That's right, the one who appeared here was none other than the Rakshasa Saint, Bibi Dong.

At this time, Bibi Dong was wearing a white Guanfeng bathrobe and standing barefoot at the other end of the corridor. Her expression was neither happy nor sad, and it was hard to figure out. When she saw the two waitresses discovering her, her purple eyes immediately cast a stern look at them. Sight.


The two girls also understood what the saint meant. They immediately covered their mouths and stopped making any sound.

At this time, Bibi Dong seemed to have just showered and changed clothes, and she was quite hasty when she came out. Her long lavender hair was casually scattered on her shoulders, and it was even a little wet, and there was even a slight splash at the ends of her hair. Waterdrops, she had nothing on her body except this loose bathrobe, and there was no makeup or make-up on her face.

When Bibi Dong saw the two waitresses standing uneasily at the door, she frowned slightly, then waved to them, motioning them to come over.

After arriving in front of Bibi Dong, the two women did not dare to look directly into Bibi Dong's eyes. They just bowed their heads and knelt at Bibi Dong's feet.

In fact, the Rakshasa Cult does not practice the ritual of kneeling and worshiping. Even if the person is a saint of the Rakshasa Cult, except for solemn ceremonies where they must kneel, in informal occasions like this, they only need to kneel on one knee at most, or even simpler. Just bow and nod.

However, as soon as the two of them arrived in front of Bibi Dong, their knees became weak due to excessive nervousness, and they couldn't help but kneel down in front of Bibi Dong.

Of course, it's no wonder the two girls were so nervous.

These two maids were also lower-level members of the Rakshasa Cult, and there was no chance that they would be summoned by Bibi Dong in person.

What's more, Bibi Dong, who has always been in a high position, has such a strong aura. Even if she is not wearing formal clothes or even deliberately maintaining her appearance, she still exudes a powerful aura of self-respect. It is really difficult for ordinary people to maintain a normal mind. .

Bibi Dong hadn't spoken yet. Out of guilt and worry about Zhang San, the two women stammered:

"Your Highness the Saint, they are, they are inside."

If anyone in the entire Rakshasa Sect can stop the "Sound Envoy" Zhu Huayin, it is the saint in front of him who has an extremely high status in the Rakshasa Sect.

The two girls heard that Zhang San was Bibi Dong's direct disciple, and Bibi Dong's sudden appearance here might be able to end the suffering Zhang San is experiencing.

"Ok, I know."

However, after hearing the two women's meaningful reports, Bibi Dong just nodded slightly without saying much. When the two women were confused, Bibi Dong said again:

"You two, get up! No matter what happens next, don't make a sound, just wait here."


The two women looked at each other, and they both read one emotion from each other's expressions - shock!

Obviously Bibi Dong didn't understand what Zhu Huayin was doing. She might even have appeared here earlier, and maybe she knew exactly what was going on here from beginning to end.

However, she chose to sit back and watch, and even deliberately let the situation continue to develop.

And this means that everything happening in that room now is exactly what Bibi Dong wanted to happen.

In other words, the woman in front of them may be the real "mastermind behind the scenes."

But what if they could figure this out?

They didn't know what they could do with this information, so they could only act according to Bibi Dong's orders.

So after the two women exchanged glances for a while, they stood up in fear and came to stand behind Bibi Dong. Bibi Dong, who had always had a cold expression, suddenly raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

Everything currently is within her calculations.

Bibi Dong arranged for Zhu Huayin to be responsible for settling Zhang San. She originally wanted Zhu Huayin to investigate and test Zhang San on her behalf.

Although Zhu Huayin did not receive explicit instructions from Bibi Dong, as a superior and subordinate for many years, there was still a tacit understanding.

So Zhu Huayin dared to drugged and then interrogate Zhang San, actually because she got tacit approval from Bibi Dong.

Indeed, just as Zhang San thought, Bibi Dong was not at ease with him.

But Bibi Dong knew that she couldn't push Zhang San too much. She had to make good use of Zhang San as a "good apprentice". Naturally, she could only play the role of a gentle and considerate "good master".

Since she had this emotional card in her hand and couldn't play it casually, she couldn't be hard on Zhang San either.

Then if she wanted to find out Zhang San's background, she would need other means.

