a seven-ring soul saint, she is a weapon soul master after all, and her physical body is not affected by the effects of martial arts.

As a Soul Saint, although her physical body is very powerful compared to ordinary people, it has not yet reached the point of being invulnerable. In addition, her soul skills are all explosive, so there is a possibility of hurting or even severely injuring Zhu Huayin.

Moreover, even if he couldn't win, there was a high probability that he would just be knocked unconscious and imprisoned by Zhu Huayin. He would be saved when Bibi Dong came over. If Zhu Huayin really had murderous intentions, he could also use teleportation to escape.

In addition, he has a systematic healing function. If he is really beaten in a battle and loses his arms and legs, he can grow them back by spending a few points.

With these as a guarantee, what else does he have to fear?

Especially after Zhang San saw the fighting methods of Bibi Dong and his mirror image, Zhang San was deeply curious about the fighting methods of higher-level soul masters. After all, it was completely unknown territory for him who had stopped as a soul king in his previous life. .

This was a rare opportunity to compete with a true Soul Saint powerhouse. Zhang San, who was well aware of his own lack of strength, urgently needed experience against these powerhouses.

Therefore, Zhang San not only did not panic about the next battle, but was very much looking forward to it. His mind was also working rapidly to calculate the battle plan. At the same time, his body did not stop, and he poured the water curtain towards Zhu Huayin again.

"Ha! Don't play such childish tricks again!"

Although the water curtain thrown by Zhang San did no harm, Zhu Huayin, who always pays attention to dignity, did not want to get wet.

Zhu Huayin waved his flute again to block the water curtain, and at the same time fired a sound wave at Zhang San.

Zhang San rolled over in the water to dodge without much thought, and a wave of water immediately exploded at his original position.

In order to be able to deal with the following battle in time, the soul rings were also displayed behind Zhang San. Two soul rings, one yellow and one purple, floated behind Zhang San. Compared with the seven rings behind Zhu Huayin, they did appear to be extremely thin, but originally he was extremely disdainful. Zhu Huayin couldn't help but look surprised when he saw the purple light emitting from the second ring.

"The second ring is actually a thousand years... Is your soul ring really that of the dead Barbarian Beast?"

Zhu Huayin remembered that Zhang San was only a first-level soul master when he escaped, but now he suddenly advanced to a second-level soul master, and his soul power reached level 28. Zhu Huayin couldn't quite understand what happened to Zhang San, but from this soul master Judging from the surroundings, it should be from the thousand-year-old beast that Zhang San abducted from their side.

Can you directly upgrade to eight levels by just absorbing a thousand-year soul ring?

Zhu Huayin felt a little confused and did not rush to attack Zhang San. Zhang San was stunned when he heard this. He then remembered that he knew nothing about the outside world after he entered the secret realm, let alone that he left Daman. After seeing the corpse, Zhang San stood in the pool and asked Zhu Huayin:

"Have you found Daman?"

"Yes, if you are talking about the Barbarian Beast, yes, its body has been found."

The tense posture between the two people suddenly became so cold. Zhu Huayin was already confused about whether the strength and soul ring shown by Zhang San were fake. Now she could just talk to Zhang San, so she said patiently:

"Three days have passed since you sneaked into the secret realm. The ruins you created have long been cleaned up. We also found the body of the beast by the way."

Hearing this, Zhang San quickly asked: "Then what?"

"What then?"

Zhu Huayin frowned, looking confused.

"Then what did you do with Daman's body? Is it still there? Where did you put it?"

Zhang San asked eagerly, he also planned to resurrect Daman.Although he didn't know the specific conditions yet, Daman's body must be preserved for safety reasons, and it should be buried if it was not needed.

"How else to deal with the body of a soul beast?"

Zhu Huayin sneered, as if Zhang San asked a very stupid question.

"I was afraid that the meat would go bad, so I stewed it and made broth the night I found it. It was an extra meal for everyone."

The role of the beasts raised in captivity by the Rakshasa Cult is similar to that of livestock such as cattle and sheep. On weekdays, the beasts cooperate with the Rakshasa cultists and are responsible for carrying heavy objects and doing hard work. During wartime, they join the battlefield as a combat force. If they are injured, If you die of illness, or there is a lack of food in the stronghold, these beasts and other domesticated beasts will serve as food reserves.

"If you want to ask me how to deal with it specifically, I can also tell you that its flesh was scraped off to make vegetables and stew, its skin was used to make leather armor, and its bones were used to make hammers and horns. We used them to make cups, but if we couldn’t use them like teeth, we threw them away as garbage.”

Zhu Huayin explained to Zhang San in great detail the whereabouts of each part of the Barefoot beast, and she also specifically added:

"If you go to the kitchen now, you might be able to have a sip of yesterday's leftover soup. The soup is very fresh, but the meat is a bit rough."


Zhang San, who kept thinking about the Barbarian Beast and himself, as well as the scene described by Zhu Huayin, lowered his head, clenched his hands into fists, and trembled all over.

"Oh? Are you angry?"

Zhang San's performance was so obvious. Zhu Huayin certainly saw Zhang San's anger. She smiled and said:

"No way? You're not angry because of a beast that was turned into a dish, are you?"

"To shut up!!"

In his previous life, Zhang San was cut into pieces by the Tang Sect, and then fried into a pot of broth in a hot oil pan.

Being stabbed in the painful spot again and again, Zhang San's heart was filled with anger. He roared, jumped out of the water, and attacked the arrogant woman.


Seeing Zhang San with two soul rings floating behind him, one yellow and one purple, with a large amount of water spray, Zhu Huayin, as the Seventh Ring Soul Saint, just sneered, then put the flute to his mouth and started playing.

She blew a sharp flute sound, and the sound wave immediately roared towards Zhang San. At this time, Zhang San happened to step on the stone slab beside the pool, and when his legs landed on the ground, he used the Ghost Shadow Step.

After Zhang Sanxuan's heavenly skills have entered the third level, that is, the soul power has advanced to the great soul master, Tang Sect secret arts such as ghost shadow and trace can also be further advanced.

At this moment, the ghost shadow trace step used by Zhang San has reached the third level of ghost shadow trace, with many ghosts.

Zhang San gathered his energy and stepped quickly, his body turned into multiple phantoms that intersected reality and reality. Most of the attacks from other enemies could be confused and dodged, but when they encountered this sound wave, they were all scattered and disappeared, allowing Zhang San to directly reveal his true body. .

After all, this is a sound wave. You can't avoid the sound wave by moving around, and there aren't even any effective defensive skills. It can be said that it perfectly restrained Zhang San's bells and whistles.

However, this time Zhang San was not knocked away by the sound wave like before. Instead, he jumped up again after appearing and continued to rush towards Zhu Huayin.

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