However, Zhang San and Zhu Huayin in the bathroom now don't know that Bibi Dong has come here in person.

Zhang San is too busy taking care of himself right now, so of course he has no time to pay attention to the situation outside. Zhu Huayin is also very focused on the things in front of him, and of course he has no time to pay attention to it.

Moreover, as an Eight-ring Soul Douluo, Bibi Dong deliberately concealed her aura. Zhu Huayin, a soul saint, and Zhang San, who was only a great soul master, found it difficult to detect Bibi Dong's existence.

"What do you want to do?"

When Zhang San saw Zhu Huayin suddenly showing off his martial arts spirit, he also pushed away the two female waitresses. With this attitude, anyone who wasn't stupid would know what Zhu Huayin was going to do.

Seeing the fear on Zhang San's face, Zhu Huayin immediately sneered and said:

"You still have a chance to regret it now, so hurry up and do it all!"

And Zhang San could only smile bitterly and said: "Sister! But...I have already used all my moves?"

"Huh? Still being stubborn?!"

The bastard in front of me still doesn't admit her true intentions and still calls herself "eldest sister". Is she that old?

Zhu Huayin laughed angrily at Zhang San, and even the soul ring appeared immediately.

Yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black.

The seven best-equipped soul rings floated slowly behind Zhu Huayin. The moment these seven soul rings appeared, her aura surged again, and the soul power pressure given to Zhang San increased by two levels, reaching The threshold of level [-].

Although Zhang San did not want to provoke Zhu Huayin, he still underestimated women's sensitivity to age and titles. In addition, Zhu Huayin was already filled with anger towards Zhang San. This spark successfully detonated the powder keg in her heart.

"Since you are not afraid of death, then I will help you!"

As soon as Zhu Huayin finished speaking angrily, he put the mouthpiece of the flute in his hand to his lips and started playing.

"Ah? No..."

Zhang San was confused. Before he could figure out what Zhu Huayin was going on, the sound waves rushing out of the silver flute had already penetrated his mind.


Bibi Dong, who was in the corridor outside, noticed the sound waves spreading around. Although she had no reaction, the two waitresses behind her immediately showed expressions of pain.

Bibi Dong waved his hand and an invisible soul barrier appeared in front of him, and the two women behind him also returned to normal, but their faces were still red for a while and their breath was unstable.

Zhu Huayin's attack method is sound waves. Her martial spirit is called Silver Black Phoenix Flute. This flute has sixteen holes and is two feet long. Its sound is melodious and melodious, making it the leader among musical instrument martial arts.

However, musical instrument spirits are a very weak type of weapon spirit in the early stage of the soul master realm.

After all, musical instrument souls can neither directly provide the holder with a large amount of attack power like weapon souls such as long swords, nor can they provide a large amount of defensive power like shields and other weapon souls, nor can they provide the holder with a large amount of defense power like beast souls. Some people carry out all-round physical improvement.

But it would not be right to classify musical instrument martial arts as auxiliary.

After all, the sound waves of musical instrument spirits can indeed cause damage with the blessing of the soul master's soul power, but the damage is more touching.Moreover, the auxiliary effects provided are not as effective as those of food-type martial arts, nor are they like pure auxiliary martial spirits such as the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, which can not only fix the auxiliary object, but also provide a huge increase at the same time.

The soul skill effects emitted by musical instrument martial arts whose main attack method is sound waves often have the side effect of indistinguishable between friend and foe.

Although from another perspective, a soul master who holds a musical instrument-type soul master has the ability of both an offensive soul master and an auxiliary soul master, they have both functions. In other words, they are not good at either direction.

Therefore, before the Soul Sect, musical instrument spirits were basically atmosphere groups. They could only stay behind and increase the momentum of allies by playing melody, or weaken the enemy to a certain extent through the combination of special melody and soul skills. or damage, which is not yet controllable.

Moreover, the self-protection ability of musical instrument soul masters is very worrying. Once they are approached, they have basically no way to counterattack. Especially in the early stage, they only have two or three soul skills. The skills must be focused on increasing their own damage or assisting allies in fighting. The self-protection soul skill does not do enough damage, nor can it provide good supporting effects to friendly units.

Moreover, self-preservation soul skills can only allow you to hold on for a while longer at most, and you have to be beaten down when you should be beaten down.

In other words, musical instrument soul masters have become dispensable. If they are placed with soul masters of the same level, they will not have any advantage in terms of support or combat.

However, do musical instrument martial arts really have no advantages?

In fact, this is not necessarily the case. The advantage of musical instrument martial arts lies in the extremely large-scale "true" group attack. In theory, as long as you hear the sound of the instrument, you will be affected by it, and basically cannot be effectively defended.

However, due to the low level of soul masters in the early stage, and the level of mental and soul power is insufficient, the damage that musical instrument soul masters can cause is also relatively limited, and it is difficult to distinguish between ourselves and the enemy.

However, if this situation were placed on a higher-level soul master, it would be different.

Instrumental soul masters who have reached the fourth-ring soul sect can already use more complex sound waves to directly boost the encouragement of units that need to be inspired and increase, and weaken the units that need to be weakened, and because soul sects can generally have two Thousand-year soul rings, the effects of thousand-year soul rings and hundred-year soul rings are not of the same order of magnitude.

Two thousand-year soul rings mean that musical instrument soul masters can take into account both attack and self-protection methods, which makes them no longer so easily at a disadvantage in the confrontation between soul masters of the same level.

When you reach the realm of Soul King and above, there will be ten-thousand-year soul rings that provide more complex and terrifying soul skills than those of thousand-year soul rings. The attack characteristics of musical instrument souls allow musical instrument soul masters to amplify these high-power soul skills. To a level that far exceeds other types of soul masters.

Not only can they destroy opponents at super long distances, but they can also kill as many as they come, and they have no effective means of defense.

Rock-hard flesh or extremely hard armor will be penetrated by sound waves.

Even if you are deaf, it can only weaken part of the impact on the brain. Contrary to some people's common sense, in fact, no matter whether you can hear the attack of sound waves, the tissues and organs that should be shattered will still be shattered.

High-level instrument soul masters can be said to have outstanding effects, especially when fighting against a large number of low-level enemies whose strength is not outstanding.

It is said that a soul saint can rival thousands of troops. In fact, this statement is greatly exaggerated.

There is no need to consider that the auxiliary soul saints themselves often do not have combat capabilities. The offensive soul saints, whether they are weapon souls or beast souls, cannot kill a complete regiment-level regular army due to the limitation of soul power. The control soul saints rule The damage is insufficient, and the problem of insufficient soul power is the same as the strong attack system. The agility attack system, which is least good at protracted combat, is even weaker. The defense system Soul Saint, who is not good at attacking, also does not have this ability.

Saying that a soul saint can rival thousands of armies is mostly an exaggeration among the people, or is used to reflect the abilities of soul masters who are in the realm of soul saints and are beyond mortals.

There is actually only one type of soul master who can truly destroy thousands of armies at the soul saint stage, and that is the musical instrument soul saint, that is - the music saint!

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