So Bibi Dong chose Zhu Huayin.

As her old subordinate for many years, Zhu Huayin's nature is very clear to Bibi Dong.

Zhu Huayin, who can become one of the six envoys of the Rakshasa Cult, is also an outstanding person in her own right. She is similar in age to Bibi Dong. Although she is only a seven-ring soul saint now, there is still a big gap between her and Bibi Dong, but she is less than 30 years old. The [-]-year-old Soul Saint can already stand out among the heroes. In time, it will not be difficult to become a titled Douluo across the continent.

Moreover, in addition to Zhu Huayin's extremely high talent for cultivation, she is also an extremely shrewd and capable woman.

Among the other Rakshasa priests stationed in the branch, it is not that there are those who are above Zhu Huayin like the two elders Lan Zi, but because these Rakshasa priests are basically obsessed with self-cultivation and generally do not care about worldly affairs, in fact, the entire branch The manager of the rudder is Zhu Huayin.

Similar to Bibi Dong, Zhu Huayin is also a very reliable leader. He manages the affairs of the entire branch in an orderly manner. The number of followers in this new branch established in the Tiandou Empire is also increasing steadily. Everyone at the helm respects and recognizes Zhu Huayin.

If it weren't for Bibi Dong's existence, Zhu Huayin shouldn't be a "sound envoy", but a Rakshasa...saint!

But the Rakshasa Sect, like the Wuhun Temple, only those who are capable will come forward.

Zhu Huayin was initially dissatisfied with Bibi Dong, who was clearly an outsider but was designated as a saint by Rakshasa leader Otto.

However, in subsequent contacts, she learned that Bibi Dong's strength and ability were superior to hers. After truly feeling Bibi Dong's strength and her gap with him, she lost her temper and became Bibi Dong's loyal subordinate. .

And it may be because Zhu Huayin was born in the Star Luo Empire. As a member of the Star Luo Empire, his Mu Qiang character is engraved in his bones. After Zhu Huayin was impressed by Bibi Dong's power, his loyalty to Bibi Dong was unusual.

She not only regards him as her superior, but also regards Bibi Dong as the goal she pursues in her life, or in other words - her idol.

In other words, Zhu Huayin is actually a fanatical follower of Bibi Dong.

If one of the priests present had the most ill will toward Zhang San after he followed Bibi Dong and appeared in everyone's sight, it was definitely Zhu Huayin.

After all, being able to become Bibi Dong's personal disciple means that he will have many opportunities to get along with Bibi Dong in the future, and can also obtain various knowledge and skills from Bibi Dong's words and deeds... No matter who enjoys this kind of treatment, as long as it is not him, Zhu Huayin will envy.

What's more, Zhang San's origins are unknown, and he also caused considerable damage and losses to the sub-rudder under Zhu Huayin's management, injuring many of Zhu Huayin's subordinates, including her capable generals. More importantly, Zhang San also destroyed the normal situation. The divine examination ceremony carried out posed a direct threat to Bibi Dong's safety and the future of the Rakshasa Religion.

However, Zhang San, who was extremely guilty in the eyes of Zhu Huayin and the Rakshasa cult, suddenly became her personal disciple on Bibi Dong's side. Later, Bibi Dong showed partiality towards Zhang San, and it was likely that Zhang San would be directly related to Luo Sha. It means to wipe out the grudges of the Chasect with one stroke.

Although Zhu Huayin could not understand why Bibi Dong was like this, she certainly would not blame Bibi Dong, but would place all the cause and effect on Zhang San.

So despite Zhu Huayin's apparent indifference to Zhang San, she had actually hated Zhang San so much that she wanted to tear Zhang San into pieces right away.

Bibi Dong certainly knows that Zhu Huayin's resentment towards Zhang San is not trivial. She also knows that once Zhu Huayin is allowed to deal with Zhang San freely, there will definitely be "slight" excessive behavior.

But only in such an extreme environment can people unleash more potential.

Bibi Dong just wanted to see what trump card Zhang San would use under the pressure of Zhu Huayin?Will the weirdo he calls "Xitong" appear?

As for whether letting all this continue to develop will result in consequences she doesn't want...

Is this not?

She came in person!

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